Originally Posted by winn dixie
Sad. But I hear this state of the union address will be paid and sponsored by china. 
They didn't get their monies worth. Only mentioned 3 times.
Originally Posted by winn dixie
Got the Crown n RC out and waiting for the stooges slap stick routine!
This gunna be funny
What?!? No Moon Pie to go with that!?!? And you imply you're a self-respecting southerner
Originally Posted by winn dixie
OMG this is bad! All lies and false numbers.
biden looks so weak and feeble.
His gaffes and mumbles of the speech are already embarrassing.
Most every SOTU the guy speaking likes to fudge the numbers a bit. And donny is just as guilty (as one fact check site stated for #HeWhoShallBeNamed, "The president's address included false and misleading claims on jobs, wages, energy, immigration and more.")
Originally Posted by winn dixie
mumblin and fumblin
This is embarrassing. Its like a failed hail mary !
Never seen a worse speech ever
Failed? Man, He Pwn'd the repubs. Pulled a LBJ move on their punk asses by shaming them in public to say they won't cut out SS and Medicare.
Originally Posted by Levianon17
He mentions Trump. Only a true idiot throws a cheap shot at a past President.
Did he use disparaging remarks like donny always did?
Guess you are going to say he never said OBAMAcare. Like it or not, he stuck his name in there in a negative way (counter to his constituents wishes by not shelving it on multiple tries.)
Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thats why were informed and know what were talking about.
Should of watched it! Pure comedy and tragedy mixed
I'd watch who you'd include with that "were". Like you Winnie but some of your bros are a bit loose with the lies.
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
"we are going to need oil for at least another decade"
what a buffoon
and he ripped "big oil's profits"
hell, he caused it, or at least his handlers did
Big Oil don't need anyones help lining their pockets.
I do like using fossil fuels. And I know there are better ways to use them.
Since it's a finite resource, I don't mind energy efficient technology.