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Old 04-02-2022, 06:56 PM   #1
dilbert firestorm
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Default Biden's 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse


Joe Biden Unleashes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
By Robert Spencer Mar 28, 2022 5:10 PM ET

David Solway wrote Sunday that “there is now considerable anxiety that an Armageddon scenario may have become a possibility.” That is absolutely true, but it is also true that in another sense, the Armageddon scenario is already upon us. Joe Biden may appear to be simply a dementia-ridden puppet fronting for a corrupt, America-Last administration, but his failure as president is so comprehensive, so all-encompassing, that it has taken on eschatological dimensions: Old Joe Biden has unleashed the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Armageddon, if you haven’t read the Book of Revelation lately, is the place where the forces of evil gather for the final battle with the faithful (Revelation 16:16). The same Biblical book, which is the last book of the New Testament, presents the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (the final destruction of the world) in a terrifying vision that is often understood as referring to the end times. First there is “a white horse, and its rider had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.” The second horse is “bright red; its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that men should slay one another; and he was given a great sword.” Then follows “a black horse, and its rider had a balance in his hand,” apparently for the rationing of food in a time of famine. Finally, there is “a pale horse, and its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him; and they were given power over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:1-8)

The four horses and four afflictions, conquest, war, famine, and pestilence, neatly encapsulate the administration of Joe Biden. Old Joe himself is to a great degree responsible for this impression, as he seems to like to sound apocalyptic notes. He certainly has done so more than once, particularly when he declared on Dec. 16, 2021, “For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.” There’s the Biden pestilence. Yes, COVID-19 came upon us during the Trump years, but Biden promised to end it, and that turned out to be yet another of his empty promises. With Anthony Fauci threatening that “more rigid” restrictions are in the offing, pestilence looks as if it’s going to be a permanent feature of the Biden era.

The Biden famine is more of a threat than reality as of yet, but it could come to us any day now. As PJM’s Athena Thorne noted, Biden said Thursday, “With regard to food shortage, yes, we did sss- re- re- s- talk about food shortages. And, uh, and it’s gonna be real. The price of these sanctions, ahem, is not just imposed upon Russia, it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.”

Biden’s war is obvious: it is happening in Ukraine now. However much the establishment media tries to blame Trump for Putin invading Ukraine, and pretend that Trump would be applauding his move if he were still president, the ineluctable fact remains that Putin moved against Ukraine and occupied Crimea while Barack Obama was president, did nothing while Donald Trump was president, and launched the present invasion while Old Joe Biden was pretending to be president. And conquest? Look at the people streaming into the country across what is officially known as the Southern border. If they keep coming at the rate they came in 2021, Biden’s threat to transform America fundamentally will be a reality.

Joe Biden has not just unleashed the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. His entire political career as a serial liar of marginal (at best) competence, cheerfully savaging Clarence Thomas and others for political gain, parading his religiosity while going to war against actual religion, presents us once again with the age-old theological problem: why do the wicked prosper? Whatever the answer may be, Joe does prosper, and that means we don’t.

And maybe Old Joe isn’t a tool of the apocalypse at all, but just another corrupt kleptocrat feeding at the public trough and selling out the people he is supposed to be serving for his own short-sighted gain. Either way, it’s going to be tough times ahead.
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Old 04-03-2022, 04:07 AM   #2
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Default Occam's razor question

Does anyone believe F Joe Biden is in control of any actual thing? "Go get him"

Who is actually in control then? "They tell me to do <xyz>"

Seen his latest teleprompter? It's got runway lights even.

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Old 04-03-2022, 06:24 AM   #3
bill sins
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Damn, ole Joe can do all that. And I was thinking he couldn't pee by himself.
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Old 04-03-2022, 09:45 AM   #4
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Does anyone believe F Joe Biden is in control of any actual thing? "Go get him"

Who is actually in control then? "They tell me to do <xyz>"

Seen his latest teleprompter? It's got runway lights even.

cool! does it fly? it has runway lights!
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Old 04-03-2022, 09:46 AM   #5
dilbert firestorm
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Old 04-03-2022, 10:04 AM   #6
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^^^^^^^ This!!! Fits biden perfectly, joe "post turtle" biden or joe "p.t." biden .....
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Old 04-03-2022, 10:41 AM   #7
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That fucking funny (very sad and true )
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