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Old 01-10-2023, 08:00 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
WRONG as usual.

There was no evidence that definitively proved the experimental vaccines work and were NOT harmful to the health of American Citizens when Tucker made his statements. Actually since that time, there have been a number of studies questioning the efficacy of the vaccines and noting how the vaccines have caused myocarditis in numerous young adults. You should do more research before you spout false information

We have seen more and more young athletes in excellent health collapsing and even dropping dead likely due to the likely side effects of the vaccine. In the last week or so we saw it on national TV when Damar Hamlin died and was brought back to life through the quick actions of the medical team. Meanwhile a young MMA fighter was not so lucky

Tucker and a number of well credentialed medical professionals were attacked and censored illegally by the Senile Biden administration for presenting legitimate information and opinions.

That is not only illegal by the government, it is un-American and anyone who supports it is also un-American
You're the one who is wrong as usual. Find some other sources that the radical far-right conspiracy theory sites you post. Far more Republicans died from covid than democrats because morons rejected vaccines to prevent covid because they listened to the tangerine turd and jackasses like fucker Carlson and conspiracy theories.

So far more non-vaccinated people died from covid. And way more Republicans were non-vaccinated and would not wear masks again because of idiots (tRump, Carlson, extreme right-wing media). These jackasses passed on covid because of there stupidity listening to these idiots (just like Jan. 6th).

You want to call it un-American to limit 1st amendment to somebody that is spewing false and misleading information that is endangering and harming the the public health. That's un-American. They're limits to the 1st amendment and this would be one of them. Just like Faux and company getting sued by Dominion for there bullshit and voting machines.

Again is fact check of fucker carlson's false and misleading bullshit:
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Old 01-10-2023, 09:05 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
There are limits to the 1st amendment but the freedumb bullshit argument that you can say anything is assine. Fucker Carlson's bullshit the vaccine don't work is both a dumbass position and is harmful to the health of the of American citizens which is a direct threat and would be a limit to free speech.
Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
You're the one who is wrong as usual. Find some other sources that the radical far-right conspiracy theory sites you post. Far more Republicans died from covid than democrats because morons rejected vaccines to prevent covid because they listened to the tangerine turd and jackasses like fucker Carlson and conspiracy theories.

So far more non-vaccinated people died from covid. And way more Republicans were non-vaccinated and would not wear masks again because of idiots (tRump, Carlson, extreme right-wing media). These jackasses passed on covid because of there stupidity listening to these idiots (just like Jan. 6th).

You want to call it un-American to limit 1st amendment to somebody that is spewing false and misleading information that is endangering and harming the the public health. That's un-American. They're limits to the 1st amendment and this would be one of them. Just like Faux and company getting sued by Dominion for there bullshit and voting machines.

Again is fact check of fucker carlson's false and misleading bullshit:

politifact ..


their version


Trump, Biden classified documents cases differ in key ways. Here’s how.

If Your Time is short

  • President Joe Biden’s attorneys on Nov. 2 discovered about 10 documents, some with classification markings, at the University of Pennsylvania's Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C.
  • Biden’s lawyers said they found the files in a locked closet in his vice presidential office and promptly alerted the National Archives, which took the materials Nov. 3. The Justice Department is reviewing the files.
  • The FBI searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago compound in August 2022 and seized at least 12 unsecured boxes that contained materials with classification markings. The seizure came after a 19-month effort to retrieve the documents.

now another take ... from Carlson himself.


let's see who turns out to be right
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Old 01-11-2023, 12:07 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
He's not. He was when he ran the Daily Caller. That ended in 2020.
The courts would disagree with you. But that's ok, its clear you just don't want to answer the question and are using this as an excuse to do so.

"Courts have defined “the press” to include all publishers. Broadcast and cable stations, newspapers, magazines and digital publications enjoy freedom of the press.

In the US, there is and can be no legal requirement or accreditation of any kind required to assume the titles “member of the press”, “journalist”, “reporter”, etc.

He hosts the most watched cable news primetime program. He IS a member of the press."
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Old 01-11-2023, 12:23 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
You're the one who is wrong as usual. Find some other sources that the radical far-right conspiracy theory sites you post. Far more Republicans died from covid than democrats because morons rejected vaccines to prevent covid because they listened to the tangerine turd and jackasses like fucker Carlson and conspiracy theories.

