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Old 05-07-2022, 09:11 AM   #16
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I think Tinman has the right idea. Trafficked, managed or pimped and all colors of the rainbow it happens. For myself I was uncomfortable with the Asian apartment scene . Almost no English and different girls constantly , with certainty that the person I’m communicating with is not the girl I would see. The AMPs and now studios don’t give me any of those vibes. What ever you are comfortable with you be you. For the love of god don’t be captain save a hoe !
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Old 05-07-2022, 10:31 AM   #17
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by grail View Post
This troll set a new record. Can't believe he lasted this long but I guess the mods were bored and needed the entertainment in this clown spewing his nonsense on this site.

He really did. The AsianP handle lasted longer than his previous handles. Haejinkim, D1dragon, pegasustx, vadc and the rest. Four years of stalking and trolling, and making up lie upon lie.

The relative time AsainP lasted, tells me there is sympathetic elements (read: Moderator(s)) aligned with his nefarious agenda. Fortunately there are good Admins who care about this Board, and will take action against this Stalker.

If we could get Moderator(s) to stop giving safe haven to the Stalker, this Board could become functional again.
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Old 05-07-2022, 11:07 AM   #18
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Any bets on his timetable to be back?
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Old 05-07-2022, 11:14 AM   #19
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by Ghostrider View Post
Any bets on his timetable to be back?
Caesar's has the odds at 2 weeks, MGM has it 3-1 that he returns the Friday before Memorial day. The latter observation appears prescient.
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Old 05-07-2022, 12:12 PM   #20
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I honestly wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt already have another handle going since he knew his ban was incoming.
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Old 05-07-2022, 12:18 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Drkviper85 View Post
I honestly wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt already have another handle going since he knew his ban was incoming.
Oh he does.. He uses them to fish for information. There are 3 or 4 handles the I suspect are his but when he returns it will be a new handle.
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Old 05-07-2022, 12:21 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Drkviper85 View Post
I honestly wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt already have another handle going since he knew his ban was incoming.
Yes. He always changes tone as his points stack up, and he posts that his ban is imminent. His wild accusations get more animated. and he capitulates, acknowledging that he is all the previous handles linked to him.

He gets banned, and his Mod best friend goes into hiding. Stops openly supporting the Universal Stalker.. Until the next handle appears. Rinse and repeat.

I don't think AsianP has his next handle yet. But the Oven is pre-heating.
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Old 05-07-2022, 06:11 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Yes. He always changes tone as his points stack up, and he posts that his ban is imminent. His wild accusations get more animated. and he capitulates, acknowledging that he is all the previous handles linked to him.

He gets banned, and his Mod best friend goes into hiding. Stops openly supporting the Universal Stalker.. Until the next handle appears. Rinse and repeat.

I don't think AsianP has his next handle yet. But the Oven is pre-heating.
MODs are not here 24/7. We actually have lives other than most of the main players here barebacking trafficked Korean cum & Plan B infused subhuman hotpockets.

Just as you and others on here. Many have really good VPN that does not allow us to prove who someone used to be and sometimes it takes time to weed people out. Without definite proof, we don't ban. We just can't go off the word of a few paranoid pimps, traffickers, promoters when someone hurts their feelings and damages their bottom line.

So, a few of you really should go stand in the mirror holding hands and look the images in the eyes and cry because those are the only people who actually worries about slander on an IHRB.

You guys take (cough)slander on an internet hooker review board way to serious.
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Old 05-08-2022, 12:38 AM   #24
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Admiral G. who are the pimps? id like to know. where can i find them? why do you refer to some of the women as subhuman? tell me how they feel about us clients.
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Old 05-09-2022, 10:40 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle View Post
MODs are not here 24/7. We actually have lives other than most of the main players here barebacking trafficked Korean cum & Plan B infused subhuman hotpockets.

Just as you and others on here. Many have really good VPN that does not allow us to prove who someone used to be and sometimes it takes time to weed people out. Without definite proof, we don't ban. We just can't go off the word of a few paranoid pimps, traffickers, promoters when someone hurts their feelings and damages their bottom line.

So, a few of you really should go stand in the mirror holding hands and look the images in the eyes and cry because those are the only people who actually worries about slander on an IHRB.

You guys take (cough)slander on an internet hooker review board way to serious.
Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle View Post
MODs are not here 24/7. We actually have lives other than most of the main players here barebacking trafficked Korean cum & Plan B infused subhuman hotpockets.

Just as you and others on here. Many have really good VPN that does not allow us to prove who someone used to be and sometimes it takes time to weed people out. Without definite proof, we don't ban. We just can't go off the word of a few paranoid pimps, traffickers, promoters when someone hurts their feelings and damages their bottom line.

So, a few of you really should go stand in the mirror holding hands and look the images in the eyes and cry because those are the only people who actually worries about slander on an IHRB.

