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Old 03-12-2022, 07:11 PM   #46
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Obviously we need another site that’s built on a better platform. Something with the security/reliability of P411 but the function of the older version of Eccie with pics and ads. Who will step up with technical know how, the time, and the money?

The other option is to jump on another popular regional platform; but I don’t know of any that’s any good anymore. The few sites I know on the west coast were either brought down by the feds (red book RIP) or are too hard to figure out (humainplex). I am not a fan of T.E.R or the other board which are more popular in the Midwest. Where else can we go? Wasn’t there an international board called the international sex guide?
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Old 03-13-2022, 05:53 AM   #47
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I, personally, think things have to get away from a centralized server model, given DDoS attacks can take most of them out, and morph more into a distributed model, where we are all hosting the content in some redundancy, so no one location can be hit and take it all down. A DDoS attack can take down way bigger sites than ECCIE or P411.
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Old 03-13-2022, 09:49 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
I just love these anti-oh2 threads, as they give me a good laugh. It's funny watching the guys who've been banned over there just itching to type something/anything negative about that site. It's like they can't help themselves to take another pot shot at the site or site admin.

Hey, it's all good and I understand. Right now I'm banned from posting on youtube as I told those first amendment auditors what a bunch of lowlife losers they are. Right now I'm banned from posting on fox.com for telling democrats exactly what I think of them.

It is what it is. As for myself, I manned up, and just take it and move on. No biggie. I also just lost a dear friend due to covid, now that was something to get upset about, not being banned from some sites.
Why do you hate the US Constitution, freedom, and America so much?
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Old 03-13-2022, 11:40 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by lovehound69 View Post
Obviously we need another site that’s built on a better platform. Something with the security/reliability of P411 but the function of the older version of Eccie with pics and ads. Who will step up with technical know how, the time, and the money?

The other option is to jump on another popular regional platform; but I don’t know of any that’s any good anymore. The few sites I know on the west coast were either brought down by the feds (red book RIP) or are too hard to figure out (humainplex). I am not a fan of T.E.R or the other board which are more popular in the Midwest. Where else can we go? Wasn’t there an international board called the international sex guide?
To setup something like this and run and maintain it properly is alomst a full time job. And then there is the liability and risk factors. Nobody in their right mind will take on such a task unless the reward outweights the risk and effort.
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Old 03-13-2022, 07:36 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by ThoreXile View Post
... unless the reward outweights the risk and effort.

You ever heard of mod pussy, bro?
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Old 03-13-2022, 08:31 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by ThoreXile View Post
To setup something like this and run and maintain it properly is alomst a full time job. And then there is the liability and risk factors. Nobody in their right mind will take on such a task unless the reward outweights the risk and effort.
And if the number in CK's handle is his birth year, that means he's pushing 80. He may decide it's just not worth it.
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Old 03-13-2022, 09:13 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by USAsoldier View Post
Why do you hate the US Constitution, freedom, and America so much?

Anybody who thinks so is full of shit, anybody ever says it is a liar.
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Old 03-14-2022, 06:57 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by JustforFun2012 View Post
I get your point but this one question should make you concerned:
How many times has LE done entrapment and gotten away with it?

THAT's illegal. THAT's thrown out by good defense lawyers all the time but..how many times has LE gotten away with it? How many bad lawyers are there?

