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Old 09-06-2022, 08:15 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Pitroom View Post
Something is wrong with you mentally. Like I ain't got time to read all that gibberish. This is what you call white privilege. I'm focused on getting some money, having a little fun then that's it. You have time to do this? White privilege......

It's white privilege to go hiking and share the story?
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Old 09-06-2022, 10:58 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Ironmann11 View Post
So you run a business and have no health insurance? And u claim to have been an attorney before but can’t afford insurance? What reason would any sane person have for not having health insurance? I’d say we have tons of issues besides healthcare. This has to be the most fucked up I’ve ever seen this Country. And if anyone thinks otherwise you may wanna see a doctor or hell ask pxmcc for some counseling. Sounds like he would be one hell of a therapist in this day and age. Fits right in with the fruit loops running this country!
i actually had insurance under Obamacare, but my premiums were high and the insurer-BC/BS-literally paid for nothing. i finally just said, screw it.
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Old 09-06-2022, 12:44 PM   #18
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I know of a GI Doc that does not take insurance of any kind. He has a pay it forward model for office visits, with a payment suggestion but you seriously pay what you think his services are worth. I paid more than his suggested amount because I think what he's doing is fucking awesome.

In addition he has arrangements with facilities for procedures such as a colonoscopy. 4 components to a scope. Doc, Anesthesia, Facility, Lab(if needed). Each gets their share and none has to fuck with stupid insurance coding and all those hassles.

This doc has one person working in his office as a nurse/receptionist. She greets you, takes your vitals and lets the doc know you're there. She takes your payment when you leave. A rather lengthy conversation with the doc after my 1st insured scope a few years ago, may or may not have inspired his change in how he practices.

Italy has the 3rd ranked HC system in the world. They have public clinics and hospitals and yeah it can be a PITA dealing with that.(but it's no better here with private. I have to schedule an appointment with my PCP weeks in advance) It appears that all doctors are required to spend a minimum amount of time in the public system, maybe weekly or monthly, but then they will have a private clinic/hospital that they joint venture with other doctors in the area and staff on their time off from the gov't gig. A simple call will usually get you same day appointments and they may charge 75 euro for something like seeing you for an upper respiratory infection and giving you some antibiotics. In, out, done in an hour or less.

Our HC system is a disaster. I recall almost side by side situations at a MH stand alone emergency room.
Patient 1 had stomach pain, walked in, immediately put on EKG, IV, next comes a shot of Ketorelac or what ever it is, an MRI, blood tests all of which show nothing. Then a shot of Morphine which didn't really help other than dull the pain like morphine does. doc tells patient 1 there isn't anything wrong that he can find and if it gets any worse go to the Hospital ER. Walk out. over $13k in charges and it just so happened to eat up the deductible and OOP to the tune of $6k. The way they code shit it was lvl 5 trauma. That's like GSW or heart attack kind of care. patient was in the room over 2 hours, seen by doc for less than 15 minutes and nurses just long enough to hook up ekg, iv and administer the shots. After all that, the guy goes home, takes something for gas and 30 minutes later is all good. It was fucking gas. Oh, yeah, the doc never even palpated the stomach.

Patient 2, finger hurts like a mother fucker after a football game. 2 days later goes to the same ER. Walks in, hooked up to EKG, IV, No blood test, no Ketorelac or whatever the fuck it is. MRI determines Jersey finger. Splinted, given a shot of morphine and sent home with a recommendation to see ortho ASAP. Same length of stay, same level of attention. No insurance because his dad wasn't following court orders.
Total bill $1275 and the explanation of charges were clear and concise. No outlandish charges then insurance discounts(the game the providers play with the insurance companies). Just here is what you owe, please and thank you.
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Old 09-07-2022, 05:11 AM   #19
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^^ typical u.s. healthcare fuckery, no doubt..

i asked the nurse before i left what she thought my condition was. she said broken ribs. and the doc? same. and i said, well that makes three of us. (the treatment for broken ribs is basically pain pills and time.)

when i walked out of the doc-in-the-box er place, it was kinda awkward. they gave me a list of facilities i could go to. i'm thinking, without insurance, why even bother? i could wait 10 hours at Ben Taub, or pay the better part of a grand at another for-profit private facility, just for some x-rays and pain pills. i figured, screw it. still hard to take deep breaths, but that would be the same with or without a second ER visit. so i went home and took a couple aspirin with a stiff drink lol.

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Old 09-07-2022, 06:02 AM   #20
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You DO realize that you hikacked your own thread in your original post, dont you?

Topic: State of US Healthcare System

all of your babble UITB was basically making yet another thread about you...again.



#TypicalButrhurtDemocratWithTD S
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Old 09-07-2022, 06:33 AM   #21
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^you wanted a 50 page policy report posted on a hooker board? just naw..
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Old 09-07-2022, 07:16 AM   #22
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Old 09-07-2022, 07:20 AM   #23
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Speakin of "policy" reports... you should do one on the new "open border" policy that your teleprompter presedent has in place. me thincks they are loosely tird to your OT
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Old 10-08-2022, 02:16 PM   #24
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Default Medicare scams

here's the problem with the u.s. healthcare system. it's a fucking joke.

like i said earlier, our healthcare system is designed around the needs of for profit companies, not patients. huge part of our deficits is from this huge scam. lets scrap the whole thing and start over. it's a total waste of resources.

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Old 11-09-2022, 02:56 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
here's the problem with the u.s. healthcare system. it's a fucking joke.

like i said earlier, our healthcare system is designed around the needs of for profit companies, not patients. huge part of our deficits is from this huge scam. lets scrap the whole thing and start over. it's a total waste of resources.

Our healthcare system is far from perfect but in many, many ways blows away any other countries. Want knee surgery in Canada or the UK? You are going to wait a long f-ing time. I had proton radiation therapy at MD Anderson last year and MD Anderson is not some boogeyman “for profit” publicly traded corporation, so get your facts straight. I couldn’t have gotten the same treatment in any other country under their “free” government run plan. Oh, and where did this innovation and technology (and most breakthrough drugs) come from? Not Cuba, comrade.

Now we absolutely pay for that care—a lot more than I like, but a good portion of that is because the doctors and hospitals have to charge paying customers higher amounts to subsidize those with no insurance.
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Old 11-09-2022, 03:10 PM   #26
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The state of US healthcare?

The care is great.

The insurance sucks.

The doctors are overpaid.

The nurses are underpaid.

My question is...why do so many other countries do it better for their citizens than the USA? Why is it only US citizens who can get saddled with horrific medical debt in certain situations, while citizens in other countries, like most European countries, do not? And...what is the solution??

Side note...I'm fortunate to not have any medical debt, but I know many people on fixed and unfixed incomes who do.
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Old 11-09-2022, 06:10 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by MisterMeat View Post
The state of US healthcare?

The care is great.

The insurance sucks.

The doctors are overpaid.

The nurses are underpaid.

My question is...why do so many other countries do it better for their citizens than the USA? Why is it only US citizens who can get saddled with horrific medical debt in certain situations, while citizens in other countries, like most European countries, do not? And...what is the solution??

Side note...I'm fortunate to not have any medical debt, but I know many people on fixed and unfixed incomes who do.
I don’t think many (or any) other countries “do it better” unless you are talking about basic medical care, but certainly not anything important. Cuba has more doctors per capita, but they aren’t “better” by any objective overall calculation.

Don’t disagree that some doctors are overpaid, and most nurses are underpaid.
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