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Old 04-26-2022, 01:03 PM   #1
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Default Cops can have sex with you is this still true.

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Old 05-08-2022, 12:43 PM   #2
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that's crazy but no surprise
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Old 05-11-2022, 05:57 AM   #3
ben dover
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I believe this is true all over the US or at least used to be.
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Old 07-07-2022, 03:35 PM   #4
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In Hawaii
proof that dems are no better than republicans
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Old 07-07-2022, 06:46 PM   #5
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Depends on location. Most departments have policies against it. But there are exceptions for undercover work, etc. There have been documented cases over the years of officers getting laid then arresting the hooker. In most of the ones I remember, the charges were dropped and the officer fired.
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Old 07-08-2022, 05:29 PM   #6
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That’s one hot Asian hooker.
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Old 07-10-2022, 03:29 PM   #7
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What if the hooker is a underage girl that is being forced into the business?
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Old 07-10-2022, 04:46 PM   #8
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Let's stop questioning that and start demanding the legalization of it!
We looking mighty dumb to Canada who did for girls but not websites or "pimps" as well as many, and DEFINITELY! my heritage/DNA roots!!
Now: my great great great grandma was the Sundance Kid's favorite mistress, Ella Price. Who secured allll ELEVEN of her childrens plattes of land as they got married off..
...and all IIII got was overzealous ego/emotionally retarded "authority" "judging" and tryna groom & tell ME what I'M gonna be and for whom??
Now!! Let's demand it in the Louisiana purchase states who's population outnumbers the east or west coasts as well as is the only place that PREDATORS AROUND THE WORLD FLOCK TO for pretty white cheerleaders& children to exploit & abuse like fucking cavemen!!

...IMMA NEED y'all midwest men to fucking GET.MAD!! PlEaSe as they mock y'all for your NON ABUSIVE ways..
Who am I kidding? Where I'm from, the cops: have the biggest identity theft ring going on, hunt for girls to take to the station THEN RECORD FUCKING THEM then get 2 week sentences! Where I am from, the sherrif himself was tryna do just that riding with a guy in a black hoody that stayed up, refused to look at me, they had a huge megawatt human spotlight in HOPES TO ILLICIT SEIZURES IN HUMANS, and made sure to state three times in the stupid little write-up piece that they do nothing but lie about what they did and saw anyways this mother f***** said three specific and separate times that he was by himself now that's how you know he was f****** lying but do you think the Judge even looked at the video??? Where I'm from they will literally arrest a guy who's trying to literally lure a child into his car without even having the nerve to have a piece of candy and let him go the next day!!! And there's actually been two cops that have now gotten fired for video taping themselves having sex in their cars or cop shops with minors I'm talking like 15. Are you University uses mine or white girls to recruit stupid ignorant black boys to play football and this is the only place in the country I know that would allow a 15 year old girl to check in to a room with a college-aged man.
And here I've Been Everywhere y'all in my story is still the worst and what I crawled out of was hell and somebody's going to have to go ahead and help me before it all comes rattling down..
Not sorry for venting.

But no each f****** grown ass human on the face of this planet can allow anyone to get in their pants for what ever that person wants or demands or expects for that!!! Lots of countries are looking at is really stupid guys for the fact that we have no concept of dating anymore it's literally nothing but f****** you might be married but all you do is f*** you might have access to some resources but you're looking real dumb with what you do with them

And all those boys that think it's so cute to not help a girl being raped but stand in line to be next and those that know and stood idly by doing nothing

Will for fact receive the worst punishments. So says the Bible the Torah and the Quran. So says the Enforcer, who walks Earth again.

So please.. this fat that plants animals rights squatters even sex offenders have more rights out here than me and my kids and me with my own goddamn body has to change!!

I'm going to drop the bombshell that nowhere on the face of the planet has more tract and very meticulously notated genetic breeding and deletion of white mother f****** women been documented anywhere but the Midwest America!!! NoOoOoO wHeRe I'VE LOOKED! And things are getting pretty sketchy with some of these States legalizing electroshock therapy again because we had to basically incarcerate a doctor to stop lobotomizing people by just ramrodding railroad ties up females noses to incapacitate them into retardness to f*** them whenever they wanted.
Down with LongCoat syndrome, up with BIG BOY PANTS, YAAAY!!

