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Old 11-03-2022, 03:07 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post
Yes, I agree, ignoring your posts is a viable option, being made more viable every time you create a thread and the only replies are your own.

I've never found talking to myself to be much fun, good luck with that.

And, many of your posts are seconds or minutes apart, come on, we aren't blind morons.
You do you, I will worry about myself.

And you mean like how your 3 most recent posts in this thread were just minutes apart? Like that?
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Old 11-03-2022, 03:27 PM   #47
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I am just going to say that I respect both Devo and Berry and while the two of you may have different political beliefs, you both do offer a lot to this site. It sucks that you guys don't agree because you both are decent people and I sincerely mean that. This thread has probably run it's course.
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Old 11-03-2022, 04:20 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
I respectfully disagree on local mods. 99% of the members here want to remain anonymous and don’t want to know your identity. I believe you are part of a group that meets for lunches and so forth. And you are all extremely conservative and post often in the sandbox, which is where most of the shit starts. BSer was popular with your group but definitely a polarizing figure outside of that group. Naturally if one of your buddies is a mod, it will affect decisions by that mod. Mods should NOT be from the area they are moderating for that reason.
I didnt say I wanted a local mod, I said the powers that be do, that is true site wide. Local or non local mod it doesn't matter, favoritism and bias happen. But if you think the Dr gives Berry a pass for being conservative you are wrong. The Dr has no problem swinging the hammer at anyone. I have been buddies with lots of mods and admins and even site owners thru the years here and on other sites, I get less points than you because I am smarter than you and I play the game better. I also get a lot less offended by any post here than you do, I know that because ai dont get offended at all.
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Old 11-03-2022, 04:39 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Be careful. I agree 100% but My experience has been anything directed at Berryberry results in points. Which is why he understandably likes things just as they are.
Very well and succinctly put. Most of my points over the years were issued to me for RESPONDING to one of BerryBerry's insults of me. And he is never "held accountable" for any of HIS posts directed at other members. He can just go on posting and posting whatever he likes towards other members. You are correct: no wonder BerryBerry loves Eccie...

This is my assessment: BerryBerry has been posting so much Poison and Animus towards other members for YEARS and the mods/admins are "used to it" and don't address it anymore. His posts are like a Thick...Vapor....Poisoning this site and the mods just conclude "Well, it's just the weather. Can't do anything about it." But guys like Charley3 and I sure get points for RESPONDING to it...

Also this sites has Greatly....Improved since BerryBerry directs most of his Poison and Animus just in the Politics section. Hobby-related threads go on longer and are more "civilized" since he posts Less on them. Let's hope he stays in the Politics forum and posts less in the actual hobby-forums....

Devo was (somewhat, positively) a "controversial" ASPD and also (yep) Well-Liked by most PGH hobby-people. Also this is important: he was a PGH mod/admin mostly After 2004 and After most PGH guys gravitated to Indys. PGH hobbyists left ASPD PGH starting in 2005 because the TX mods were "regulating" the threads and banning too many PGH guys. Laserface and Speedraycer69 were the (totally) "level-headed" local PGH mods who remained "judicious" with their duties. Devo too was always a "free speech" advocate, so no one here can accuse him of being like the TX mods. Remember Devo was ASPD PGH mod AFTER most PGH guys moved to Indys.....

So there is an odd Devo & Indys vibe here which never really was personal either way. Devo was always a critic of the Indys review system, but really not many (or any) PGH hobbyists (even Indys enthusiasts) had a problem with him. If Devo had regularly been involved on Indys then he would have been a Fine...Contributor there. He never really totally-gravitated to Indys post-2005, at least not as much as most PGH guys....

For that matter the great ASPD PGH "contrarian" (RIP) MCA9276 never made it to Indys either. MCA9276 seemed to have some preternatural issues with Indys. Devo never had any "personal" issues with anyone on Indys. He just did not like the Indys reviews system....

Devo is correct in this: the ASPD PGH "DMZ" Politics section never got as many "points" issued there. I don't remember mods/admins (PGH or out of state) getting involved there. That section positively "isolated" and "contained" the Politics debates to just one PGH section. But there was not much "personal" insults, and not as many "points" being thrown around like in the Politics section on Eccie...

RIP MCA9276 and RIP Stevepar, Veterans Of The ASPD PGH "DMZ" Section....
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Old 11-03-2022, 04:42 PM   #50
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I've always appreciated your signature line, AG. Sage wisdom.
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Old 11-03-2022, 05:01 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post

You seem awfully traumatized by the bambino thing. You asked me to give you another example of your silly Ban chants. We’re you traumatized here also?
Would Bambino have a problem with Charley3 making a joke about Bambino and COVID? My instinct is that he would Not. It seems like his "allies" have a bigger problem with it than Bambino. Why has Bambino not weighed-in here? If he has some sort of special "luncheon" group with a small number of guys here then maybe they can weigh-in....

