Originally Posted by Scoot642
I'm sure she will try and ser up the wrong person and her day will come. She could make so much more being honest and just provide instead of robbing .guess the quick fix is less invasive to her vagina
Her day is long long overdue... and i mean no offense (mayb u had a satisfying date in past).. but the bad reports go beyond robbing.. bad hygiene.. bad service..
Staff edit, Forbidden Topic. dj8.. but she's always been who she is.. not worth the jack-o-lantern smile.. or the now unhealthy marked up body.. well not to me anyway..lol
And southgate.. i agree with you.. before posting that link.. i wasn't 100% sure it was her or true (you could mayb say some of the same of posts on here).. but that link is over 4 yrs old (when backpage was up and running).. but it's consistent with what we now know of her... extremely late showing up... going in to the bathroom (anyone that's familiar with her knows what she's doing in there).. and of course skipping out with the cash.. and then i look at who wrote it (mgc 12302).. he only has 2 complaints... one for a wheelchair order.. and the other for the trash we speak of.. i took him to be credible and what i personally know of her.. i absolutely believe it!
But you're absolutely right southgate.. even if wasn't true.. there's already so much more!.. done wasting time on that goblin.. if anyone is gonna give her anything.. let it at least be the run around..lol