A little courtesy please
We've all experienced it....that moment you're enjoying your massage and the door bell ring. Shit, here goes hurry up mode. We all hate it, so let's not do it to each other. Most places have 2 girls working. If you're number 3...how about sitting in your car...drive around the block....smoke a cigarette....just please don't go in.
I was the only car at Classy this morning, so I'm enjoying a nice massage. Door bell rings...cool, the other girl can handle it. Then again...ok, he's in the "on deck" room...and a third time! There was seriously a goober sitting on the couch in the entry way as I was being shoved out the door like I was sneaking out the window at a jealous husband's house. I really thought about going back in for another round just to return the favor.
Come on guys, let's be a little courteous please.