And in conclusion I can't get it not one mandatory reporter or person who is supposed to do anything about things like public defenders alongside their wives only Foster parenting teenage girls so that people like a high school friend of mine can be groomed and molested by them and she can freak out and crawl under her bed and tell me oh no I can't go confront him or blackmail him like you're asking because he knows me by my smell.
And they won't do anything but look how everybody demonized somebody called Jeffrey Epstein who nobody knew anything about who is taking girls in that were coming to him and flocking to him and honestly he wasn't doing too bad by them!!
But you not scuzzy story that everybody else thinks was actually happening to one of my high school friends for fact and in this super good place to raise a family because a as soon as you have them they're going to take them all away and sell them off there's honestly almost no children left and that is not a f****** joke.

F*** a cop I could tell you what I say to them but I know where I'm from STILL TO THIS DAY the cops around here are the worst the worst of the worst these are the m************ that it doesn't matter how much they offer you m*********** saying no!!!
But in a normal schematic, u just have to make sure to let them know hey that's cool that you were honest with me and only because of that will I let you see me but at no point don't you never think for any reason now or down the road you're going to get me to roll for any reason because here they will threaten to take these girls kids if they don't help them rob some guys & fake act like they pimps.

S.O.S. my state is also home to the FBI and the CIA but I also remember those stories when I was growing up about how it was the very CIA member himself kidnapping kids from here like that person who knows they stole your drugs and then helps you look for them!! My state is so proudly patriarchal with their caveman tendencies and emotional retardism that quite often they even beat the things that they f*** until they get brain injuries and then those people can't act like anything but the save cavemen they're stuck around and I've been telling people for 2 years is something unnatural or some s*** going on because it's not normal and it is not normal it's not f****** normal
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Old 07-10-2022, 04:58 PM   #9
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I want you all to go to the Des Moines Register website it's the newspaper here and search sexual misconduct or sexual charges or whatever and see that over half of what is on their website right now is nothing but those!!!

And I want you to Stew and ruminate about the fact that most of that did actually happen and none of the punishments fit the crime and imagine if that was your daughter!! But then again I've looked people in the eyes as I say that that I know have daughters and they don't even flinch so imagine if that was happening to everybody you ever thought you f****** loved.

And let me know how you rate Iowa as being a great place to raise a family!
Me currently: -2.

Let me know how you all feel about the people that take our children away running a sex ring in between Cedar Rapids Iowa and Chicago Illinois and do you see I'm posting these things so loudly on a public forum..

And none of these supposed protectors or authoritarians will do anything because they haven't done s*** yet except try to make a show of it without mandating the most important reason they were doing it which is the punishments!!

And then somebody messaged me something sexually related that is funny... I wanna laugh as the poo I fling like the dumb monkey everybody wants me to be starts hitting the fan!!

Before love could even be a possibility.
And sex has only little overlap into both of those.
#SoveignSouls #StandYoGround #WhitePowerPrivilegeOnUp
... did you know in almost every other country where white people are and do exist they are highly highly f****** protected and sometimes even our military goes into those places like Afghanistan and their White Jewish kalash tribe
And we get hated for privileges we've almost never had and had to fight so f****** hard tooth and nail for just the tiniest dumbest things

She's going to get real cuz this chick broke the Matrix cheap cheap b**** you saw I walk like a duck and cracked like a goose you should have known I was a swan
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Old 07-24-2022, 07:50 PM   #10
dfw harley
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That's BS that they do this. Apparently HI is an exception to most normal states. This isn't normal and I won't go into extreme details. But apparently HI exempts the cop, while investigating, from being charged as a john. But here is another problem, the cop is being paid to have sex!!! So essentially he is a hooker too and the department is his or her pimp. That is one reason it doesn't work. The good thing, I know for a fact, this is not allowed in Texas.
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