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Old 09-11-2022, 07:06 AM   #31
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I am not a mod but as the starter of this thread I sure did not mean for it to get UGLY. ANYONE THAT KNOWS ME KNOWS I AM NOT UGLY.
Hell I got a NO from someone recently that was just upset because well I'm not going to say why but I did not go blast him on the women's board or try to save my almost perfect GREAT REVIEW name No I let it be..you can't please everybody and if people don't see all the yes over 1 no then oh well.I stayed quiet to not get ugly.
Just because you are friends with someone does not mean yall handle or speak the same way.
As far as Kryptkeeper being prejudice I wouldn't know that either way but what I do know is he has a problem with my menu always has. Because he seems to think I offer less just because it's not what he likes. He has always gives me a hard time. If you go look at my reviews in west Texas he comments on most of them since he has stopped being the mod what he says is always blanked out like a so I can't see exactly what it is he is saying but by the comments I can tell it is negative. Seems like he's scolding the reviewer for even seeing me..
Maybe I wrote this post incorrect I was commenting on the 1 person I knew of on this site for being on here so long for not being verified. Yall want us verified but yall don't want to be verified.
I have traveled with this lady hell, she can not walk down the damn street with out people asking for her number and her business seems to do well. She always ends up too busy to share rooms so questioning if she would be busy here because of her race or her size. I had no clue. Most white farmer men wouldn't write reviews on her because they are seeing her in secret its a fantasy they don't want others to know they have. Alot of men won't write a review on me because they don't want the FS ladies to know they have seen me or the other men that might give them shit for doing so.
As far as my pricing...lol at the time 20 yrs of charging the same thing and everything else going up made no [CENTS] LOL...AND LESS FOR MORE....IF YOU HAVE EVER HAD ONE OR SEEN ME DO ONE...LOL I work every minute of our time EVERY MINUTE!
BE SWEET. BE NICE. LET PEOPLE TRY AND LIKE WHAT THEY LIKE...HELL BUTT PLAY IS NOT MY THING I was just trying to see a friend and bring yes NEWNESS and that particular style into the mix.
If this thread does not get better please close this thread GOODNESS!
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Old 09-11-2022, 08:43 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Majichands View Post
Oh my........lol,...
I do not speak of all the other in boxes she has gotten in the past..believe me this is not the first time I have asked her to come...lol I refrenced the one that contacted yesterday because he had zero post zero reviews and been on a long time.
I TRULY BELIEVE the observation might be on point,
Some cities like older ladies Some like the young chickens
.In Austin night time is more flourishing than other cities.
Some cities love FBSM some don't
Some other cities ask for bare more than other cities.
Some cities use TNA Some use TOB Some use TER
Each cities seems to do its own thing.
I made the mistake in thinking this cities desire for a certain action would overpower its preference in the mold that desire comes through..
Next time I'll make sure she's white and a spinner and also digs in the rear....lol does she also need to be in her 20s or 30s 😆
Really? You are going to play the race card? I simply provided my observations from years on both boards and what I constantly see posted as far as requests for Abilene. I did not attack either of you. I simply posted the facts. So I get attacked for being prejudice and for being a cheap white trash trick (yes I saw her post before it was edited). Then there is the conflicting things being posted between the two of you.

Abilene is just different. It always has been. They want the quality of DFW providers but so many just drive right by thinking that the oil money of Midessa is better. It's not. Ask the resident providers of that area. In 2 hours they can be in Ft Worth where there are plenty of providers that fit what they constantly ask for to visit their city. I'm sure Jade fits a few people's niche. Even you fit a few people's niche (although I will never understand why anyone pays you that much for a rub and tug but more power to you).

Except the info or not. But to run me down when you don't know me, you don't know if I'm black, white or pink, and don't know what I look for in a provider is just wrong.

