Was there today. For sure Aiko was a Par-3 but she's not back yet they said. Lulu and Yumi were there today and appear to be best buds, good English, both of them greeting me at the door playfully jousting with each other over who was going to get to take care of a customer they both had seen before... They appear very comfortable with each other and although I know they are both a Par-2 each, I think they would have a blast doing a par four together with a good customer.
But that wouldn't be me, I'm definitely just a one-on-one kind of customer. Lulu definitely provided some extra theatrics during the session where Yumi was more authentic. As much as I have liked and enjoyed Lulu however, with them both there now my first choice is Yumi... Curvy and a more mellow personality wins the day for me and with a nice slow buildup to the Par-1 then the Par-2. I'm not seeing or experiencing any downhill trend here and all my requests have been fulfilled without hesitation but I have stopped short of asking for a Par-3. Not my style. I am seriously considering a LuLu/Yumi four hand session with a par four but I don't think I would last five or 10 minutes with these two tigers, to be honest. And I really like to get my time and money's worth so I will probably pass on that for a while.