Originally Posted by pillowlips
Wow, where have you been Randi? Hope you are doing great. I see nothing wrong with him leaving. I have done both when I see cops at the hotel. I have also left and I have also gone in if I knew the provider. I not sure why there is a problem, especially with someone you know. Money never even gets discussed. Are you even doing anything wrong if you don't talk about money.
hey pillow ...

. .................... i'm around, things are good, can't complain, I just lurk in the background.

ya know keeping up on " hobby ongoings " .... and i dont think he did anything wrong by leaving if he was that spooked, Ive canceled a cpl of times over the yrs due to my spidey senses picking up on something not feeling right, but to broadcast a providers safety tactics? no thats not cool. one would expect a member (the op) of this site since 2011 to know this by now. Not that what he did was an outing kind of violation thing, but rather an unwritten rule, where it kind of crosses that "keeping things discreet" thing