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Old 04-11-2022, 06:34 AM   #1
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Default Seeking membership questions

Is it worth it? I’m guessing you have to pay 100$ a month to message. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
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Old 04-11-2022, 08:02 AM   #2
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Old 04-11-2022, 08:05 AM   #3
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Haha thanks. All I needed to hear. I saw a few pretty not fat AA members and was intrigued but I’ll pass.
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Old 04-11-2022, 08:56 AM   #4
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Totally worth it, but you have to remember, they don't know they are hookers. So, don't treat them like one, and have some value beyond a little money, try being handsome, or charming, or funny, or caring, or something.

Tolstoy will be along shortly to offer his thoughts.
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Old 04-11-2022, 01:28 PM   #5
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If you’re single, 30 yo, good looking and have game…definitely worth it.
If you’re married, 60 yo, ugly and no personality…definitely not worth it.
If you’re somewhere in between you may love it. May not.
Of my top 100 encounters, all of them were through SA. But there is some mining involved.
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Old 04-11-2022, 02:07 PM   #6
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What kind of compensation do they expect? I couldn’t fathom paying someone to allow me to take them out for dinner and drinks. Especially if there is nothing sexual involved.
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Old 04-11-2022, 03:08 PM   #7
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I think it's very well worth it, but only join for a month.
My one month netted me 40 phone numbers and a total of 18 sessions with 14 different girls.
Pricing varied from a low of 200 to a high of 500.
Included were 3 overnights.
I now have numbers for over 70 girls.
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Old 04-11-2022, 04:09 PM   #8
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I've banged 18 year old strippers for nail money on there. So, like $100
Or college girls would just want me to buy lingerie to fuck them in. Those are outliers for sure, but the younger girls give it up easier than the 30 somethings.

I don't pay for initial meets (unless you count the coffee), and I never pay more than I would for an XOC girl.

All that being said, I'm charming as fuck.
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Old 04-11-2022, 04:09 PM   #9
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Oh I also join for like one month a year or so. 2 weeks is all you need, but not an option lol
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Old 04-11-2022, 05:07 PM   #10
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Its more work than it used to be. I noticed some of them use the "because of Covid I dont do meets" excuse. Just as bad are the "Online friends only" girls. Also watch out for the ones expecting you to pay the bill for their college tuition. LOL! Like I dont have my own to deal with.
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Old 04-11-2022, 06:07 PM   #11
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Default Smokin' Hot "Market Rate" Prospects, Clueless Princesses, All Types In-Between......

The last time I checked the monthly SA membership fee is $90 a month and $80 a month if you pay for three (3) months at a time. They used to have a six (6) month for $70 a month option but they ended that....

I anticipate SA will Increase their monthly rate to $100 or more and they may end all multi-month packages. Guys here will complain about that, but there is value (for the active SA guy) for that site to "thin the herd" of paying-guys on that site...

Simply too many "stragglers" and "time-wasters" on that site. I'm talking about male-players. Most SA girls actively complain about them. If SA girls have in their profiles "Don't ask me for my banking info..." then that means there are a lot of male scammers on that site. Most SA girls I have done business with report comic, Benny Hill-type hobby-Losers who they have interacted with. So if SA ever decides to "price out" all the male stragglers it will mean Fewer....Guys interacting with More....Girls because girls can join for free....

SA also has no problems Banning guys, With Impunity, if guys post "hobby-talk" in PM's, and even if an SA girl corruptly reports guys to the admins as "hobbyists". With their ever more expensive "condensed" pricing tiers and the fact that they don't mind Banning guys it all is the hallmark of a Monopoly on the whole online SD/SB scene....

No other site competes with it as far as "quality" (smokin' hot girls banging for "market rates") and also "variability" of clueless girls who think they can get-paid Without banging. SA seems to enforce some sort of "standards" for guys ("We are not a prostitution site!", etc.) and they allow just about any type of "intent" and "agenda" girls on that site. How about allowing ONLY girls who agree to Bang For Money on the site? Suggesting that to an SA admin will get you banned...

This is key: get from SA girls within a few PM's 1.) General Availability 2.) General Location and 3.) Specific Rate within a few PM's. The Pro Ho's will give out that intel quick. There are many "Let's Facetime and get to know each other!" girls and you can decide if you want to do that. I forward request their Working-Ho-Metrics in the first one or two PM's. The girls who want to make money Quickly, Safely, and Conveniently will want to meet soon. I usually lead by saying in my first PM "Hopefully we can meet this week...."

