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Old 02-05-2022, 06:40 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
It is always the party that selects the electors so why is that weird? All slates of electors are chosen by the party. They are carefully selected to avoid the unfaithful elector problem which has happened in the last 20 years and the democrats actually promoted the idea in 2000. Don't vote for Bush, change your vote to Gore because he got the most popular votes. Sounds like insurrection talk to me.
Irrelevant. The governors send the certificates of electors to the Archivist of the United States. The certificates did not include the names of Giuliani's fake electors.

Bush won fair and square, but that's not relevant either.
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Old 02-05-2022, 07:03 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
It is always the party that selects the electors so why is that weird? All slates of electors are chosen by the party. They are carefully selected to avoid the unfaithful elector problem which has happened in the last 20 years and the democrats actually promoted the idea in 2000. Don't vote for Bush, change your vote to Gore because he got the most popular votes. Sounds like insurrection talk to me.

It is the party that selects the electors, the rub here is these bogus electors, in all states, submitted a form letter that came from the losing President's personal lawyer. They are also on camera in at least one state, showing up and declaring themselves as the appointed electors, not the alternates. Even Trump's loaded Supreme Court would shoot down any case brought by these states about their ability to represent themselves and replace electoral college votes.

Rudy is going to end up rubbing a lot in the clink. Maybe he'll have a mushroom cap to keep him warm at night before it's all over. Maybe not.
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Old 02-05-2022, 09:17 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
This is called drifting off topic.

The thread topic is Mike Pence stating that Trump is wrong to say he could have overturned the election.
And the reason why Pence is right. What's off topic?

In 1960, Hawaii submitted two slates of electors. Nixon, the Vice President, allowed the second slate of electors from Hawaii to be used against him as he had no solid proof that the democrats had cheated in Illinois and West Virginia. Why create a fuss over something that he couldn't win at the time?
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Old 02-05-2022, 09:27 PM   #49
Salty Again
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... Pay them no issue here, Barley... They just twist and turn
everything to suit their agenda... They all know what the truth is.

... They voted for Sleepy Joe - and now they
have to support his Presidency... As they try to abandon
the sinking ship.

### Salty
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Old 02-05-2022, 10:01 PM   #50
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It sounds like bullshit to me.
"The party"? It's the winning party in the state, not the losing party.
The dems promoted the idea in 2000? They didn't do near as good a job as the Trumpys this year. In 2000, there was one elector who abstained from casting a vote.
There were 14 illegal electors (not faithless) for Trump this last election. That's more than weird. They filed false documents to the National Archives.

Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
It is always the party that selects the electors so why is that weird? All slates of electors are chosen by the party. They are carefully selected to avoid the unfaithful elector problem which has happened in the last 20 years and the democrats actually promoted the idea in 2000. Don't vote for Bush, change your vote to Gore because he got the most popular votes. Sounds like insurrection talk to me.
Sounds like you make this shit up as you go.
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Old 02-05-2022, 10:42 PM   #51
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First the lexusliar gave barley-boy a hug because he was brutally wrong and got caught pushing farm raised bullshit..
And now you wrap your groping arms around him. You like feeling the sailor underneath. Your narratives usually lack proof.
And logic.
How does barley's lack of knowledge, as well as yours, have anything to do with Biden?

As you and barley both have shown numerous times, voting for Trump shows nothing but a propensity for lying.
Neither one of you are big on showing a reference where your information comes from. You had to have gotten the info someplace. When you don't back your story up, it's because you can't.
Maybe barley will give you a hug.
Ray Epps sure won't. You know "revolver" is run and owned by a former Trump speech writer so tainted that even Trump couldn't keep him around. He was butt-buddies with white supremacists.

"Former President Donald Trump praised a right-wing website that helped promote the baseless conspiracy theory that the FBI instigated the violence in the Capitol riot.

In a statement Sunday, Trump praised Revolver News, which has for months been pushing the conspiracy theory. It is run by Darren Beattie, who worked as a speechwriter in his administration.
Beattie worked as a speechwriter for the Trump administration, before being fired in 2018 over attending a conference at a group, the Mencken Club, that was also attended by a white supremacist."


Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Pay them no issue here, Barley... They just twist and turn
everything to suit their agenda... They all know what the truth is.

... They voted for Sleepy Joe - and now they
have to support his Presidency... As they try to abandon
the sinking ship.

### Salty
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Old 02-05-2022, 10:49 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
First the lexusliar gave barley-boy a hug because he was brutally wrong and got caught pushing farm raised bullshit..
And now you wrap your groping arms around him. You like feeling the sailor underneath. Your narratives usually lack proof.
And logic.
How does barley's lack of knowledge, as well as yours, have anything to do with Biden?

As you and barley both have shown numerous times, voting for Trump shows nothing but a propensity for lying.
Neither one of you are big on showing a reference where your information comes from. You had to have gotten the info someplace. When you don't back your story up, it's because you can't.
Maybe barley will give you a hug.
Ray Epps sure won't. You know "revolver" is run and owned by a former Trump speech writer so tainted that even Trump couldn't keep him around. He was butt-buddies with white supremacists.

