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Old 09-20-2022, 06:41 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
The FGA filed a FOIA, per your link, and then amended the request and changed attorneys several times. Additionally they had delay from both sides and asked for continuances and mediation to occur. No laws have been broken through the service of requests, and the case is continued. Seems you failed to read the actual court filing status, or just jumped to a 'false conclusion' as per usual. Court cases can be continued for MANY reasons and stamping your feet like a child won't speed any of them up. As I mentioned before, I'm sure the Biden administration will reply or file extensions legally to either comply w the requests, or to position the data as they legally are entitled to do. The FGA is in my opinion selling two piles of crap. First an assertion of un proven facts as yet, and a ruse that the government has not complies with a request. They in fact have and asked for a continuance and for other legal mediations. All very legal and at no time did the FGA object. Funny how now that they put out some public info to the contrary, their story doesn't line up with their court filings. But you likely only hit copy and vomit on the whole story anyway.
Perfect point providing specifics. As I pointed above, some are getting all their information from hyper-partisan/extreme media that is highly opinionated, incomplete, misleading, or flat out lies and the ingest this bullshit and spit it back out like it's ambrosia. Some really need to take a good hard look at the media they spend there time watching and reading. There is a lot of bullshit out there on both sides of isle. Some just want to yell libtards at anything that is not in there extreme hyper-partisan bullshit media they consume.
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Old 09-20-2022, 07:58 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Dems planning to stuff ballot boxes again. Who’da thunk it.
Well if you have ANY PROOF of that happening please cite it for everyone to see and agree with.

Here's a nugget however about Republicans accessing voter information illegally and they were caught doing it in Georgia. (Same place Trump was caught begging for votes to overthrown or changed btw)

New footage confirms fake Trump elector spent hours inside Georgia elections office day it was breached. (Since this is a CNN link,many won't believe it but look for yourself and ask why would ppl at the direction of Sidney Powell be there? The GOP chairperson who let them in is in deep doodoo. Also, impersonation of Federal officials is usually REALLY great at getting you jail time.

The Georgia Bureau of investigation is looking into this as criminal trespass and more


Two morons hired because they were stooges.

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Old 09-20-2022, 10:25 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
What's truly pathetic is continuing to post articles from websites that have a history of stories that are filled very right-wing bias, non factual, misleading, conspiracy theories, and propaganda. Then find so called supporting documents from the same type of lying bullshit media. It's not factual or reality. It's living in the extreme right-wing conservative false reality world that prays on people's fears, biases, hatred, and insecurities as a way to gets votes to stay in power.

Below is link to a truth in media chart: https://adfontesmedia.com/interactive-media-bias-chart/

Some people only get their information and base all their opinions on media that are listed in the "opinion or high variation in reslity", "selective or incomplete story/unfair persuation/propaganda" and/or "contains misleading info or contains fabricated info". Sites like Faux news, especially Hannity and Carlson, bill O'Reilly breitbart, the washington examiner, info wars, the article posted above and the so called supporting documents.
All that bluster and you still don’t address where the source is wrong. If they’re so bad that should be easy. Take a lesson from icu2.

The question I have is; Why are they fighting it at all? We shouldn’t need a foia request to make public what our leaders plans are re: elections. This should’ve been out there to the public the minute it went to whatever agencies it did. It’s the people’s country, not the politician’s. All they do by denying and redacting is raise eyebrows.
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Old 09-20-2022, 10:38 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
All that bluster and you still don’t address where the source is wrong. If they’re so bad that should be easy. Take a lesson from icu2.

The question I have is; Why are they fighting it at all? We shouldn’t need a foia request to make public what our leaders plans are re: elections. This should’ve been out there to the public the minute it went to whatever agencies it did. It’s the people’s country, not the politician’s. All they do by denying and redacting is raise eyebrows.

Well I don't disagree with transparency, but I think the fault may be in how it was filed and all the subsequent updates to the request. Courts respond to exact requests vs. general ones, and it could be extremely onerous to produce mountains of information, per the 600 different agencies that were referenced and why, and what they were asked to do. That level of detail may require a much higher amount of response time, or the judge may have instructed them to mediate, which I believe is what happened here, so that they could be more specific in their request. Mind you- no objections were filed by either party as yet and the production date currently is September 28th. But likely will be again asked to extended, but who knows.

But to your point I do believe that when possible these FOIA requests should be replied to 100%. And I mean that for both sides.

Just like I think when people are subpoenaed to Congress or any special committee, they should show up and not plea the fifth. Americans deserve transparency in politics, but we're talking about incredible greasy slippery eels, who do not like to be captured in direct lies, innuendos or anything else in nefarious. And I mean that on both sides
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Old 09-20-2022, 11:23 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
What's truly pathetic is continuing to post articles from websites that have a history of stories that are filled very right-wing bias, non factual, misleading, conspiracy theories, and propaganda. Then find so called supporting documents from the same type of lying bullshit media. It's not factual or reality. It's living in the extreme right-wing conservative false reality world that prays on people's fears, biases, hatred, and insecurities as a way to gets votes to stay in power.

