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Old 10-26-2022, 07:14 PM   #16
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Here's the bottom line. Fetterman is recovering from a stroke. He got in the debate. It wasn't glamorous. He stumbled some, but he continues to recover. Prognosis is he will continue to get better and his doctor cleared him to resume all activities he would need to do to become a senator. Dr. Oz is still is who he is, a conman pushing fake miracle cures and fake drug promises to unsuspecting people and greatly profiting off his lies and bullshit. Participated in animal cruelity. Fake Pennsylvania resident. Sucking after tRump to get his support and claiming election fraud until he got his support, then since had claimed tRump lost the election. He had shown he had zero integrity morals.

Fettetman will continue to get better, Dr. Oz is so he is, a fake, a phony, a swindler, with no moral character or integrity
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Old 10-26-2022, 08:30 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
Here's the bottom line. Fetterman is recovering from a stroke. He got in the debate. It wasn't glamorous. He stumbled some, but he continues to recover. Prognosis is he will continue to get better and his doctor cleared him to resume all activities he would need to do to become a senator. Dr. Oz is still is who he is, a conman pushing fake miracle cures and fake drug promises to unsuspecting people and greatly profiting off his lies and bullshit. Participated in animal cruelity. Fake Pennsylvania resident. Sucking after tRump to get his support and claiming election fraud until he got his support, then since had claimed tRump lost the election. He had shown he had zero integrity morals.

Fettetman will continue to get better, Dr. Oz is so he is, a fake, a phony, a swindler, with no moral character or integrity
most brain injury patients regain the most in the first 6 months, very little after that,especially after a year. Chances are he is what he is right now. For his sake and his family, one can only hope its just his ability to speak his thoughts correctly and no other disability. I do not like his politics but I have no hatred for him and wish him well
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Old 10-27-2022, 12:49 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
Here's the bottom line. Fetterman is recovering from a stroke. He got in the debate. It wasn't glamorous. He stumbled some, but he continues to recover. Prognosis is he will continue to get better and his doctor cleared him to resume all activities he would need to do to become a senator. Dr. Oz is still is who he is, a conman pushing fake miracle cures and fake drug promises to unsuspecting people and greatly profiting off his lies and bullshit. Participated in animal cruelity. Fake Pennsylvania resident. Sucking after tRump to get his support and claiming election fraud until he got his support, then since had claimed tRump lost the election. He had shown he had zero integrity morals.

Fettetman will continue to get better, Dr. Oz is so he is, a fake, a phony, a swindler, with no moral character or integrity
LOL. My money was on you making a post like this denying reality and spreading lies.

First - Ask any Neurologist - the first 3-6 months after a stroke is where you see the most improvement...he's 6 months out now, what you see is what you get. He is cognitively impaired

Second, he didn't just stumble - he made no sense at times. Here are a few of his answers:

FETTERMAN: "Uh uh I I I do support fracking and I I don't I don't I support fracking and I stand and I do support fracking."

FETTERMAN: "We all have to make sure that everyone that works is able to, that's the most American bargain...you should be able to live in dignity as well true."

FETTERMAN on how he would fix the open border "the Statue of Liberty doesn't say to put the huddled masses on a bus"

FETTERMAN: "I do not believe in supporting the Supreme Court."

Third - that letter from his "doctor" was a scam. That so called doctor is some no name PCP who is a big campaign donor to Brain Damaged Fetterman and other libtards. It is NOT from Fetterman's neurologist or other specialists. It did not include the release of ANY of his medical records. The letter is a joke. And the debate proved that

Fourth - Brain Damaged Fetterman could not even adequately explain one policy or solution he could offer. He avoided the question or gave an answer a petrified 4th grader would give or he tried to insult Dr. Oz. Oz on the other hand spoke coherently and provided answers to policy questions asked (while still getting some jabs at Fetterman pointing out his radical policies)

I have said it before, libtards count on their voters to be dumb and ill-informed. but after that disaster yesterday we know that there are Democrat early voters in PA who aren't mind-numbed robots, and they're feeling sick to their stomachs after watching last night's debate. That is why google searches for can I change my early vote spiked during and after Brain Damaged Fetterman crashed and burned. Corrupt libtard media made fools of these voters by lying shamelessly about Fetterman's condition.
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Old 10-27-2022, 12:50 AM   #19
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Old 10-27-2022, 01:05 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
I’ve got a soft spot for the disabled and spend lots of time and money to hopefully make a difference. As much as I disagree with Fetterman’s policies, I do wish him well and hope he’s able to recover.
I can't stand Fetterman. I have personally known he is a fraud and a racist for some time. Some of that has now been exposed with how he rarely showed up for work, didn't do anything, his racist incidents, etc. And even I felt a bit sorry for him after his pitiful display yesterday .

But you have to ask, what kind of sick evil people are Fetterman's wife, friends and handlers to continue pushing him to run for Senator despite his severe condition. Remember - they covered up the fact that he had a stroke, which occurred 3 days BEFORE the primary, and did not release information until AFTER the primary

Imagine being treated as such an empty vessel by your wife, friends and handlers when all you should be doing is recuperating and focusing on improving your health.

It's unconscionable.
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Old 10-27-2022, 07:52 AM   #21
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Something to consider is that despite a less than ideal candidate, there is a really good possibility that Fetterman wins. And perhaps he's been told that he'd be replaced if he doesn't get better, but in order to keep a 6 yr spot in the Senate in camp Blue, he's a straw man for now.

