Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Cool. I'll bite since nobody else seems to want to. Dudes complain that you're a 100 pounds more than your pics and now you announce that you are a chain smoker. Your phone should be ringing off the hook soon for being the epitome of sound mind and sound health.
Smoking is horrible for your health. Somebody has to pay for the long-term damage and often times it's not the people who put that poison in their lungs all day every single day for decades. I honestly don't know anyone with any decent money who smokes cigare  ttes. And I literally mean not a one. So that means someone else is picking up the tab for their stupidity when their health turns to shit.
I say people can do whatever the fuck harm they want to do to themselves. I don't care. I just don't want to pay more in healthcare to cover their bullshit.
This coming from a window shopper with no reviews what are u even doing here dude.
I'm not 100 pounds overweight .
There's no need for you to try and hurt my feelings 😃
I was merely stating that like the last post 👆..before this one I forgot your handle pardon, as an American the little things like tobacco which I enjoy & Cuban cigars with Johnny walker red label mmm..when I'm not sucking some of your gross cocks is kinda sad.
I will be quitting if the Turkish Flavor is taken from the cigarettes after Bidens new law takes affect.
I smoke 10 a day if that maybe 5 I enjoy the taste like cum in moderation after a meal or after sex.
It's my choice .
Bidets just really making it easy for me to dislike him and as far as this being fairview think not.
Keep your rude comments about my " appearance " to yourself this was about
Cigarettes no my appearance you fucj