I suggest contacting
Apartment Locators | Webster, TX - Texas Apartment Locators Houston 281-338-6806
If they are not of any help try another Rental agency like them ( they work alot of commission & they will help you if you mention you are in the adult entertainment industry) you don't need to mention you are a provider just mention you work as a dancer or something if they get nosy.
They will just need copies of all east 6 months to a year bank statements showing you can pay the rent and its really easy any home renter will help you through this and if you filed taxes even better but it's not as important as your bank deposits for the last at least 6 months.
Private message or call me if I can me of any help & not all of us have regular jobs haha lol!..
It's difficult doing both .
I haven't worked a real job in years hugs!