This is not satire, not at all: I don't know when Bambino is banned and when he is re-instated and currently active. He was "off an on" Indys for years. Hard to keep up with that guy and remain aware about whether he on the site at any give time....
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Old 11-03-2022, 05:29 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post
OMG. Glad the site owners have good common sense. Hell you yourself say in your signature

Proudly nominates as the worst (local) mod ever.....

"Sorry but Devo was the worst mod ever. Well the worst *local* mod."

And I hate to break it to you, but if I recall correctly, Dr-epg who is the main mod here is local to Western PA which last I looked is not Texas.

Bottom line, there is no banning epidemic or out of control Texas mods. I will say it again - If you don't want points or don't want banned, it is pretty simple, just follow the rules.

My sig lines are a badge of honor, most of the people who proclaimed me a bad mod were the enemy, PI's people, and members with a vested interest in doing what was NOT in the best interest of the ASPD community.

And, hence, why I was approved as a mod early on here, bottom line, I was tired of doing it, and just didn't have it in me anymore, nor, did I have the time.

I have no desire to be one again, same reasons, burnout of the site, I don't want to do the work of approving reviews, which, at its peak took probably an hour a day years ago, and I don't really have any vested interest in the hooker portion of the community, as I am rarely if ever going to do that again, based upon the amount of pain I am in from a lifetime of mainly blue collar work.

I'm here for the discussion, which, used to be a form of escape, and, its barely that anymore, based alone on the hatred.

I can tell you this, this forum needs a bump rule, meaning, after you post, you have to wait for a response to reply to that post again.

Bluntly Berry, you ARE part of the problem I have with the forum, as, I'll hop into a thread hoping to see some action, only of find all nine posts have been made from you.

Why not just edit your original post to add whats needed, why drive up interest with endless posting, bumping dead threads, etc?

Don't stand there and act like part of the forums problems aren't caused by you, it may not violate the rules, but its a disfunction that doesn't help the conversation.
You were one of the great, articulate critics of the Indys provider review system, and I don't think many (or any) Indys people were criticizing your "free speech" bona-fides and your work as a mod on ASPD....

I have always been perplexed by the "concern" guys have about the Indys review system, but (sure) I can read the issues guys have with it. My response has always been: THAT is the most controversial aspect of Indys? The public review system where providers can post on their own review threads? Let me tell you: there were More...Controversial and More....Entertaining dust-ups on Indys than just the reviews....

You would have got-a-kick-out-of reading and posting on Indys right after the forums debuted in spring 2005. Plenty of "contentious" threads and dust-ups. And, curiously, a Politics section never evolved on Indys. Maybe because the "politics" on that site was "internecine", not national, and Indys made the two-party US political system seem like boring Monday Night Football...

They say Hollywood is High School With Money. US Politics is The Entertainment Industry For Ugly People. ASPD PGH and Indys was High-School AND the Entertainment Industry AND Local Personal Politics, with Money AND Pussy....
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Old 11-03-2022, 05:42 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
You do you, I will worry about myself.

And you mean like how your 3 most recent posts in this thread were just minutes apart? Like that?
Totally different, not even close, it was a reply to three different people, three separate conversations.

Not a bump to a bump to a bump of my own posts.
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Old 11-03-2022, 05:49 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post
I'm not afraid, why would addressing someone in a civil manner with some constructive criticism be a pointable offense?

Honestly, I'd like to see this forum be more civil, more user friendly, and encourage passionate debate, not the hateful rhetoric we have just seen too much of as of late.

Bad enough I/We have to deal with it in real life, why bring that angst here?
Here here good sir.

Dialing down the rhetoric so more ppl feel like getting engaged in conversation is good.
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Old 11-03-2022, 05:51 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by tolstoy View Post
Very well and succinctly put. Most of my points over the years were issued to me for RESPONDING to one of BerryBerry's insults of me. And he is never "held accountable" for any of HIS posts directed at other members. He can just go on posting and posting whatever he likes towards other members. You are correct: no wonder BerryBerry loves Eccie...

This is my assessment: BerryBerry has been posting so much Poison and Animus towards other members for YEARS and the mods/admins are "used to it" and don't address it anymore. His posts are like a Thick...Vapor....Poisoning this site and the mods just conclude "Well, it's just the weather. Can't do anything about it." But guys like Charley3 and I sure get points for RESPONDING to it...

Also this sites has Greatly....Improved since BerryBerry directs most of his Poison and Animus just in the Politics section. Hobby-related threads go on longer and are more "civilized" since he posts Less on them. Let's hope he stays in the Politics forum and posts less in the actual hobby-forums....