Below is link to a truth in media chart: https://adfontesmedia.com/interactive-media-bias-chart/

Some people only get their information and base all their opinions on media that are listed in the "opinion or high variation in reslity", "selective or incomplete story/unfair persuation/propaganda" and/or "contains misleading info or contains fabricated info". Sites like Faux news, especially Hannity and Carlson, bill O'Reilly breitbart, the washington examiner, info wars, the article posted above and the so called supporting documents.
Instead of posting a bunch of unrelated drivel and instead of continuing to pathetically lie about actual facts, why are you so afraid to answer these simple Yes or No questions?

1. So are you disputing that the FGA filed a Freedom of Information Request concerning their plans to implement Senile Biden's Executive regarding voting plans? Yes or No?

2. Are you disputing that the FGA filed a lawsuit against the Senile Biden Administration after several federal executive agencies failed to respond to FGA’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to obtain documents requested in #1 above? Yes or No?

3. Are you disputing that the DOJ did not turn over the specifically requested documents as required by the judge on September 8, and the documents they did turn over were heavily redacted? Yes or No?

4. So are you disputing that the Senile Biden administrations continues to break the law by not responding to any FOI request and the court ruling to provide said documents on the Executive Order on Voting Plans? Yes or No?
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Old 09-20-2022, 11:29 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
The FGA filed a FOIA, per your link, and then amended the request and changed attorneys several times. Additionally they had delay from both sides and asked for continuances and mediation to occur. No laws have been broken through the service of requests, and the case is continued. Seems you failed to read the actual court filing status, or just jumped to a 'false conclusion' as per usual. Court cases can be continued for MANY reasons and stamping your feet like a child won't speed any of them up. As I mentioned before, I'm sure the Biden administration will reply or file extensions legally to either comply w the requests, or to position the data as they legally are entitled to do.
So I see you admit you were wrong and the article is true. So based on your response that would be a YES from you on question 1 and 2 and 3. Alas you continue to lie about question 4 - as the court gave the Senile Biden admin until Sept 8 to produce the documents and they have refused to do so. Why do you continue to lie ? Why is the Senile Biden admin refusing to be transparent. The only reason it is still back in the courts is because the Senile Biden admin has continued to refuse to comply with the court's order and produce the documents.

If there was nothing to hide in the documents, why are they so afraid to provide them to the American public?

1. So are you disputing that the FGA filed a Freedom of Information Request concerning their plans to implement Senile Biden's Executive regarding voting plans? Yes or No?

2. Are you disputing that the FGA filed a lawsuit against the Senile Biden Administration after several federal executive agencies failed to respond to FGA’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to obtain documents requested in #1 above? Yes or No?

3. Are you disputing that the DOJ did not turn over the specifically requested documents as required by the judge on September 8, and the documents they did turn over were heavily redacted? Yes or No?

4. So are you disputing that the Senile Biden administrations continues to break the law by not responding to any FOI request and the court ruling to provide said documents on the Executive Order on Voting Plans? Yes or No?
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Old 09-20-2022, 11:49 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Instead of posting a bunch of unrelated drivel and instead of continuing to pathetically lie about actual facts, why are you so afraid to answer these simple Yes or No questions?

1. So are you disputing that the FGA filed a Freedom of Information Request concerning their plans to implement Senile Biden's Executive regarding voting plans? Yes or No?

2. Are you disputing that the FGA filed a lawsuit against the Senile Biden Administration after several federal executive agencies failed to respond to FGA’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to obtain documents requested in #1 above? Yes or No?

3. Are you disputing that the DOJ did not turn over the specifically requested documents as required by the judge on September 8, and the documents they did turn over were heavily redacted? Yes or No?

4. So are you disputing that the Senile Biden administrations continues to break the law by not responding to any FOI request and the court ruling to provide said documents on the Executive Order on Voting Plans? Yes or No?

As my point above stated and I will reiterate: you keep posting from unreliable media sources and complain government conspiracy for everything from the democrats. Nothing ever comes from these posts. Just more crying and complaining about democrats. And again that I think it's hysterical that you continue to complain about BIDEN breaking laws.
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Old 09-20-2022, 11:52 AM   #38
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The docket states that the next meeting is on Sept 28th. Why is reading so hard for you. To your other points, I clearly stated that the administration would reply but your inability to look at the dates and motions beyond the original complaint is where you have failed in your assertion. I think a filing of a motion doesn't make anyone guilty or not, but often times the people who have to reply may not be named directly, which is why there is possibility of any delay, plus the additional motions, have drawn the request out.