Look at the folks I have reviewed. There are all races included there and all types of body types. Your clueless post is beyond my compensation apparently.
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Old 09-11-2022, 08:48 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Majichands View Post
I am not a mod but as the starter of this thread I sure did not mean for it to get UGLY. ANYONE THAT KNOWS ME KNOWS I AM NOT UGLY.
Hell I got a NO from someone recently that was just upset because well I'm not going to say why but I did not go blast him on the women's board or try to save my almost perfect GREAT REVIEW name No I let it be..you can't please everybody and if people don't see all the yes over 1 no then oh well.I stayed quiet to not get ugly.
Just because you are friends with someone does not mean yall handle or speak the same way.
As far as Kryptkeeper being prejudice I wouldn't know that either way but what I do know is he has a problem with my menu always has. Because he seems to think I offer less just because it's not what he likes. He has always gives me a hard time. If you go look at my reviews in west Texas he comments on most of them since he has stopped being the mod what he says is always blanked out like a so I can't see exactly what it is he is saying but by the comments I can tell it is negative. Seems like he's scolding the reviewer for even seeing me..
Maybe I wrote this post incorrect I was commenting on the 1 person I knew of on this site for being on here so long for not being verified. Yall want us verified but yall don't want to be verified.
I have traveled with this lady hell, she can not walk down the damn street with out people asking for her number and her business seems to do well. She always ends up too busy to share rooms so questioning if she would be busy here because of her race or her size. I had no clue. Most white farmer men wouldn't write reviews on her because they are seeing her in secret its a fantasy they don't want others to know they have. Alot of men won't write a review on me because they don't want the FS ladies to know they have seen me or the other men that might give them shit for doing so.
As far as my pricing...lol at the time 20 yrs of charging the same thing and everything else going up made no [CENTS] LOL...AND LESS FOR MORE....IF YOU HAVE EVER HAD ONE OR SEEN ME DO ONE...LOL I work every minute of our time EVERY MINUTE!
BE SWEET. BE NICE. LET PEOPLE TRY AND LIKE WHAT THEY LIKE...HELL BUTT PLAY IS NOT MY THING I was just trying to see a friend and bring yes NEWNESS and that particular style into the mix.
If this thread does not get better please close this thread GOODNESS!
You don't know me and you don't know what I post in private tags. If it's something from the review it had to be in private tags. For all you know that's all it is. And yes, I don't understand why someone would pay you the same amount as a full service provider for a rub and tug. I never have understood that.
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Old 09-11-2022, 09:24 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by CryptKicker View Post
Really? Your clueless post is beyond my compensation apparently.
You probably meant to say "comprehension" instead....

But I don't comprehend how a lady who doesn't suck or fuck clients claims that guys ask her for "bare".....
bare what....does she wear gloves to jerk them off?
QUOTE ---Some other cities ask for bare more than other cities.
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Old 09-11-2022, 09:28 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by BBQ-Guy View Post
You probably meant to say "comprehension" instead....
Yeah... Spell check is a bitch but it's kinda funny this way also. Lol

Jade, stay in Oklahoma. We don't care.
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Old 09-11-2022, 01:19 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by CryptKicker View Post
Yeah... Spell check is a bitch but it's kinda funny this way also. Lol

Jade, stay in Oklahoma. We don't care.
Keep My Name Out Your Mouth..

Stalking people reviews, every review she get? Weird Much? You Comment under every review she gets?
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Old 09-11-2022, 01:33 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Jade1979 View Post
Stalking people reviews, every review she get? Weird Much? You Comment under every review she gets?
Like most of what she posts it's total exaggeration. Out of her last 20 reviews I have posted twice as a hobbiest. Try again. Or better yet, just fade away.
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Old 09-11-2022, 01:37 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by CryptKicker View Post
Like most of what she posts it's total exaggeration. Out of her last 20 reviews I have posted twice as a hobbiest. Try again. Or better yet, just fade away.

Your Very Rude. But that's said by plenty of the ladies I know in different States. Thanks God you are not into Black BBW. May God Bless you.
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Old 09-11-2022, 07:26 PM   #39
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Ok way off topic, and I already said play nice.
Closing thread and more than one of the guys will be getting a notice from me
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