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Old 01-17-2023, 08:06 AM   #1
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Default Does anyone else feel like traffic in dallas has doubled?

Or is it just me? I haven’t been back here that much until now but it seems like 635 has become ridiculous. Maybe it’s all the construction where I’m at. I’m probably the only one that thinks this.
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Old 01-17-2023, 09:00 AM   #2
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you are right. I was there this morning on 35.
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Old 01-17-2023, 09:17 AM   #3
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It's batshit most of the time now
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Old 01-17-2023, 09:36 AM   #4
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Anytime city planners have tried to do anything about traffic congestion, they get a strong objection from nearby neighborhoods. Property owners have a 'not in my backyard' mindset in Dallas. Same with public transit systems like rail. People refuse to allow encroachment, seizure of use of their property for rail lines.

Americans outside of mega public transit hotspots like NYC and Chicago have a love affair with their cars. I get it, cars are the ultimate freedom. Another issue is the freeway expansion funding. It looks like whenever whomever receives that funding to build and expand, refuses to stop working on it. They just milk it for whatever it's worth, and they create dangerous, hazardous road conditions with these crazy concrete barriers like the mess in and around Waco that was going on forever.

The way our government is set up in the U.S. is a mess for getting any beneficial meaningful change done anyway due to corporate lobbying. This is abused on the state and national level, it effects all of our elected officials. I read somewhere that roads, for example are in great shape overall in France. This is because whenever they enact a tax to take care of the roads, officials have to prove to the public that they used the tax only to repair the roads as intended. Here in the U.S., anything like that gets funneled elsewhere, earmarked away and just flat out stolen by other government entities.

Don't know what the solution is, I sure do feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with Dallas traffic on a daily basis.
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Old 01-17-2023, 10:03 AM   #5
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The entire metromess is about 25 years behind highway infrastructure. They looked at mass transit by expanding rail service but as mentioned before unless you grew up in one of the major metro areas of the country, everyone loves their cars. Also the expansion that has happened in the last 10 years has been toll roads which I think is a big middle finger from the government. We pay taxes on gas for road infrastructure and now they charge us for using them. The history of the DNT is a perfect example. When it was first proposed the toll was only supposed to be until the road was built but they saw the cash cow and didn't follow thru. Basically the fuxking government being the fucking government still would rather deal with traffic here than in shithole Houston.
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Old 01-17-2023, 10:47 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by aldo3178 View Post
The entire metromess is about 25 years behind highway infrastructure. They looked at mass transit by expanding rail service but as mentioned before unless you grew up in one of the major metro areas of the country, everyone loves their cars. Also the expansion that has happened in the last 10 years has been toll roads which I think is a big middle finger from the government. We pay taxes on gas for road infrastructure and now they charge us for using them. The history of the DNT is a perfect example. When it was first proposed the toll was only supposed to be until the road was built but they saw the cash cow and didn't follow thru. Basically the fuxking government being the fucking government still would rather deal with traffic here than in shithole Houston.
This ^^^ 100%. I don't live in Dallas, so I'm just brainstorming opinion. This subject interests me because my
cousin in Oklahoma is losing her land and house to Imminent Domain. She has attended and spoke out at every city council meeting about it for several years now. They want 600 houses removed to build a turnpike. They are not valuing my cousin's acres as much as her very simple plain jane old house. She lived there since the 1970's, just up and moving is not such an easy concept for her and her personal pets like cows and horses.
They are not forthcoming with answers, so she is protesting to the bitter end. I don't blame her one bit. I can't imagine going thru that, especially now with real estate in the shape it is in.

I think another issue that reminds me of this subject is development. Imho, the whole method of operation developers do is exploit. They exploit land, city councils, tax breaks, infrastucture, etc. Their whole objective is to romance city council with all kinds of pie in the sky promises. They get the okay, their next objective is to exploit available land. Then they try to sell the development before they even finish building it. They have no skin in the game, they seek to unload what they created immediately. Then the buyer raises rents and leases to recoup. This causes all rents and leases around to rise. Meanwhile, there is a blight everywhere of empty buildings that never get leased or rented, the owners just look to claim losses against their taxes owed. Not very responsible if you ask me.