So far more non-vaccinated people died from covid. And way more Republicans were non-vaccinated and would not wear masks again because of idiots (tRump, Carlson, extreme right-wing media). These jackasses passed on covid because of there stupidity listening to these idiots (just like Jan. 6th).

You want to call it un-American to limit 1st amendment to somebody that is spewing false and misleading information that is endangering and harming the the public health. That's un-American. They're limits to the 1st amendment and this would be one of them. Just like Faux and company getting sued by Dominion for there bullshit and voting machines.

Again is fact check of fucker carlson's false and misleading bullshit:
First, I only post from legit news sites

Second, once again, this thread is NOT about covid and who died or didn't die. It is about the Senile Biden admin violating the constitution and illegally censoring journalists and other Americans.

Nothing Tucker Carlson or the MDs and other prominent experts said were definitively false. The problem is you get your information from only DNC and extreme far left sources so you don't even know the facts. Which is why you should do some more research and learn the actual facts. You would find those who warned about the vaccines were correct. One study showed “This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination,”. Another, just released today from Harvard and the American Heart Association (are they what you falsely term "radical far-right conspiracy theory sites") show:

American Heart Association Study from Harvard medical researchers establish link between C0VID mRNA shots and heart inflammation.


But instead of learning the facts and recognizing many of those who expressed concern and caution were correct, you choose to support the government censoring journalists and physicians and trampling American's first amendment rights

That is utterly un-American
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Old 01-11-2023, 12:31 AM   #35
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This thread and seeing all the leftists expose themselves as un-American by favoring censorship and being anti-free speech reminds me of something Ben Franklin once quoted:

Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as publick Liberty, without Freedom of Speech; which is the Right of every Man, as far as by it, he does not hurt or controul the Right of another: And this is the only Check it ought to suffer, and the only Bounds it ought to know.

Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech; a Thing terrible to Publick Traytors.

Seems based on this wise quote, leftists who support censorship and restricting free speech are the true insurrectionists and traitors to America
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Old 01-11-2023, 06:34 AM   #36
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as far as by it, he does not hurt or controul the Right of another
Methinks there are valid arguments to have within this realm, as this is basis of the limitations of free speech.

Wise words, indeed. Especially in the context of public health discussions and the inherent responsibilities tied to the freedom.
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Old 01-11-2023, 07:34 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post

what did you think when studies proved that the covid vaccines do have many side effects including but not limited to a massive increase in cases of Myocarditis in young people to name just one? those studies, many of them, came from Israeli scientists who had no tie-in financially with big pharma like many US scientists do dutifully followed their marching orders from big pharma and Fauci and attacked any and all who tried to report this. you wouldn't even know of it if you watched MSNBC for example. oh the studies did make the press, that isn't the point, the point is only Carlson was discussing it on the air. i doubt you can find one example of Rachel Maddow discussing it and if you do it's likely her cunt ass lying and calling it "conspiracy theory" and "disinformation".

you keep claiming among other things Carlson "spews hate" yet i've asked you several times to provide an example and as far as i'm aware you have yet to do so.

so i'll ask again ... give me one example of something Carlson has said that you claim is "hateful"?
From the folks at the heart org. -experts about the heart and not some Israeli think tank/ blah blah blah


In the new study, researchers analyzed records from England's National Immunization database for nearly 43 million people 13 or older who had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine between Dec. 1, 2020 and Dec. 15, 2021. More than 21 million had received three doses of the vaccine – the initial two-shot regimen plus a booster. Nearly 6 million tested positive for COVID-19 either before or after receiving a vaccine. During the one-year study period, 2,861 people – or 0.007% – were hospitalized or died with myocarditis.

The analysis showed people infected with COVID-19 before receiving a vaccine were 11 times more at risk for developing myocarditis within 28 days of testing positive for the virus. But that risk was cut in half if a person was infected after receiving at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine

So in fact it seems that COVID causes myocarditis in select ppl, but that the case for getting a ouchie vaccine is that it generally cuts the severity by 50%.

Conflating data like you do and calling data as "massive" is a better reserved for describing your penis to would be partners.

As far as Fucker Carlson and his hate of "Lefties", a mere search for cites that you could again validate the opinion of his known proclivity for being a dingleberry ass-hat of a talking head. He's kind of like the skid mark of defecation that other skid marks point at and say "nobody ever bet on him as a fart, what a fucking skid mark".



and his self confession as noted below:

so hate filled and such a raging fucking moron, that his predictions of a red wave, was due to his hating people on the left.
How much more proof does a dude from Texas need?