You guys take (cough)slander on an internet hooker review board way to serious.
Mods may not be on the public forums 24/7, but the ones that like to play power trips on those they have a hard-on for have different guys that are on throughout the day at different times and inform them when those particular members are online and posting so the mod can dissect the post(s) and determine if he can find some GL violations, if not make up some to dish out points.

What type of person in their right mind slanders others on a hooker board whom they do not even know or met in person? And you wonder why the ladies hardly ever post anything and the majority of guys who are members are mere lurkers and nothing more. Actually, isn't slandering others individually a form of harassment? especially when you target certain individuals constantly? There is a reason there is a sticky with a zero tolerance rule for targeting and insulting that came down from the owners, right? And will you look at that, you AG, are the one that posted it: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2595663

But, AG is right that nowadays, he cannot immediately ban unless a poster admits to breaking a bannable offense or there is clear proof of the act on the board for a member to get that auto ban. Copying and pasting a ban reason that does not clearly violate the nuclear rules of this site to an admin may have had an affect on those types of bans. So, instead of getting laughs for the attempts to frustrate those they use to temp ban for no GL violations at all, the mods now have to make it look like they are not targeting an individual by periodically issuing trumped up points every so often to get to 25 before the first ones expire for that temp ban to take effect.

The reason trolls get away with their bullshit is probably so they can do their trolling for some juicy clickbait and much needed views to sell and keep site ads. There is no rule for being a troll (causing drama either), but the trolling and conspiracy theories they post as fact are usually harassing insults targeting other members. Combine that with cyberstalking certain individuals for the purpose of trolling them is really against two of the supposed low to zero tolerance rules of this site, right?

Pimps are everywhere, not just at AMPs, so with all things being equal, I prefer the silent ones that stay in the background out of sight and mind (which includes but not limited to the posting of promo reviews/mini ads to bait business in the door) unless there is a security threat. You can easily tell a pimp, a wanna be or even a promoter, by the ad reviews they write to get that phone ringing. The pimp's ad reviews are usually followed by the attaboy posts by his followers to keep the review on top of the page.

I know first hand all too well that the candy ass followers do the pimp's bidding. On here for me, it is constant trolling, contacting providers to not see me, ect. Off the board, it is outing, trying to get me banned from strip clubs, ect. anything that can be done anonymously, but oddly tho, no personal meet ups. How do they get the info to be able to out people ? Well one theory I have is, but certainly not an accusation, there are only certain people that have access to IP addresses on this site and it is very easy to get personal info from that.

Anyone that does have the balls to call a pimp out for what they are/posting an ad review aka fake encounter for promo purposes needs to be aware that he is going to be branded for negation, outing, sending messages to providers not to see you, ect. all for the life you are a member of a SHMB. Although it never has nor ever will hurt me, it may hurt you when trying to see providers, they out you, ect.

Here is a good question for those bootlicking guys, after buying his drinks at the strip club and he has to use the facilities, how do you determine which one of you gets to hold his dick so he can take a piss?
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Old 05-09-2022, 10:49 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by B.Wayne View Post
Admiral G. who are the pimps? id like to know. where can i find them? why do you refer to some of the women as subhuman? tell me how they feel about us clients.
He already told us. Everyone who posts in the Studio section is a Promoter, Pimp and Abuser. No need to parse names. That includes me, who has barely ever posted in the Studio section.

The first post in this thread is the temporary swan song for the OP. Until he returns with his 41st Handle, AG will pick up the communication slack.

I'm still intrigued why someone who disdains, and has the opinion AG does about Board membership and studio ladies, would operate as a Moderator. Then I remind myself that he has not ''moderated'' the OP, in fact, he shares the exact views of the OP. AG might as well be the 42nd Handle.
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Old 05-09-2022, 02:59 PM   #27
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I don't mod Dallas and much of what I read here is for when I visit or need some entertainment.

I have appreciated the replies to my PMs over the years when I am too lazy to read through hundreds of reviews. Always appreciated.

Now, that being said, you take the word of someone like AsianP or their other handles way too seriously (other handles in Dallas is so common the statue of David and his dog probably have 3 or 4 extra too). And frankly, you get so upset you harm yourself.

They have no credibility, so why do you give a fuck?

Just RTM and move on if it is an actual violation.

I just can't fathom people who are so bitter when they are here. Why be here then?
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Old 05-09-2022, 03:06 PM   #28
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One thing I have learned in my time on this site, its FULL of absolute cry babies who love to tattletale on each other.
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Old 05-09-2022, 03:29 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by AGBB 2.0 View Post
One thing I have learned in my time on this site, its FULL of absolute cry babies who love to tattletale on each other.
It would be nice to expose the ones that abuse the system, I don't believe the snitch button should be used for hurt feelings
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Old 05-09-2022, 03:43 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by AGBB 2.0 View Post
One thing I have learned in my time on this site, its FULL of absolute cry babies who love to tattletale on each other.
Hey PB it looks like the hammer came down on you
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