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Old 02-21-2023, 12:09 PM   #1
ICU 812
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Default Kieth Oberman Has CXaled For a Red Stste/Blue Stste Civil War

He Has. No link . . .but its out there.

How is this not a potential incitement to national violence?

Recall when Senator Gabby Gifford was tragically shot by a mentally destringed guy? The liberal-left and every news outlet blamed the shooting on a Republican graphic in a political ad that called for a "targeting" (politically) specific Democrat office holders?

Now Don Lemon is facing self-criticism and re-education afdter making blatantly mysocynist remarks about Nikki Haley and women in general, Shouldn't Keith Oberman face at least that if not dismissal and prosecution for advocating insurrection?
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Old 02-21-2023, 01:53 PM   #2
winn dixie
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A gay black man does not have to follow the same standards as most

As far as civil war?????? Lets get it over with!!!!!!!!!
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Old 02-21-2023, 03:19 PM   #3
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Blimey! ... I can't tell from seeing him on the telly that
Keith Oberman is a black man... Reckon I learn something
new everyday... Though HE SHOULD be held to the same
standards as everyone else... Just like Winn mentioned.

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Old 02-21-2023, 05:28 PM   #4
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CXaled? Is that a rapper?
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Old 02-21-2023, 06:07 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
He Has. No link . . .but its out there.

How is this not a potential incitement to national violence?

Recall when Senator Gabby Gifford was tragically shot by a mentally destringed guy? The liberal-left and every news outlet blamed the shooting on a Republican graphic in a political ad that called for a "targeting" (politically) specific Democrat office holders?

Now Don Lemon is facing self-criticism and re-education afdter making blatantly mysocynist remarks about Nikki Haley and women in general, Shouldn't Keith Oberman face at least that if not dismissal and prosecution for advocating insurrection?

for those struggling on the topics due to minor spelling issues ...

Keith Olbermann Calls for Civil War as the Only Way to Stop Mass Shootings



"We are OWNED by guns. Only one thing will change that.

"We must have Economic Civil War. Blue States must financially starve the Red States, the Gun Lobby, the GOP, the Death Lobby, and the crooked judiciary into submission.


Keith Olberman was a sometime sports presenter, a sometime political talking head, and is now nothing but a chronically unemployed former media hack who could never manage to hold a job for long due to his, uh, prickly personality and spectacularly cantankerous assholishness.

Since there’s no one left who’s willing to take the risk of employing him again, he now puts out a version of his old MSNBC show via podcast, no doubt reaching dozens of his formerly devoted fans.

Like so many on the anti-gun left, Olbermann was quick to jump on the DO SOMETHING hot take train yesterday, reacting to the Michigan State shooting. But rather than clownishly calling for an assault weapons ban (the MSU shooter used handguns) while sidestepping the inconvenient role that “progressive” criminal justice policies played in making the shooting possible, Olbermann — as has always been his wont — went farther. A lot farther.

Staring gravely into his iPhone, he pronounced that . . .

We are owned by guns. And therefore, there is only one way to stop the mass shootings. It is to suffocate the businesses that make billions of dollars in profits off guns. To destroy the gun lobby, the death lobby, and the Republican party that defends those lobbies and those businesses.

And the only way to do that is an economic civil war. The blue states have all the money. They must starve the red states into submission, or another 600,000 Americans will be murdered in the next ten to twelve years.

If he’s aware that an economic civil war aimed at crushing those with social and political views he finds repugnant would have a not-insignificant chance of turning kinetic, he doesn’t seem to care. Fortunately, there’s little reason to take anything seriously that a washed-up crank like Olbermann, who has only a tenuous remaining grasp on reality, manages to shout out into the vastness of the internet.

It’s all too easy for a cosseted, cardigan-clad bloviator, one with more self-regard than actual cranial capacity, to call for another civil war in order to finally put and end to the evil Gun Lobby™ and politicians that at least still pay lip service to the right to keep and bear arms.

Never mind that the assumptions that apparently underly Olbermann’s anxiousness for an economic civil war are ludicrous. Of the 600,000 lives he claims would be saved by nuking the gun lobby, statistics show over 350,000 of those are suicides. If he thinks waging war to decimate Big Gun will prevent those, he’s even more delusional than he looks.

Olbermann also claims that “blue states have all the money.” That will come as something of a surprise to states like Texas, Florida, Ohio, Georgia, Tennessee and others. Then there’s the fact that the Civil War of 1861 to 1865 began with economic sanctions on southern states. Over 600,000 died by the end.
What America would look like if, somehow, only the government was armed isn’t a concept his big brain can accomodate. Let alone the fact that it was something the Founders feared more than almost anything else. That’s why they guaranteed the right of the people to arm themselves, ensuring a necessary balance of power, keeping would-be tyrants at bay and the populace free.

The likelihood of Olbermann’s hoped-for economic civil war escalating into a shooting war is significant and not one even remotely worth taking. Too many on both the left and the right have begun to talk in recent years about another civil war as if it’s an inevitability. They seem to assume that it would be concluded quickly and in favor of their side. They see what they believe is an intractably, mostly evenly divided country and can only conceive of one ultimate resolution for he problems that keep them up at night.

In reality, a new civil war isn’t something that should ever be taken lightly or wished for by anyone. If it somehow happened, it would be a disaster beyond the imagination of the vast majority of Americans.

As historian and Civil War expert Allen Guelzo makes clear . . .

“There is no civil calamity greater than the two words [civil war] we have in view today; not plague, not a depression, not even war itself,” Guelzo said. “And it is my earnest hope that no one listening to us will take those two words into their mouths with anything except a sense of horror and revulsion.” …

The American Civil War was short-lived, but its consequences for the country were terrible and continued to affect the generations that followed, he said.
“Americans have endured one civil war, and though by the standards of civil conflicts of world history, ours was comparatively brief, only four years, compared to the 20 years of the Taiping Rebellion in China in the 1850s and ’60s and the English Civil War of 1642 to ’53, yet its costs were heart-stopping,” Guelzo said.