You seem to post a lot of his youtube stuff, so you likely align with his ideology and his "perspective" and could tell us every time he said a hate-raspberry that you giggled about, or just like that he gaslights viewers. Lets not forget, that it's All written for him by his team of feces tossing monkeys; like Blake Neff, who was known for his hate speach, and subsequently shown the door once his vitriol was unmasked.

It's funny that you'd take up a stance of innocence for a guy who is known to throw out falsities and just ridiculous absolute lies in general to garner ratings.

Hate must sell ratings, cause EVERY FOX "NEWS" anchor spews it like a firehose shoots water. Really just a shit show.
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Old 01-11-2023, 09:56 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post

[IMG]as far as by it, he does not hurt or controul the Right of another[/IMG]

Methinks there are valid arguments to have within this realm, as this is basis of the limitations of free speech.
And of course, NOTHING that Tucker Carlson or the myriad of doctors and medical personnel who spoke out and were censored said "hurt or controlled the right if another"

So are you one of the true insurrectionists and traitors to America who support censorship and restricting free speech ???

Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech; a Thing terrible to Publick Traytors.
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Old 01-11-2023, 12:06 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
First, I only post from legit news sites
That's laughable 😃

Carlson lies, fabricates, and has conspiracy theories about everything. Biden wanted to stop his false bullshit about covid vaccines during a pandemic.

Mostly all your posts are from far-right ultra conservative media that is rated "opinion or high variation in reliability" or "selective, incomplete, unfair persuasion, propaganda, or other issues" by adfontesmedia.com which evaluated truth in media. Faux with assholes Hannity and Carlson, the federalist, breitbart, infowars, Washington examiner to name a few. They aren't legit websites... they are BULLSHIT.

You call every other news source radical left like abc, nbc,cbs,ap, etc. Which get the highest scores for being most accurate and fact reporting because they don't report the extremism far-right conspiracy theory news.

Link to website below:

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Old 01-11-2023, 12:08 PM   #40
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Whether there was or wasn't is still part of an ongoing debate, which even you have to admit. The true effects of COVID and the vaccines are still being assessed and we'll see new science and conclusions over time as more research is done. That's an ongoing conversation to be had, berry, despite your already drawn conclusion.

We can have it in another thread if you'd like.

As for your need to try to paint people into corners, please stop wasting your time. Pointing out that there are limitations and room for discussion or even room for nuance doesn't need to travel down your hastily constructed slippery slope.

Hasn't Tucker decried the need of the left to oversimplify and create binary options to isolate and vilify the right? He has. So has Ben Shapiro. Are they wrong that those tactics are wrong? (This is rhetorical)
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Old 01-11-2023, 12:14 PM   #41
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It has exactly ZERO to do with whether Tucker or any of the scientists were wrong, or correct, in EITHER case, they all have the right to say it.

That IS, the bottom line.

Fucking problem with the left is how are we going to take away every right they don't like by killing it piece by piece.

Take gun control, its a perfect example, ban a pistol today because its too small, cheap, and easy to conceal,(Saturday night specials), then, because its too powerful, holds too many rounds, and is not concealable at all(Assault weapons).

Now, they are playing loose with the first amendment, which is clear, the GOVERNMENT cannot censor or ATTEMPT to censor your freedom of speech.

Nor, can they go to a private company, and have THEM censor your speech for them, there is NO leeway in that, its not permissable if you are wrong, or, if they don't like what you say, or, they think what you are saying would make them look bad, its not allowable ever, PERIOD.

Quit splitting hairs that have nothing to do with shit, when the only thing that matters is the the Goverment did both censor and attempt to censor private citizens, public figures and news outlets.
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Old 01-11-2023, 12:40 PM   #42
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well in a perfect world, you don't lie, and cheat and you say anything you want because it's the truth. But sadly here we are today there is no MORAL codes that are adhered to that tells politicians and FOX viewers, or their opinion heads to tell the truth. Yes, a "normal person", doesn't need to be governed in any way.

I can say with absolute certainty, that there is no normal going on in the political landscape. The invention of "alternative facts", and the absurd conclusions, the pretend conspiracies and false equivalence that is being blown into news cycles is just literally shit in the air. I even watched how the ENTIRE GOP sat in during Hannity's Horseshit Hour, and clapped hands with each other on their masterplan.