"Former President Donald Trump praised a right-wing website that helped promote the baseless conspiracy theory that the FBI instigated the violence in the Capitol riot.

In a statement Sunday, Trump praised Revolver News, which has for months been pushing the conspiracy theory. It is run by Darren Beattie, who worked as a speechwriter in his administration.
Beattie worked as a speechwriter for the Trump administration, before being fired in 2018 over attending a conference at a group, the Mencken Club, that was also attended by a white supremacist."


... Listen, mate... If YOU are a homo-sexual fellow, you don't
need to fret... WE other lads here are NOT, but that's
okay also... You don't need to project yer-own inner
desires onto us. ... YOU are free to be a homo-sexual, Skep.

Though if You joint the military ...

Best of luck to You!

### Salty
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Old 02-05-2022, 11:44 PM   #53
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Guess I missed that poll when you ran it. What could a foreigner say that would "fret" me?
Funny that's the conclusion you came up with after you were wk-ing for the barley-guy. Wasn't trying to "out" you. You're in the US now. Be all you can be.
But you're a Trumpy. I know you lads get lonely out on the station. You're the "lad" drinking that salty "beer" with your "mates". Again, this is America. Not judging you or anyone. Just commenting.


Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Listen, mate... If YOU are a homo-sexual fellow, you don't
need to fret... WE other lads here are NOT, but that's
okay also... You don't need to project yer-own inner
desires onto us. ... YOU are free to be a homo-sexual, Skep.

Though if You joint the military ...

Best of luck to You!

### Salty
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Old 02-06-2022, 08:17 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Like Ronald Reagan, Trump was a former democrat who felt that the party had strayed too far to the left to be beneficial to the United States.
I don't know how you know what Trump was thinking, because Pence doesn't even know (or he just fabricates distortion of Trump's remarks like he did in his statements beginning this thread).

How did Trump "engineer" a victory for POTUS in HIS FIRST ELECTION TO ANYTHING .... even PTA .... before hand. One must listen to his business "point man," who orchestrated investment decisions by investigating markets ... sons. Ms. Trump is a businesswoman also.

Back in early September 2016 I listend to Trump Junior discussing the race and his final comment registered on me ...

"We like what we see "on the ground"!"

At that time the Pro-Clinton media was trashing Trump's chances to win ... and one poster on here was doing it right up to a few days before the election. Pence was on that team and Pence and benefited from that expertise and knowledge base. Pence was the whole four years after the election and could benefit from the positive experience into the future. But like other rank-in-file Republicans of the SWAMP he elected to distance himself from a winner who was campaigning and communicating based on historically reliable data evaluation from YEARS OF MARKETING EXPERIENCE. The current AntiTrumpers are too busy hacking on Trump and not paying attention to reality. It wasn't Trump LEADING ... it was Trump Following! Pence has decided to ignore that fact. Proof?

Trump's recent stop in CONROE, TEXAS: Rally over 80,000 with the route covered by those who did not attend, but wanted to welcome Trump AGAIN! Bitten can't draw 20. And Pence sides with Bitten?
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Old 02-06-2022, 09:27 AM   #55
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Why is homosexuality/Homophobia a common fear/ topic addressed by our PGH Delegation?

And how did it find its way into another thread about Trump? Through the back door?

Asking for the rest of the board.

Pence has been tongue lashed bt Trump non stop sine he stated the obvious.

Oops. There it is again. Guess Trump is a Homo.

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Old 02-06-2022, 09:30 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Trump's recent stop in CONROE, TEXAS: Rally over 80,000 with the route covered by those who did not attend, but wanted to welcome Trump AGAIN! Bitten can't draw 20. And Pence sides with Bitten?

And Pence simply stated fact.
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Old 02-06-2022, 10:27 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Pay them no issue here, Barley... They just twist and turn
everything to suit their agenda... They all know what the truth is.

... They voted for Sleepy Joe - and now they
have to support his Presidency... As they try to abandon
the sinking ship.

### Salty

Salty has a lot of good posts, but here he is off base.
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Old 02-06-2022, 10:30 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
So, I can blame the riot on Pelosi. Trump signed off on 20,000 National Guardsmen but Pelosi failed to use them. The January 6th riot is all on Pelosi.

This is completely incorrect. Trump did not do the above. Pelosi is not in charge of security.
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Old 02-06-2022, 10:33 AM   #59
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Now Trump has moved on and is attacking Lindsey Graham, one of his longest supporters. Trump says he is a RINO. Possibly he will take the next step that he often takes, and say "I'm not speaking to you."

Trump is a nut case and the worst ex President ever, and an embarrassment to the United States.
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Old 02-06-2022, 10:53 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
This is completely incorrect. Trump did not do the above. Pelosi is not in charge of security.

President Trump ASKED Pelosi for the National Guard troops
to secure the area for crowd and traffic control.

If she would have done this - 6th Jan would not
have gone the manner that it did.

Do YOU not read, Vita? .... Surely though YOU
were intelligent enough to look at ALL the coverage.
Even what FOX and Breitbart report.

It's A FACT that President Trump asked for the troops.
We've had this discussion in the forum before.

#### Salty
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