Sooo… Since you taking a shot at beautiful Maple at LA, being the only studio you failed to recognize. She is definitely in her early 30s she’s only been in Dallas for about 3 years and shortly worked at blue. She hides it well and uses minimal makeup. Unlike some others at studios I won’t name.
What gets me is that you wrote your review over a girl at KF “ Lisa” I believe and it backfired with everyone saying she was overweight, which you failed to mention.
JFukka’s most recent review pointed out the major age discrepancy that you failed to mention in your review about the same girl. Tsk tsk GR…. But when your reviews fails to mirror that of fellow reviewers it starts to raise an eyebrow. If you look at my history you won’t find that issue.
(Lisa being overweight)
(Older than advertised Arisa)
(Deleting his signature completely after many reviewers called him out for not having Lovely Angels on there)
Bunny, Star, Asa, Julie come to mind when thinking about provider’s who are 40 plus and still rocking it! And they all look fairly attractive for their ages.