Originally Posted by abarcelona91
lol I’m at least good at it and respectful to providers and fellow hobbyists. You on the other hand I can tell by just reading your replies are a little kid who finally got $500 bucks saved working your lousy 9-5 to see one of these Brazilian models. Mind you spending that money probably threw you whole month off. You’re so rude I have all the messages you sent me and the Carol. To be clear you were threatening the providers by writing a bad review cause they were late you clown.
I didn’t threaten anyone, you can say all you want and talk out your ass, at the end of the day, you weren’t there and you don’t know them, you can act like you’re friends with them all you want lol but all they want is your money, they don’t give a dam about you…congrats, you’re proud of being good at having to pay for sex lmao