Originally Posted by WTF
Your ignorance is showing yet again.
It is ludicrous to think Biden and the Democrats want inflation. It means total destruction at the ballot box.
Grow up and quit parroting idiotic talking points.
If you had an ounce of sense, you'd have realized that reopening the economy was going to put upward pressure on driving and thus gas and thus oil pricing. You then would have loaded up on energy stocks.
Or you can sit around and lie and cry on a hooker board about Democrats! 
i dont need to load up on energy stocks, you imbecile
and out of bidens own mouth
he views high energy prices as good and necessary
“[When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,”
and it wasnt reopening the economy that caused prices to shoot up
and specifically oil prices are up due, in most part, to dimocrat attacks on oil
and yes, they, on one hand, for political purposes, now decry inflation, while truly they use it to further their goals
at one time their inflation was fine and a "wealthy person's problem"
you are and have been a blind little cave dweller; a mole, who squinches his eyes closed at the light