I'd guess 100's of thousands of times and can almost guarantee it's occurred somewhere in the USA today! THAT's illegal, that gets cases thrown out and YET, LE still does it!
LE uses encrypted apps to communicate such as Telegram and Whatsapp. I know because I have evidence of it on my phone. Kinda fucked up that people conducting the operations and investigations are communicating with things that allow them to hide selected communications from the courts. I know Whatsapp deletes the messages automatically after a bit. Telegram allows you to delete not just the messages on your device but on the receivers device as well.
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Old 03-14-2022, 07:53 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
Anybody who thinks so is full of shit, anybody ever says it is a liar.
I agree with what USA soldier said. God bless you for serving your country sir. As for you DJ please remind us all why you are still here. You don't contribute anything but old Escape ASPD and Wildflower stories. News flash that shit is gone. By your own mouth you haven't seen any women recently so honestly, and I'm not being cheeky, why don't you just go away. There is a nursing home that I know of that is centrally located that needs a spades, bingo, or pitty pat player with your name on it. Please inbox me for the info. There are a bunch of old hotties in there and possibly 80 year old ex providers who just love an excursion on Sunday to Cleburnes cafeteria on Sunday Funday. You just have to of course help them with their walkers and air machines. Dm me for the info.....
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Old 03-14-2022, 08:11 AM   #55
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And also dj dear John please refrain from your potshots at USA soldier. I don't know him but from his accounts he has served honorably. Respect the uniform sir. I personally am in his fan base. USA Solier next drink and provider on me. You actually still actively see women....
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Old 03-14-2022, 02:49 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Seisnueve View Post
You ever heard of mod pussy, bro?
No but I've hear of mod JAIL :-) Fuck that
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Old 03-14-2022, 08:17 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Pitroom View Post
I agree with what USA soldier said. God bless you for serving your country sir. As for you DJ please remind us all why you are still here. You don't contribute anything but old Escape ASPD and Wildflower stories. News flash that shit is gone. By your own mouth you haven't seen any women recently so honestly, and I'm not being cheeky, why don't you just go away. There is a nursing home that I know of that is centrally located that needs a spades, bingo, or pitty pat player with your name on it. Please inbox me for the info. There are a bunch of old hotties in there and possibly 80 year old ex providers who just love an excursion on Sunday to Cleburnes cafeteria on Sunday Funday. You just have to of course help them with their walkers and air machines. Dm me for the info.....

I may not be active, but at least I use the same username for years. You talk a lot of shit for some guy who's only been on this board for a few months. Unless you changed your username, but I don't see why any honest person would change that. My dislike with soldier boy goes way back. As a matter of fact he can handle his own affairs and he doesn't need you sticking your nose in his business. By the way, if memory serves me correctly you made a couple of real dumbass postings on the other site.


I thought you minded your own business and don't have time to back and forth with negative energy. Is lying a part of your m.o.?


This idiotic posting made you a fan favorite of the ladies over there.


Anybody with a shred of decency doesn't stalk providers and ask for discounts.


Yea, I may be out of the hobby, living on my laurels of days gone by, however I'm not viewed by the majority of the ladies over there as a pathetic loser.

I may back and forth with soldier boy, but until you get more game, you're out of your league so save your shit talking. And out of your league with your own words, not mine. Not trying to be arrogant, but you went on the attack first.
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Old 03-15-2022, 07:14 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by USAsoldier View Post
Why do you hate the US Constitution, freedom, and America so much?

OK, let's have open dialog about 1st amendment auditors. I've been in Facebook jail for 30 days, so I've been on youtube watching those 1st amendment audits. I mean, I've watched a bunch of them and what I'm seeing is that a mast majority of auditors and using these videos basically to talk shit to cops. Here is a prime example. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=...with%20warrant

Their goal is to piss off cops in order to get arrested, then file suit for false arrest in the attempt to win money. Their other goal is to get followers on their youtube channels and make money with each view. It's all about harassing cops, calling them all sorts of names, provoking cops, or any other civil servant such as postal employees, office employees and even school bus drivers. They also bully people by taking videos of regular people walking in and out of government buildings that don't want to be filmed. The biggest thing I've noticed through many views of different videos with different auditors is that at this point, it's not about the first amendment. It's all about views and clicks and the possible money they can make.