I don't agree with your allegations of 2,3,or 4. In fact the admin is totally within their rights to redact any forms which could compromise a person or some specific agents, but specifically the docket does demonstrate that the FGA and the DOJ have indeed, been in communication, and agreed to many terms without further complaint, and that both are agreeing to mediation and next meeting at the end of this month.

Your claims of all the other copy paste horse crap is just that. I don't have to prove your claims of bad actions, you do. I claim that the administration is responding.

Why any document shows redactions is always subject to the reader's interpretation. You think it's yet another conspiracy, - I think it's something less, and much more benign. But generally that's how you and I think anyhow
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Old 09-20-2022, 12:30 PM   #39
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That's just more deflection and happy horseshit from you.

Here is the bottom line. FGA originally requested these documents on July 30, 2021 and over a year later, not a single document was provided as required under the FOIA law. But on July 12, 2022, the Federal District Court ordered the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to provide all requested documents required under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by September 8th. The DOJ refused to do so and now it is back in court.

In particular the DOJ has refused to provide the DOJ’s 15-page strategic plan that detailed how the agency will help increase voter registration and participation

The Senile Biden administration is refusing to be transparent with the American Public because they have something to hide. If they did not, they would release the document

And anyone making excuses for the Senile Biden admin and lying about this is pathetic
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Old 09-20-2022, 12:48 PM   #40
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If you don't like me pointing out the dates of your so-called dockets and the information on them, then stop posting it. I am not trying to be contrary, because I DO believe in transparency. That is what is required for government to be trusted; and I see the point of the delay causing distrust. But I'm merely pointing out that both side are in apparent agreement and while yes, the original request was a while back, it's also the general nature of courts. For example the right to fair and speedy trial; which is a part of our civil rights, is often waive due to the need to gather enough information to mount a defense. In the case of FOIA, I'm sure the response from the admin, whenever it was, was certain to include those details, as the nature of the inquiry was vague and of large scope.

That said- if you made excuses for your parties administration in the past, then you'd be equally pathetic; so there is that. Not that Trump ever complied with a demand to produce, subpoena or request for information (tax returns), or congressional issued subpoenas for members of the GOP to testify etc., so your being a-ghast at the delays is a bit hypocritical. Dont you think?
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Old 09-20-2022, 02:22 PM   #41
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AGAIN - the original request was made July 30, 2021 and over a year later, not a single document was provided as required under the FOIA law. That is inexcusable

And for you to try to equate a FOIA request of a government's policy / strategic plan related to an Executive Order to control voting with a partisan witch hunt for an individual's personal taxes is truly pathetic
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Old 09-21-2022, 07:48 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
AGAIN - the original request was made July 30, 2021 and over a year later, not a single document was provided as required under the FOIA law. That is inexcusable

And for you to try to equate a FOIA request of a government's policy / strategic plan related to an Executive Order to control voting with a partisan witch hunt for an individual's personal taxes is truly pathetic
I'm not defending the delay, but explaining how it might have occured. Again, there is no complaint of delay, other than the original filing, and the docket entries show further delay from both sides. AND agreement to mediation and continuances. Both sides!

Relative to the EO to "control voting", - that's a simple ruse you, or the site you copy your opinion from, has come up with. A hypothesis at the very best, and another conspiracy at the least.

Is Everything political, and nefarious? Do you sleep with one eye open and the TV on w Tucker n Hannity full-time? Nevermind - we already know the answer to that.
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Old 09-21-2022, 12:20 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
I'm not defending the delay
LOL sure you aren't - just look at your myriad of posts

Why do you not support transparancy?

Why should the public not be able to see the details of Senile Biden's plans regarding voting and the midterm elections?

If nothing nefarious was going on . they would have released it instead of going to great lengths for over a year to hide it.
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Old 09-21-2022, 01:57 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
LOL sure you aren't - just look at your myriad of posts

Why do you not support transparancy?

Why should the public not be able to see the details of Senile Biden's plans regarding voting and the midterm elections?

If nothing nefarious was going on . they would have released it instead of going to great lengths for over a year to hide it.
Or if you were ever involved in a court case, *(unfortunately I have been, but as a plaintiff), then you know that this is / or can be a long process. I think if you refer to my posts here or on any topic, I try to approach things with transparency, except with an understanding to secrecy, that there should be visibility for all. It's very important to be credible and thus to your point, things made public. I'm only offering possibilities, vs. innuendo and yes.....CONSPIRACY, for you who love to think it's always that. What was that Mel Gibson movie Conspiracy Theory- where he was the guy who printed a news paper about it...and then it was proven to be right!?>? ....well not everything that happens in the movies is real sir.

But I understand the frustration.
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Old 09-21-2022, 04:49 PM   #45
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You guys back and forth about the legal-beagling going on is immaterial to me. I still have no answer to why, immediately as it’s released, there isn’t a simple link on some government website to click that opens a pdf of the entire directive. We’re talking about elections, not some covert op. Then again, when millions of votes pour in at 4am, all for the same guy, maybe they’re one in the same.
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