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Old 06-07-2022, 05:11 PM   #16
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Your website is good but it either has some broken links or is too password heavy I think. Also the same font style on each page would be nice.

"I would recommend you
read my Guideline and COC Pages
prior to contact.
I make it a priority to respond within 48hrs."

I have no idea what COC is and it prompts for a password.

I have seen your images via the password you made public and although I like what I see - I personally have always been cautious about John Rush photos.

This is in no way directed to you Torre (as I would very much like to see you someday when schedule allows), but the first and last John Rush photo provider I saw years ago was night and day.

John Rush was instgram-snapchat filtering photos years before it was a thing. He over does the airbrushing and with the provider I saw, it covered up a lot that would have been an immediate NO for me.

Personally I like the tryst style pages or P411.

We as men are visual creatures and don't need 10 paragraphs of a fantasy bio.
I hate the fancy photographers that try to make it a high school prom fashion shoot. Its ok to use those, but keep some real pics on hand too please, or even better a short video. Youtube, Vimeo etc. or Pornhub for some of the other providers here who have done so.
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Old 06-07-2022, 05:48 PM   #17
Wile E Coyote
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
You should heed your own advice, homeboy. The last time I checked, I don't have to pay women to hang out with me to go to sporting events.

And my guess is the OP was looking more for a "yes" or "no" answer with little commentary and not multiple lectures from you of all people, genius.
Nice to see you continue to follow my posts like the cyberstalker you are. I do not have to pay women for anything, I chose to and after all, isn't that what this site is all about, P4P? If you have a problem with that, I am sure you know who you can talk to. Then again, look at my post per day count and look at yours to show you who lives on a SHMB, a guy who admittedly does not participate in P4P activities, you here you are on board that features that for kicks, hence the get a fucking life comment by me.

No problem with your guessing what you think the OP means by what she posted, but do not tell others that they are wrong in their guesses, just like you can have an opinion, but do not tell others they have to have yours or not have one at all. If according to you, she has a problem with me or anyone else posting their opinion or lecture as you say, then she should not have opened the thread to begin with.

Oh, and will you look at that another poster commented right before this and more than just a few words about a the subject of the thread. Looking forward to you telling them and anyone else what their opinion should be and limited to, genius.
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Old 06-07-2022, 06:56 PM   #18
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As a 30-year Road Warrior, having to use the multiple hobby sites around the globe...it has always been a luxury to find a personal website...usually with better content than the standard offering.

DFW, I never know which direction your posts are leading.
One very positive comment ….. then a downright argumentative one.
That may be worse than …. Having a special posted on a site that has expired.

BUT...the vast majority of personal sites are full of empty pages, calendars, blogs...and in general disrepair.

Ok … so this is one of your positive comments …
AND … you guys keep hounding me about the pics and the outdated special?
Well, if you’ve read my reviews …. You will see that everything is still spot on.
In addition … I have to be VERY careful of what I put out there because of my RW life.
If you don’t want to ask for the passcode to my gallery …. Then you’re probably not on the same playing field as me.

Torre...yours in pretty good shape...but you might want to check your SPECIALS page:
HOLIDAY SPECIAL! $280 1hr - $340 1.5hr
THRU JAN 15th, 2021

One reason I have not removed that is because it’s another business tactic for me.
Prospective clients can SEE THAT I do offer specials now and again. But they are tempted to check my site of any “current” specials.
That brings more traffic …. And also let’s me know their level of interest.

Wile E Coyote
LM, it is a good idea to read the subject of the thread and the other posts that follow before you comment on it. Now, I know you just like to shoot first and maybe ask questions later, e
specially if it someone you like to troll.

Lucas McCain
You should heed your own advice, homeboy. The last time I checked, I don't have to pay women to hang out with me to go to sporting events.

Really? GUYS!~ Don’t do the BLM thing ….
I’ve been so relieved and thought the banter would at least get a break for 90 days.

Lucas McCain
On this occasion, the OP asked for opinions on a provider website, and while a few other guys commented and told her their opinion, and like you have done for years.
ou have to call me out because I gave mine.If she did not want opinions then she should not have started the thread to begin with.
Get a fucking life and quit trying to find things wrong with what others post.

