On tour are you staying in state or venturing outside the state? My opinion, that will likely be shared by others, is that STG is a crap shoot. My occasional browsing shows overly repetitive ads, some scams and fakes, as well as plenty of providers that I have no desire to see and cannot readily filter out. Tryst seems to be better put together and I know that you are on there and have been active...great pictures of a beautiful woman

. Get your dates figured and post your tour schedule there.
So I assume that you have already seen that ads are not an option here (anymore), but threads are welcome if they fall within the guidelines. Not trying to pick, but consider being more active here. Browse around a bit and see how other providers do it. You posted this thread in Coed, which is where I think it does belong, so see how others do it. Countless threads of "Visiting Little Rock soon. What is there to do? Where should I stay? Great restaurants I need to try?" Within the thread you will probably see mostly real answers to those questions, like stay in WLR or Downtown and make sure to eat at so-and-so. Meanwhile watch your PMs as you may have piqued interest from some folks that want to know when you will be here, etc. You can't put a link to you Tryst page here, but if it is maintained and easily findable (and yours is) or even an STG ad where you can post dates and more info I think you will be on the right track.
You have at least 3 reviews here on ECCIE. I know that one or two of those are contested at this point based on your other two recent threads. Going forward I would think that reviews should be linked to your profile here as well, but that is done by the user or updated by the MOD. That may be helpful for non-contested reviews in the future.
I'm sure there is more to it, and hopefully you will see some more advice here to possibly include a provider sharing some ideas.