We are a nation and a state that values autonomy over all else. We cannot trust our government officials because they lie and twist laws to advantage their own special interests. We have no trust in doing the right thing for the future because there is no integrity. As humans in general, our nature is to exploit and hoard. Eventually society suffers and then rebels. In the past, that meant conquering and conquests. Too extreme and it could all end up deserted and decayed. Nowadays, we are not able to start over somewhere else. We are overpopulated and overwhelmed. Even public transit is exploited, much of it here in the U.S. is full of criminals who find an enclosed transit a great thing to trash completely, to cause it to resemble the same ghetto that they live in.
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Old 01-17-2023, 11:06 AM   #7
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On imminent domain, this country has a steep history of taking land from people. Its not any worse than the history of any other country on the planet. I dont think it would ever happen but secession sounds better and better everyday. Especially when vegetables get elected in this country. Kinda going in a different direction than the thread planned but shit is gonna hit the fan sooner than people think. Just need a spark to light the fuse. No matter your views its harder and harder for people to get along and they just keep driving the wedge further and further. Well shit better get off my soapbox lol.
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Old 01-17-2023, 12:54 PM   #8
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It’s not as bad as Austin. Lol
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Old 01-17-2023, 12:58 PM   #9
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I was in Dallas Friday night and it was one wreck after another coming and going on 635 and 75. If people would slow down the traffic would flow so easy but all it takes is one idiot who wipes out and it's a 45 minute delay to clear that mess off the Highway.
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Old 01-17-2023, 01:06 PM   #10
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It's not just the speed, it's idiots not paying attention. If I had a nickel for everytime I saw some dickwad come over from the far left lane to exit right, cutting everyone else off in the process, I'd have bought the Bunny Ranch by now.
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Old 01-17-2023, 02:16 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by cinderbella View Post
Anytime city planners have tried to do anything about traffic congestion, they get a strong objection from nearby neighborhoods. Property owners have a 'not in my backyard' mindset in Dallas. Same with public transit systems like rail. People refuse to allow encroachment, seizure of use of their property for rail lines.

Americans outside of mega public transit hotspots like NYC and Chicago have a love affair with their cars. I get it, cars are the ultimate freedom. Another issue is the freeway expansion funding. It looks like whenever whomever receives that funding to build and expand, refuses to stop working on it. They just milk it for whatever it's worth, and they create dangerous, hazardous road conditions with these crazy concrete barriers like the mess in and around Waco that was going on forever.

The way our government is set up in the U.S. is a mess for getting any beneficial meaningful change done anyway due to corporate lobbying. This is abused on the state and national level, it effects all of our elected officials. I read somewhere that roads, for example are in great shape overall in France. This is because whenever they enact a tax to take care of the roads, officials have to prove to the public that they used the tax only to repair the roads as intended. Here in the U.S., anything like that gets funneled elsewhere, earmarked away and just flat out stolen by other government entities.

Don't know what the solution is, I sure do feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with Dallas traffic on a daily basis.
Not to mention the fact that any new construction is a toll road. I have read that the North Dallas Toll Road was PROMISED to be paid off in 25 years ....the only one that they really kept their word about was I30 between Dallas and Fort Worth. Grrrrrrrrrr!
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Old 01-17-2023, 02:17 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by aldo3178 View Post
On imminent domain, this country has a steep history of taking land from people. Its not any worse than the history of any other country on the planet. I dont think it would ever happen but secession sounds better and better everyday. Especially when vegetables get elected in this country. Kinda going in a different direction than the thread planned but shit is gonna hit the fan sooner than people think. Just need a spark to light the fuse. No matter your views its harder and harder for people to get along and they just keep driving the wedge further and further. Well shit better get off my soapbox lol.
News Flash: it wasn't the folks in DC who took the land away from those families in Arlington for the two stadiums .... just sayin' - seceding won't help
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Old 01-17-2023, 05:26 PM   #13
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have you been to DC, NYC, san francisco bay area, seattle??
bogota colombia, bangkok thailand, paris france???

the dfw freeways are like the autobahn compared to those places, in my driving opinion...

btw, one option is to use backroads, not the "express"ways.
if you gotta use them, attempt using them at non-rush hrs, or just plan for delays .
or have the provider cum over to your house :^}
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Old 01-17-2023, 06:37 PM   #14
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I am probably the odd one out here, but I avoid 635 like the plague, I will travel out of my way to avoid it, That being said, I don't mind visiting Dallas or any other area that one might consider using 635 for, I just know ways around using 635.
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Old 01-17-2023, 07:08 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by GayleMeyers View Post
News Flash: it wasn't the folks in DC who took the land away from those families in Arlington for the two stadiums .... just sayin' - seceding won't help
True that was local but was able to be done because a precedent had been set and the lawyers involves knew if this had went to court it would be ruled in their favor.
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