Lucas McCain
WEC, why are you always telling these women what they should do?
It's her business. She can run it how she sees fit. She has been in the game long enough. I'm pretty sure if it was not working for her, she would have changed her business model a long time ago. If you don't like her business model, don't see her. I highly doubt she will lose any sleep over it.


Lucas McCain
Having said that, I agree about the pictures.
Nobody is jacking off to pictures of her with all of the free porn and plenty of other nude photos of very hot women floating around on the internet.
Hell, I can't even remember the last time I even rubbed one out just from looking at a picture.

AND that is a fortifying thought.
If only ALL dudes would have that attitude.
Again …. I will say …. Look at my reviews….. nothing has changed as far as my Body Stats. OK, well I did get my hair cut shorter ….. but I always let clients know that … if they’ve not seen me before.
Most importantly … is I don’t expose myself to much because I have a lot to risk.

Grace Preston
Its nice to have one. Heck, I have one-- but in some cities its 100% unnecessary.
The vast majority of my new visitors find me on Twitter or P411.
But then again, I'm not the sort that requires people to fill out my booking form in full before I'll even consider speaking to you... its not my style and never has been. Twitter has been wonderful for me simply because I enjoy interacting with people.

And yes Grace …. I have plenty of provider friends who have that protocol as well.
I don’t participate on Twitter … because of my concern being ousted.
But I know it works well for many gals in the industry.

Lucas McCain

And my guess is the OP was looking more for a "yes" or "no" answer with little commentary and not multiple lectures from you of all people, genius.

Muuuuuaaahhh … #2 !!
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Old 06-07-2022, 07:07 PM   #19
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Ok ... my brain hurts ...
I put waaayyy too much into these posts ....
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Old 06-07-2022, 08:22 PM   #20
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My site has all the info you need but service & easy to read .
When FOSTA came about I removed services page .

I keep my website up to date with new pics about every 3 months .
I keep it easy to read and with rates and dates of touring
I like the old school Hollywood look ..
Lots of phots from Selfies to Pro pics ..No password to see all my photos.
Photos from over the years and up to date & today I just did a photo shoot at the beach and some fun styles I love ..
Dress up dresses to topless and so much more ..

I don't feel it's that costly to keep it up to date .
I do have a person who does this for me .
And we keep it update .

What is costly are the photo shoots every 3 months .
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Old 06-07-2022, 09:51 PM   #21
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I don't feel it's that costly to keep it up to date .
I do have a person who does this for me.
And we keep it update .

What is costly are the photo shoots every 3 months.

Hey LBG...
Well, it's not about the "cost", as I don't have an issue with that whatsoever.
It's more about finding the photographer who I click with and can respect my current situation.
Kids ..... the AHole X .... yada yada.
The last thing I need is for someone to hold on to copies of my photos and be able to "put them on there own website"..
and yes .... that has happened to me before.
Too much at risk.
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Old 06-07-2022, 10:06 PM   #22
Wile E Coyote
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Hey Torre,

the next time you open another discussion thread, in the original post of the thread, would you please let everyone know who can post in it, what opinion they need to have and the maximum number of words that each poster who has the permission to give that opinion can have.

Much appreciated.
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Old 06-07-2022, 10:26 PM   #23
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Ok Wylie .... I needed a good belly laugh .... :-D

You pass .... and can post at freedom anytime to my threads ....
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Old 06-08-2022, 06:40 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post

please let everyone know who can post in it, what opinion they need to have and the maximum number of words that each poster who has the permission to give that opinion can have.

Plus one
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Old 06-08-2022, 07:06 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Torre Tames View Post
Ok Wylie .... I needed a good belly laugh .... :-D

You pass .... and can post at freedom anytime to my threads ....
Just trying to save you from the constant and long rebukes cuz you do not like the opinion posted that your brain hurts.
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Old 06-08-2022, 09:43 AM   #26
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I think after reading most of the posts the take away is,

Yes, it's nice if a lady has a website, but it's not a deal breaker. There's information out there on other sites and you can click those just as easily as you can click her personal one. And, if a lady is going to have a website, she needs to try to keep up with it with current information.