Those costs were 750,000 Americans dead, wounded, maimed, or missing, and “a federal veterans pension list so big that for a half-century afterward it was the single largest item in the federal budget.”

That’s why Guelzo warned of those looking toward a future of an America embroiled in civil war, adding that we “must never let those two words pass our lips lightly, or even worse, seriously.”

Again, after serial bouts of career seppuku, Olbermann has lost his prominent platform(s), virtually all of his audience, and any shred of credibility he may once have had. He’s mostly just a punchline now with a podcast and a Twitter account.

Still, it’s more than a little disconcerting to hear anyone — even a washed-up, inconsequential has-been — announce that the last best solution for the social, political, and policy pathologies that have resulted in increased violent crime in America is to wage war against those on the other side of the spectrum. Idiots like Olbermann have no idea what it is they’re wishing for.

now the "cancelled" Don Lemon ... bahahhaaaaa

Don Lemon will return to 'CNN This Morning' on Wednesday


Don Lemon on Wednesday will return to “CNN This Morning,” but his network is requiring him to undergo sensitivity training in response to his recent offensive comments about women.

In a memo to staff Monday, CNN Chairman Chris Licht said Lemon will return to the anchor desk he shares with Kaitlan Collins and Poppy Harlow.

"I sat down with Don and had a frank and meaningful conversation," Licht said in the memo, which was reviewed by The Times. "He has agreed to participate in formal training, as well as continuing to listen and learn. We take this situation very seriously."

The note put to rest speculation that Lemon would be fired over the imbroglio, which has become a major distraction for the network.

"The revolution always eats its own"

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Old 02-21-2023, 06:25 PM   #6
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What's the big deal? It's just political discourse. Right?

When Marjorie Taylor Greene Says ‘National Divorce,’ She Means Another Civil War

To be clear, fantasies of a more-or-less peaceful separation of red and blue states have become as common as hand-wringing pleas for a centrist third party to paper over the ideological differences between the two major parties. Some even emanate from left-of-center writers (New York flirted with the idea in 2018), though the bulk of neo-secessionist sentiment, now as in the 1850s, comes from the right, which is suffused with anxiety over an impending or actual socialist tyranny (when its voices are not triumphantly braying about the support they enjoy from “the American people,” that is).

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Old 02-22-2023, 04:56 AM   #7
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It is my gueass that,. propotionally, more Red State citizens have had time at a gun range each year than citizens of Blue States.

But it is economic civil war he is speaking of I think. Texas, Florida Tennessee and other Red States are doing pretty well there too.

California and NYC are about to collapse under their weight of sanctuaried foreign citizens who have entered illegally.
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Old 02-22-2023, 09:17 AM   #8
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Default Doing the mental math

Lemme see if I've added up the numbers correctly.
This person suggested that the red and blue states need a divorce and should go their separate ways amicably and gets labeled an insurrectionist, senior citizen, racyyyst and general all around nut job.

While this azz-hat wants to start a shooting war (presumably not volunteering himself) with the people that are severely more well armed.and he gets labeled as a cleric and the voice of reason with jubilation from the LambSCREAM Media and the lef-tards lap it up like spilt sperm.

Dunno. Seems kinda sad to me
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Old 02-22-2023, 09:25 AM   #9
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Rebel Yell

Lets get it over with!

Restore America
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Old 02-22-2023, 12:07 PM   #10
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I thgought that this sort of thing had been settled during 1861-1865.

I suppose a separation could be done without doing Frederiksberg, Gettysburg or Antietam again, but it would take one or more Constitutional Amendments.
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Old 02-22-2023, 12:20 PM   #11
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I’d love a separation. What Republican wouldn’t. Dems would hate it though. They’d wake up one morning and realize they would have to collectively work and pay for all that free shit.
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Old 02-22-2023, 12:59 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
I’d love a separation. What Republican wouldn’t. Dems would hate it though. They’d wake up one morning and realize they would have to collectively work and pay for all that free shit.
Sorta happening now according to U-Haul rates from NY and Commifornia going through the roof to Red States, yet dirt cheap going in the opposite direction. Read the other day that San Fran Nan's hometown just realized that boycotting Red States is increasing their costs 10-20%.
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Old 02-22-2023, 07:30 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
I’d love a separation. What Republican wouldn’t. Dems would hate it though. They’d wake up one morning and realize they would have to collectively work and pay for all that free shit.
... Yeah.

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Old 02-23-2023, 12:07 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
I’d love a separation. What Republican wouldn’t. Dems would hate it though. They’d wake up one morning and realize they would have to collectively work and pay for all that free shit.

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Old 02-23-2023, 02:00 PM   #15
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It's coming... the people are sorting themselves out. Libtards to blue areas, Conservative families to red states. Barring some black swan (ie. a limited conflict w/ China over Taiwan or w/ Russia over UKR)it will probably take another generation before the states full on tell the Feds to Fcuk off.

Slowly but surely, the states will enact exemption laws and sanctuary laws to prevent the Feds from interfering with state commerce.

Eventually the Feds will have to move or be seen as illegitimate by even their own supporters. Thats when the shooting happens but it will be short lived.. the armed forces won't be an effective fighting force probably ever again in our lifetimes.

If the ChiComs decide to move on Taiwan in 2024 which I expect, then the US navy will lose at least one CVBG... The US won't respond with nukes... and that will be the end of the American experiment... because the petro dollar will flip and the US govt. will reneg on their debts.
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