A few weeks will tell!
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Old 10-27-2022, 07:54 AM   #22
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I have family members who have suffered strokes and it really does hurt the communication skills more so than anything. The stroke victim knows what they are thinking but they can't always express it. The Senate now more than ever needs cognitive leadership. People should be able to understand their Senator and the communication should be the key aspect. I have no ill will towards Fetterman however the Democrats surely should have went with someone else. Remember, they are in constant contact and communication with John. We only saw him on display for 2 hrs. They see him day and night and still chose to put him up there. Let that point sink in.
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Old 10-27-2022, 09:48 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers View Post
I have family members who have suffered strokes and it really does hurt the communication skills more so than anything. The stroke victim knows what they are thinking but they can't always express it. The Senate now more than ever needs cognitive leadership. People should be able to understand their Senator and the communication should be the key aspect. I have no ill will towards Fetterman however the Democrats surely should have went with someone else. Remember, they are in constant contact and communication with John. We only saw him on display for 2 hrs. They see him day and night and still chose to put him up there. Let that point sink in.
It is more of what the candidate stands for then whether they can speak more elegantly in debate. Oz is a snake oil salemans,a lier, a con-artist that made money pushing bogus, potentially harmful, unscientific miracle cures. He's not from Pennsylvania and has very little ties to this state. He pushed tRump's false fraudulent claims about the election. He's anti-womens rights, and going to follow the gop party platform to gut social security and give tax breaks to himself and other ultra-rich.

The GOP favorite candidates lying misinformation-spouting celebrities election deniers. Oz fits perfectly into this category.
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Old 10-27-2022, 11:43 AM   #24
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Default This Is What Abuse of the Disabled Looks Like!

Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
But you have to ask, what kind of sick evil people are Fetterman's wife, friends and handlers to continue pushing him to run for Senator despite his severe condition. Remember - they covered up the fact that he had a stroke, which occurred 3 days BEFORE the primary, and did not release information until AFTER the primary

Imagine being treated as such an empty vessel by your wife, friends and handlers when all you should be doing is recuperating and focusing on improving your health.

It's unconscionable.

You have to ask yourself - WTF is wrong with the dim-retard party, in this state and nationally, that would lead them to foist such a pathetic, cognitively-flawed candidate on the voters of our state???

Think about it. They could have DONE THE RIGHT THING and leveled with all of us about Fetterman's utterly disqualifying and incapacitating stroke. They could have declared Conor Lamb (the PA primary runner-up) would run instead, or scrambled to arrange another primary vote. They did neither.

Instead, they shamefully covered up the fact that their dim-retard candidate is a cognitive mess who is utterly incapable of putting together a complete coherent sentence on anything, let alone harness the power of the spoken word to advance the interests of Pennsylvania citizens on the floor of "the world's greatest deliberative body".

And then these same evil, manipulative lying dim-retard bastards have the temerity to accuse anyone who asks questions about their candidate's fitness for office of lacking compassion for the disabled!

No, no, no - the ones who lack compassion are the fucking power-hungry jackasses who would shamelessly push someone who clearly belongs in rehab out into a campaign he is not mentally or physiologically equipped to handle. What's truly insulting to the voters of our state is how the dim-retards actually thought they could get away with this!

Every dim-retard activist and party official in PA and nationally who conspired in the decision to let Fetterman run should resign in disgrace. Then they should all be thrown in jail for cruelty to/abuse of the disabled!
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Old 10-27-2022, 12:08 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
It is more of what the candidate stands for then (sic) whether they can speak more elegantly in debate.

Hey rmg, I've got an idea! Why don't the dim-retards just hire some engineers from CMU to design a woke ROBOT to run as their candidate for the US Senate? I mean, you just said nobody cares about speaking eloquently or persuasively about the issues, right?

Wtf - a robot can spout off your canned DNC talking points better than Fetterman in any debates or campaign appearances or press conferences! That's good enough, because woke dim-retards already know all the answers anyway! Robots can be pre-programmed by Chucky Schumer on how to vote on every conceivable issue and bill. Plus they will work for free and save us taxpayers lots of money!

Whaddaya say, rmg?

Good idea, huh?
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Old 10-27-2022, 01:39 PM   #26
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Amazing the lack of liberal commentary in this thread, and what little there is, is just more hate, more lies, and not one substantive thing about Fetterman being a capable candidate.

IF Oz died, before the election, you'd still continue the hate and lies.
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Old 10-27-2022, 02:39 PM   #27
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It is more of what the candidate stands for then whether they can speak more elegantly in debate.
He doesn’t know what planet he’s on, let alone have the ability to “stand for” something.
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Old 10-27-2022, 02:42 PM   #28
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Should we even mention the cantaloupe hanging off the back of his neck?
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Old 10-27-2022, 06:12 PM   #29
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.... So everyone is afraid that Fetterman might win?

... You mates should be afraid RIGHT NOW ...

... IF something happens to Wolf - FETTERMAN BECOMES GOVERNOUR!

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Old 10-28-2022, 01:16 AM   #30
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Article: As A Stroke Survivor, I Recognize Fetterman’s Symptoms. He’s Incapable Of Being A Senator

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