Originally Posted by ICU 812
Stupidity in an escort, though a thing to consider, is less im portant than performance, hotness and expected donation.
Reviews can help out here. That is why we have this board. The "...IE" stands for 'Information Exchange".
Thank you for your opinion. Others have a different opinion. Some of us strongly prefer intelligent women over "beauty, performance and hotness." But wait, if one looks at how intelligent people are, you will find that there are very few really stupid people. Most people are not really stupid, but some ladies think it makes them attractive to pretend to be stupid. There is one lady in Kansas City who is extremely attractive, but she pretends not to be able to write a simple sentence. She never uses a period to end a sentence. That is something my daughter knew how to do when she was still three years old because she wanted to learn.
Being stupid is not the same thing as not giving a shit about anything. Those ladies need to learn how to fuck themselves because few guys will pay to put up with that attitude. When you find a lady who is too lazy to do anything except fuck for a living it is usually not stupid, it is lazy.
There are people who are truly stupid, just like there are people who are highly intelligence.
For both groups, the numbers are very few and about the same.. When you meet people who tell you they are from either group, the first assumption is that they are just pretending in order to jerk your chain.