These auditors are argumentative and are also cop wannabes. They also claim to be reporters, but that's a lie. Another thing the auditors do is keep interrupting the cops while the cops are trying to explain something to them. They refuse to show ID and refuse to answer the cops questions. Here is an example of their actions and the cop finally gets tired of their crap and takes action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn_CjjK-shI. All this fool had to do is show his license and insurance card, accept his ticket/warning and head on home. But NO, he had to play this game, allowing the dog to play his game. Dog wins. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Here are a couple more who won't give up his ID during a traffic stop.


The amount of paranoia of the people who are first amendment auditors or their butt buddies is completely and totally unrealistic. Most of them are defund the police fans, are antifa, or out and out anarchists, plus anti social losers. I guess they want all of us to go back to the 1870's and carry a Colt Peacemaker on our hips where the young and tough, or those in gangs always get their way.

Then again, there's the sovereign citizens, but that's another group of nutcases that can be discussed on another day.

Lastly before anybody thinks I'm pro cop that I must be anti hobby, that's wrong. I still believe in the hobby and the legalization of prostitution, as long as it's adults and no pimps.
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Old 03-16-2022, 10:41 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
OK, let's have open dialog about 1st amendment auditors. I've been in Facebook jail for 30 days, so I've been on youtube watching those 1st amendment audits. I mean, I've watched a bunch of them and what I'm seeing is that a mast majority of auditors and using these videos basically to talk shit to cops. Here is a prime example. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=...with%20warrant

Their goal is to piss off cops in order to get arrested, then file suit for false arrest in the attempt to win money. Their other goal is to get followers on their youtube channels and make money with each view. It's all about harassing cops, calling them all sorts of names, provoking cops, or any other civil servant such as postal employees, office employees and even school bus drivers. They also bully people by taking videos of regular people walking in and out of government buildings that don't want to be filmed. The biggest thing I've noticed through many views of different videos with different auditors is that at this point, it's not about the first amendment. It's all about views and clicks and the possible money they can make.

These auditors are argumentative and are also cop wannabes. They also claim to be reporters, but that's a lie. Another thing the auditors do is keep interrupting the cops while the cops are trying to explain something to them. They refuse to show ID and refuse to answer the cops questions. Here is an example of their actions and the cop finally gets tired of their crap and takes action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn_CjjK-shI. All this fool had to do is show his license and insurance card, accept his ticket/warning and head on home. But NO, he had to play this game, allowing the dog to play his game. Dog wins. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Here are a couple more who won't give up his ID during a traffic stop.


The amount of paranoia of the people who are first amendment auditors or their butt buddies is completely and totally unrealistic. Most of them are defund the police fans, are antifa, or out and out anarchists, plus anti social losers. I guess they want all of us to go back to the 1870's and carry a Colt Peacemaker on our hips where the young and tough, or those in gangs always get their way.

Then again, there's the sovereign citizens, but that's another group of nutcases that can be discussed on another day.

Lastly before anybody thinks I'm pro cop that I must be anti hobby, that's wrong. I still believe in the hobby and the legalization of prostitution, as long as it's adults and no pimps.
This was a very concerning post, at least to me. I just find it so odd and unsettling that anyone could have an issue with someone they have never met personally. Makes absolutely no sense to me. Also, that you would take the time to research and go back looking for all of those links. Really odd to me. In all honesty I have no problem at all seeing anyone. I get texts everyday from various women about a session. So if that was your concern for me it is hugely erroneous. But anyway, take care
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Old 03-16-2022, 01:07 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Pitroom View Post
This was a very concerning post, at least to me. I just find it so odd and unsettling that anyone could have an issue with someone they have never met personally. Makes absolutely no sense to me. Also, that you would take the time to research and go back looking for all of those links. Really odd to me. In all honesty I have no problem at all seeing anyone. I get texts everyday from various women about a session. So if that was your concern for me it is hugely erroneous. But anyway, take care

Are you so simple minded that you can't even find the right post to quote? This post was directed to soldier boy, not you. You're done.

However the post I aimed at you, I stand by 100%, plus the fact noted above that you can't even quote the post aimed to you.
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