Devo was (somewhat, positively) a "controversial" ASPD and also (yep) Well-Liked by most PGH hobby-people. Also this is important: he was a PGH mod/admin mostly After 2004 and After most PGH guys gravitated to Indys. PGH hobbyists left ASPD PGH starting in 2005 because the TX mods were "regulating" the threads and banning too many PGH guys. Laserface and Speedraycer69 were the (totally) "level-headed" local PGH mods who remained "judicious" with their duties. Devo too was always a "free speech" advocate, so no one here can accuse him of being like the TX mods. Remember Devo was ASPD PGH mod AFTER most PGH guys moved to Indys.....

So there is an odd Devo & Indys vibe here which never really was personal either way. Devo was always a critic of the Indys review system, but really not many (or any) PGH hobbyists (even Indys enthusiasts) had a problem with him. If Devo had regularly been involved on Indys then he would have been a Fine...Contributor there. He never really totally-gravitated to Indys post-2005, at least not as much as most PGH guys....

For that matter the great ASPD PGH "contrarian" (RIP) MCA9276 never made it to Indys either. MCA9276 seemed to have some preternatural issues with Indys. Devo never had any "personal" issues with anyone on Indys. He just did not like the Indys reviews system....

Devo is correct in this: the ASPD PGH "DMZ" Politics section never got as many "points" issued there. I don't remember mods/admins (PGH or out of state) getting involved there. That section positively "isolated" and "contained" the Politics debates to just one PGH section. But there was not much "personal" insults, and not as many "points" being thrown around like in the Politics section on Eccie...

RIP MCA9276 and RIP Stevepar, Veterans Of The ASPD PGH "DMZ" Section....
Excellent memory and post.

Now that it can be told, I'll admit what drove me away from Indy's for good.

1) The number of non associated female providers, who had to provide a freebie, or two to Indy to get the ability to advertise.

You don't know how many new providers offered my free shit to get them either on the board, or, to provide a good review for them, I did neither, once a mod, I held myself to a voluntary higher standard, as did Laserface, I never spoke with Speed as much as I did him.

2) The wholesale infiltration of my personal account, Indy and his ilk offering up my personal info, and, leaking stuff to providers, or, warning them not to see me.

Fucking place was a sieve.

3) The treatment of people who offerend an honest and unbiased review, and got their pussy shut off.

4) The private escapades, of whoring out people in Ohio, and all the other quasilegal, or illegal bullshit I figured would eventually bring them all down.

5)The information shared between providers, and the abuse of the anonymity system, to again, hurt the client.

Tolstoy is correct, I stayed at ASPD because a love of the place, and, the fact I did not want to associate at TOS, in any manner, it just reeked.
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Old 11-03-2022, 05:55 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Here here good sir.

Dialing down the rhetoric so more ppl feel like getting engaged in conversation is good.
Thank you for that.

I'm going to do my best to stop the hatred and assholishness on my part, I cannot promise that I'll be perfect, there are times, its difficult to hold back.

And, I'm going to prioritize my time towards folks who do the same, while I don't have any ability to force anyone to alter their conduct, perhaps being "Shunned" will do more to alter their behavior.

Persona non grata.
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Old 11-03-2022, 06:26 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by AmishGangster View Post
I didnt say I wanted a local mod, I said the powers that be do, that is true site wide. Local or non local mod it doesn't matter, favoritism and bias happen. But if you think the Dr gives Berry a pass for being conservative you are wrong. The Dr has no problem swinging the hammer at anyone. I have been buddies with lots of mods and admins and even site owners thru the years here and on other sites, I get less points than you because I am smarter than you and I play the game better. I also get a lot less offended by any post here than you do, I know that because ai dont get offended at all.
Smarter then me? I doubt it….maybe.
But I got a bigger Willy!
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Old 11-03-2022, 06:28 PM   #58
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i noticed an ignore list option?
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Old 11-03-2022, 08:24 PM   #59
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You have it all wrong Tolstoy. It's not just the fact that it was Bam. I would have been pissed regardless of the member. You DO NOT lie and say a member is dead of Covid if it's not true. How many of us have lost family or friends due to Covid? He could have said Tolstoy died due to Covid and I'd be just as upset as would many of the other guys. Go back to the thread, I wasn't the only one pissed. I also got 7 PM's from guys saying how twisted Charlie was for saying what he did.

Why has Bambino not weighed-in here? If he has some sort of special "luncheon" group with a small number of guys here then maybe they can weigh-in....

This is not satire, not at all: I don't know when Bambino is banned and when he is re-instated and currently active. He was "off an on" Indys for years. Hard to keep up with that guy and remain aware about whether he on the site at any give time....[/QUOTE]
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Old 11-03-2022, 08:45 PM   #60
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I think we have a stage 4 clinger
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