User ID: -
Date: 2/18/23
Name: - Daddy’s Little Princess
Phone: - 417-346-2288
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: - Springfield
State: - Missouri
Location to specific
Activities: -
Hair Length and Color: - Blonde and up in a ponytail
Age: 32
Smoking Status: - no
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Early 30s
The Rest of the Story: Helped her pay for a taxi and we planned to meet at the hotel. I came early and waited 15-20min. She came in her taxi. I cashapp her for the time (she said it would be used for the hotel room). She had trouble paying for the room. Left with the taxi to pull cash. waited another 30min. She called and said she had trouble pulling cash out. I said I’d run home and get my card to help pay for the rom. (They needed a card for the room). We both road in her taxi back to my place to get my wallet. Spent 5mins looking for my wallet and noticed her leaving in the taxi. I texted her and tried to call her back but no answer. I WAS NOT TRYING TO DITCH HER. I was trying to help her. After I noticed her leave I tried to call and let her know I’m looking for my wallet but no response. Been 15mins trying to call her back and no answer. I’ve seen her before and knew she was a nice gal but still at least call me back. [/ ROS]
Recommendation: No