Yeah ..... people love this shit.
I'm dating myself here, (and always proudly so) but even Threes Company had several shows where they "encountered" call girls.
Of course all was presented very classy but caused a freak out on Jack, Chrissy & Janet's view.
That show was aired in the late 70's to the mid 80's.
It was considered "risqué".
Nowadays ... it's presented in many scenarios and even though not considered so risky .... people still become infatuated with it.
Funny that when they find themselves face to face with a real life "hobbyist", Gigilo, or Call Girl ... they seem repulsed.
Go figure.
They can go on and live their fake "happy" life, posting on facebook all is perfect .... but we gals... yep ... we get the full story!


As far as movies, here's what comes to mind for me:
* The Best Little Whore House in Texas
* Midnight Cowboy (John Voight & Dustin Hoffman)
* The Girl Friend Experience