I've had ones in the past, and every time I think about doing a new one I remember, it's an added expense and requires time to maintain it. For now, it's a pass. It's all I can do to keep up with Twitter and the boards I'm on.
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Old 06-08-2022, 02:52 PM   #27
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Thank you.
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Old 06-12-2022, 03:01 AM   #28
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Wile E Coyote
Just trying to save you from the constant and long rebukes cuz you do not like the opinion posted that your brain hurts.

(Express Sharp disapproval or criticism of someone because of their behavior or action).

Ok ... what tha wha?
Isn't this forum about expressing your opinion in selected ways?
Others have posted WAAAYY more negative "points of view" which is sometimes helpful ... and sometimes not.

My posts are mostly positive .... and if you don't like the delivery then just bypass and move on.

I noticed the thread about LE .... and, well ... I guess this is a good case and point
about having a "valid" website.

Laura Lynn

Yes, it's nice if a lady has a website, but it's not a deal breaker. There's information out there on other sites and you can click those just as easily as you can click her personal one. And, if a lady is going to have a website, she needs to try to keep up with it with current information.

I've had ones in the past, and every time I think about doing a new one I remember, it's an added expense and requires time to maintain it. For now, it's a pass. It's all I can do to keep up with Twitter and the boards I'm on.

Hey Laura .... totally get what your sayin.
The whole twitter and tryst thing is something I choose not to do.
I stick with my three platforms and that works well.
Your comment is well received ... especially acknowledging the "requires time to maintain".

Trying to balance answering text, emails and PM's ... screening, keeping the calendar, booking appointments ... and all that!
Sometimes priorities can go bass-ackwards....LOL!
I'm sure you know how it goes!

Oh ... and hey .... I had HH with Lindsay Lee yesterday and she had so many nice things to say about you!
We need to meet up sometime!
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Old 06-12-2022, 06:58 AM   #29
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Old 06-12-2022, 07:38 AM   #30
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Well... first off ... nookieb (and by the way love the handle)!
I appreciate your input, and always take thoughtful responses into consideration.
We all conduct how we interact and represent ourselves in this hobby world.
I try always to continue to learn what works and what doesn't.
Everything now is working for me ... so stressing about what some folks think ... is somewhat of a short analysis ... but at the end of the day ... this is a business and we providers have to make decisions in how to "run" our business.

Your website is good but it either has some broken links or is too password heavy I think. Also the same font style on each page would be nice.

Well everyone has their preferences ... and since I get more positive feedback about my site .... I leave it like it is.
Although ... I understand it needs to be updated as far as the photos, but as I've stated in other threads, you can see by my reviews that the BMI and all that is still pretty much exactly the same.

"I would recommend you
read my Guideline and COC Pages
prior to contact.
I make it a priority to respond within 48hrs."

I have no idea what COC is and it prompts for a password.

COC --- code of conduct, which is in the title of the page.

This is in no way directed to you Torre (as I would very much like to see you someday when schedule allows),

Thank you ....

...but the first and last John Rush photo provider I saw years ago was night and day.
John Rush was instgram-snapchat filtering photos years before it was a thing. He over does the airbrushing, and with the provider I saw, it covered up a lot that would have been an immediate NO for me.

Ok... I get what your saying ... and I'm sorry that happened to you. Just consider though ... the provider was in the wrong ... because she misrepresented herself.

I never felt he overdid the photoshops with me and he had a very creative eye.
The pics of staircase photos and the window with the sheets ... well.. He made me totally comfortable with his direction.
He is retired now ... and I'm looking for a new photographer ... it takes time and research.

Personally I like the tryst style pages or P411.

I stick with my 3 platforms ....
too much social media is risky.
And besides, I'm not hurting for business ... so no need to try and draw in more.

We as men are visual creatures and don't need 10 paragraphs of a fantasy bio.

Well ... for some ... it's not ALL ABOUT the visuals.
It's about the companionship ... class level ... intelligence ... and a developed relationship.
What is apparent is that us mature providers do not create a "fantasy bio" ... we are very much real.. to the point and upfront.

or even better a short video. Youtube, Vimeo etc. or Pornhub for some of the other providers here who have done so.

Pornhub? Nope ... not gonna happen ...

Thanks again for your input .... I hope this thread holds good info for those learning the ropes.

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