Their first failed bill. repeal funding for the IRS. FAILED.
Second plan- Investigate the FBI and CIA. It will FAIL
Third plan- Hunter, hunter, hunter hunter, JOE JOE JOE..- FAIL

FOX NEWS has gaslight their entire audience with the promise of investigations and Hannity (a non elected mouthpiece) was the one leading the dialogue. Not Meadows, or any of the others. Even GYMBO JORDAN was led to go down the path with COMER on more investigations.

They have set the agenda- watch how the entire do nothing right, does more nothing, and will have nothing to show for it. Line forms to the right for delicious NOTHING Burgers.

Instead, they should be getting together and putting some plans together on immigration, taxation, healthcare, infrastructure- and have something to show for it. But FOX and the GOP have thrown so much red meat to their voters/ supporters, they are literally going to be the HO-HUM bunch from this point on.
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Old 01-11-2023, 01:38 PM   #43
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I actually wonder if the "hate" is actually real or just there for ratings. He admitted under oath he didn't believe the election was fix even while he was saying it was on air. FOX is the only conservative national broadcaster, a great business model, IMHO, Of course, they are going to Cather to their fan base. it's all about the money!

QUOTE=eyecu2;1063070028]From the folks at the heart org. -experts about the heart and not some Israeli think tank/ blah blah blah


In the new study, researchers analyzed records from England's National Immunization database for nearly 43 million people 13 or older who had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine between Dec. 1, 2020 and Dec. 15, 2021. More than 21 million had received three doses of the vaccine – the initial two-shot regimen plus a booster. Nearly 6 million tested positive for COVID-19 either before or after receiving a vaccine. During the one-year study period, 2,861 people – or 0.007% – were hospitalized or died with myocarditis.

The analysis showed people infected with COVID-19 before receiving a vaccine were 11 times more at risk for developing myocarditis within 28 days of testing positive for the virus. But that risk was cut in half if a person was infected after receiving at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine

So in fact it seems that COVID causes myocarditis in select ppl, but that the case for getting a ouchie vaccine is that it generally cuts the severity by 50%.

Conflating data like you do and calling data as "massive" is a better reserved for describing your penis to would be partners.

As far as Fucker Carlson and his hate of "Lefties", a mere search for cites that you could again validate the opinion of his known proclivity for being a dingleberry ass-hat of a talking head. He's kind of like the skid mark of defecation that other skid marks point at and say "nobody ever bet on him as a fart, what a fucking skid mark".



and his self confession as noted below:

so hate filled and such a raging fucking moron, that his predictions of a red wave, was due to his hating people on the left.
How much more proof does a dude from Texas need?

You seem to post a lot of his youtube stuff, so you likely align with his ideology and his "perspective" and could tell us every time he said a hate-raspberry that you giggled about, or just like that he gaslights viewers. Lets not forget, that it's All written for him by his team of feces tossing monkeys; like Blake Neff, who was known for his hate speach, and subsequently shown the door once his vitriol was unmasked.

It's funny that you'd take up a stance of innocence for a guy who is known to throw out falsities and just ridiculous absolute lies in general to garner ratings.

Hate must sell ratings, cause EVERY FOX "NEWS" anchor spews it like a firehose shoots water. Really just a shit show.[/QUOTE]
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Old 01-11-2023, 01:48 PM   #44
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If you think you have the right, to say what you want, and the government can't censor your speech, try yelling I got a gun, the next time you are on a plane, or the older example, fire in a movie theater. and see just what the Government can do

Now, they are playing loose with the first amendment, which is clear, the GOVERNMENT cannot censor or ATTEMPT to censor your freedom of speech.
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Old 01-11-2023, 02:02 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by jmichael View Post
If you think you have the right, to say what you want, and the government can't censor your speech, try yelling I got a gun, the next time you are on a plane, or the older example, fire in a movie theater. and see just what the Government can do

Now, they are playing loose with the first amendment, which is clear, the GOVERNMENT cannot censor or ATTEMPT to censor your freedom of speech.
There are PLENTY of ppl on this board that either never heard of yelling fire in a theater, or don't believe that it's illegal. Creating chaos and causing panic and alarm for the thrill of it has made the GOP what it is today. They have inflamed the thought of impropriety and conspiracy till it's not been able to be determined if it's fact or fiction by them.
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