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Old 09-08-2022, 10:20 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by rmg_35 View Post
Continue to ignore facts and get pissed off that Biden called the maga maggots semi fascists. tRump is a criminal. Keeping believing truth social and all the other radical bullshit that's out there. tRump is a lying ass piece of shit. A new Reuters poll has most Americans see tRump maga maggots as a threat to democracy. 58% of respondents including 1 of 4 Republicans. Like Biden called the maggot--semi fascists.

Faux is turning on tRump. Bill Barr and now Geraldo Rivera both having stated that tRump is lying about the election, yet the moronic tRumptards keep ignoring the facts even though they lost court case after court court and keep screaming that the election was stolen. Total fools believing the lies of the tangerine turd.
Were you screaming while typing that hate filled rant?
By the way you never answered the question from Jaccuzzme.
Why is that?

Everyone knows Libtards are what they, like Senile Biden, accuse others of being - fascists. Thanks for continuing to prove it
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Old 09-08-2022, 10:24 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Nice rant, but you didn’t answer the question.
It's amazing that after all the testimony given under oath by Republicans and people working close to the tangerine turd that tRumptard still get and believe the bullshit from him, truth social, and other bullshit websites and Twitter. If he is so innocent, he should testify under oath instead of spouting bullshit through social media. His other kiss-asses should also testify under oath, but they won't because they are also lying pieces of shit. It's easy to lie on social media and to the news. Lying under oath is a crime. That's why they won't do it. Deception, lies, false statements is all these semi-fascists have.
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Old 09-08-2022, 10:35 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Were you screaming while typing that hate filled rant?
By the way you never answered the question from Jaccuzzme.
Why is that?

Everyone knows Libtards are what they, like Senile Biden, accuse others of being - fascists. Thanks for continuing to prove it
That's funny. The people I keep hearing screaming are the tRumptards that the ejection was stolen. There going to be riots if tRump is indicted. Biden is the fascist for calling out tRump and the maga-maggots for what they are, semi-fascists. Libtards are fascists.

Going to quote tRump, "if you're innocent, why are you taking the 5th amendment?" How many times did that tangerine turd take the 5th in New York? Wake up tRumptards.
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Old 09-20-2022, 02:33 PM   #64
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This happened 1 week after Senile Biden's demonic anti-MAGA speech
This is what Senile Biden and the libtards have wrought

Cayler Ellingson was murdered by a left-wing extremist in North Dakota
He was run over for simply being a Republican

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Old 09-20-2022, 11:22 PM   #65
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How it Started

How It's Going

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Old 09-21-2022, 07:48 AM   #66
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Stay away from. North .Dakota
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Old 09-21-2022, 02:08 PM   #67
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Imagine if a white, 41-year-old MAGA Hat-Wearing Republican Activist chased down and ran over an 18-year-old with his car because after a hate filled Hitler like speech by the President he claimed the teen was part of a "Democrat Extremist Group"

The Media would cover it non-stop and be hammering the President about it. So why do they ignore the murder of Cayler Ellingson?
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Old 09-21-2022, 11:25 PM   #68
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Senile Biden's rhetoric has consequences. When you label anyone who disagrees with you an "extremist," this happens. This should be a wall-to-wall story.

A North Dakota man charged with killing a teenager using his vehicle has reportedly admitted to intentionally hitting him after a political dispute, claiming the boy was part of a Republican "extremist group."

Shannon Brandt, 41, killed 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson early Sunday in McHenry with an SUV in an alley, KVRR-TV reported. He is charged with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident.

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Old 09-22-2022, 11:57 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Senile Biden's rhetoric has consequences. When you label anyone who disagrees with you an "extremist," this happens. This should be a wall-to-wall story.

A North Dakota man charged with killing a teenager using his vehicle has reportedly admitted to intentionally hitting him after a political dispute, claiming the boy was part of a Republican "extremist group."

Shannon Brandt, 41, killed 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson early Sunday in McHenry with an SUV in an alley, KVRR-TV reported. He is charged with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident.

There are extremist of both sides but it's funny how some tRumptard will point this incident out but say nothing or even defend the tangerine turd when he whipped up the maga-maggots into a frenzy and had them march on the Capitol. 5 people died and scores of people were injury. Hundreds of maga-maggot assholes were arrested and serving prison time for tRump speech.

Look at Charlottesville. Again tRumptards with nazi shirt, kkk clan members, white supremist, maga-maggots and other trumpanzeses attacking counterprotesters and asshole tRump saying that there were very good people on both sides. You're not a good person at all if you're matching with those asshloes. Words do have consequences, but the tRumptards can't see anything the tangerine turd did wrong.

One person in N. Dakota took things easy to far unlike January 6th and Charlottesville when hundreds of maga-maggots took things way to far.
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Old 09-22-2022, 12:41 PM   #70
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The brainwashers are giddy at what a good job they did with rmg.
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Old 09-22-2022, 12:58 PM   #71
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Someone needs to look in the mirror to see who really is brainwashed.
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Old 09-22-2022, 12:59 PM   #72
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Oh come on....the dude from florida who had a van with all the fake media stickers who got arrested and was a "pipe bomb enthusiast."


or the visitors on jan 6th.


But the point is that there is LOTS of political violence that has been stoked by both sides; If you don't agree, or think your side is the one that is the calm and respectful side,- Im betting the other 50% would disagree. Sadly- civil discourse is not always where calmer heads prevail, and there has been a lot to divide the country by demonizing the other side; I know here we throw a lot of words around, but if you hate someone just because of politics, it's a sad state of affairs.

How do we ever get room for discussion and letting each other see the other side. Dumbasses who hurt/ injure or create no room for conversation only exacerbate the situation. We all can rant, but I like that ppl here still listen to the discussion.
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Old 09-22-2022, 03:29 PM   #73
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Want a good laugh….. or cry, go back last 10 yrs and take a look. Then go to Jan 2021 and watch the climb. Dem and MSM/activists propagandist play these dem base like a flute.
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Old 09-22-2022, 03:30 PM   #74
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Hmmm - quite the contrast when a conservative is killed by a crazed libtard vs when libtards are upset someone is killed

An unarmed teen got chased, run over, and killed by a middle aged libtard guy who said he felt threatened by the kid’s politics.

And there have been no protests/riots/burning of cities by the right.

No corporate statements/donations.

No president saying he might have been his son.

No national media coverage.

No national conversations.
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Old 09-22-2022, 05:06 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Hmmm - quite the contrast when a conservative is killed by a crazed libtard vs when libtards are upset someone is killed

An unarmed teen got chased, run over, and killed by a middle aged libtard guy who said he felt threatened by the kid’s politics.

And there have been no protests/riots/burning of cities by the right.

No corporate statements/donations.

No president saying he might have been his son.

No national media coverage.

No national conversations.
Just a quick search found coverage from ABC nbc,CNN ap news yahoo,US news, on the first page of a Google search. So more misinformation about no national media coverage.

To blame Biden for this is ridiculous just because he called out the maga-maggots. This was an isolated incident. Yes, it should never have happen, but the fascist, racist, hateful speeches by the tangerine turd has cause an enormous amount of violence and murders from the extreme maga-maggots. Right-wing radical have caused mass murders and that's why there has been national conversations.
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