I'm content with the "process" on SA. In ideal situations it's as simple and convenient as booking an ASPD or Indys girl was back the day. Date, Time, Location, Rate. Some SA girls require more "getting to know each other" stuff, especially the "new to the game" girls. The "meet and greet" custom of years ago has now been replaced by the "Let's Facetime!" of the pandemic. Yes, many SA girls want to know What....You....Look....Like to determine if they will bang you for cash, particularly the new girls. Many SA girls will set-up a time for PFP with you Sight....Unseen which probably appeals to many experienced hobbyists....

The "new to the game" girls can be "diamonds in the rough", real hotties who love the new-original prospect of $300 for PFP, and "choosey" girls who need to See and Interact with a guy Before agreeing to PFP. How much "game" you have determines the quality of girls you will procure and also how much "time" you will put-in to the process. SA girls are involved in "Sales" but also SA guys are involved in "Sales" too, and many hobbyists obviously have problems with that. The whole concept of SA girls "picking and choosing" their clients Offends many hobbyists, but it's not much different than the sought-after, "in demand" UTR providers who have their "set list" of "regular clients" and they ignore all other takers. And THOSE are the providers to get-in-with, obviously....

Tolstoy: Damn-Right All About "Mentorship" & "Companionship" With SA Girls....
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Old 04-12-2022, 03:58 AM   #12
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I have had nothing but success and fun on the site. Personally it’s worth the membership fee in my opinion. I agree with joining on a short term basis. Also agree that you move the conversation quickly, set your date, buy them a few drinks and dinner and fuck them. Been on there for years and have a dozen go to good time no bullshit numbers that whenever I want a night out they are there.
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Old 04-12-2022, 06:07 AM   #13
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Someone that I see said she used to use seeking, but now uses facebook dating. Good for her, but fuck facebook - you can't pay me to use anything Meta
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Old 04-12-2022, 06:09 AM   #14
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It's what you make it and greatly dependent on your level of game. Everything from pros to "innocent and clueless" to choose from. A month on there should give you plenty of options and phone numbers. With the pro "talent" in Pittsburgh, I'd much rather use SA than even consider meeting a pro. IMHO, it's very worth it.
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Old 04-12-2022, 03:29 PM   #15
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Default Hobby-Rules Apply Even With "Civilian" SA Girls.....

Originally Posted by onawbtngr546 View Post
Someone that I see said she used to use seeking, but now uses facebook dating. Good for her, but fuck facebook - you can't pay me to use anything Meta
One of the "hobby-rules" I have maintained through the early 2000's ASPD years and then the post-2005 Indys era's and through the transition to SA (and also varied "civilian" deals) is the 1.) Burner Phone and 2.) No Personal Intel rule even with SA girls...

9 out of 10 SA girls guys probably don't have to worry about, but it's that 1 in 10 who can create problems for the guy....

There are an unusual number of "new to the game", civilian-girls on SA "checking out" the whole SD/SB culture that they have "heard about" or read about in women's magazines. The hotter they are the more likely they have civilian guys and "besties" (guys) in their private lives snooping around. I have varied experience of "heartbroken" guys discovering their girls are banging older guys for money and then Freaking....Out about it. Guys literally blowing-up my hobby-phone after they get into their girls phone and text messages. It's good I have maintained the 1.) Hobby Phone and 2.) No Personal Intel rule even with the "civilian" girls on SA....

The same goes for their incall/living spaces, and many civilian girls don't even know what the hobby term "incall" means. Be wary of "roommates" and "besties" and "drivers" and male Stragglers in their orbit....

SA girls know my fake hobby first-name, "generally" what I do for a living, and what denomination of bills I pay in. That's all they know about me. A "hobby rule" best transferred from the hobby-proper to the unusual world of SA and particularly "new to the game" girls with all their "civilian" male Stragglers hanging around...

And many SA girls are naive enough to have their "real world" cell-phone numbers linked to their "real world" FB accounts. And PGH hobbyists have been Dumb....Enough to post that "real world" intel of those girls on hobby-sites like this. There is varied press about possible "ladies sites" which exchange intel on guys/hobbyists and their phone numbers. Another reason to maintain the 1.) Hobby Phone and 2.) No Identifying Intel with all PFP girls, even the "civilian" girls of SA....
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