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Old 12-29-2021, 01:06 PM   #31
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My bad- it does say 2020. LOL

Time warp!
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Old 12-29-2021, 01:32 PM   #32
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It doesn't matter if a Provider does not post or requests to be removed. ECCIE does not remove. You can request to have your account disabled but ECCIE policy is nothing is deleted or removed.

You still show as an upgraded female account and not disabled. If this was an issue, you should have been more adamant a year ago to disable.

Anyone can post a thread or review on any provider whether they participate here or not.

If you're active in the hobby and someone writes a review of you there's not rule, guideline or law that states he can't.

The OP is telling his side of the story.

Your post doesn't give your side so this thread remains open.
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Old 12-29-2021, 01:33 PM   #33
Jules Jaguar
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And I just told mine.

It’s simply not true.

He never paid me for an APPOINTMENT.

End of story.

I’m not sure what else you want from me?

Mind you we are talking about communication that went on in august of 2020. Who keeps communication from that long ago? I certainly don’t for the safety of me and my clients or even potential clients. How do you guys feel about retired providers who have nothing to lose keeping your private info and communication well after they don’t need it anymore? Hmmm

Isn’t the procedure to close after both parties respond? I literally was dragged here to do so.
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Old 12-29-2021, 02:38 PM   #34
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Wait, this all started in August, 2020? I didn’t see that in his original story.
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Old 12-29-2021, 02:39 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by TinMan View Post
Wait, this all started in August, 2020? I didn’t see that in his original story.
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Old 12-29-2021, 02:46 PM   #36
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So, there was communication between the two of you, just no deposit?
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Old 12-29-2021, 02:52 PM   #37
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I’m not going to go back and forth about this. I did dm the mods more details already.

When someone has moved on let them move on in peace. I mean does it really even matter if you don’t even work here or see clients here anymore and haven’t for over a year?
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Old 12-29-2021, 03:36 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar View Post
I have been retired for quite a long time.
As a P411 member, I'd like to know why you still have an ***active*** ad on P411? ... if "retired"

Since you are being deceptive, I'll credit the OP, since we only have your word, and you are fibbing about being retired.

Jules Jaguar current P411 ad, logged in today. https://www.preferred411.com/P44861

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Old 12-29-2021, 04:03 PM   #39
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So what if I still have a p411? Who says that’s not allowed? I may decide to see someone one day. I just had a lovely session with a p411 guy that I’ve met several times before last month, we met in Miami. Guess I’m not allowed to live my own life now.

Is it a requirement to participate in stupid review boards to be a p411 member?

I guess the 13+ years I’ve been a member over there and the almost 500 okays with not one complaint to Gina other than one psycho guy that attacked me at my incall means nothing too.

Let me rephrase, I am retired from seeing eccie and review board members and “hobbyists” that revolve their life around criticizing women that they are lucky enough to spend time with on the Internet. If someone can come forward with proof of session with me other than the above mentioned and one other regular /sd in the last year please do.

Find any ad/ review board other than p411 where I have posted an ad in the last 6months please. I never even communicated with the client in question here or on p411 this guy does not live in Dallas and neither do I anymore.

My Twitter headline clearly says “only available when I wanna be” sorry if a hot guy wants to pay me for an overnight or weekend in paradise you are damn straight that I will go on that date. My location actually was set to a whole other state and city until recently when I started making plans to close my airbnb in Dallas and knew I was going to be spending time there

Why am I even explaining to people that don’t pay me? Lmaoooo

I am still very active in the sugar baby scene as well.

Honestly sir I don’t give a fuck who’s side you are on because I don’t see eccie guys to pay my bills anymore. You will never meet me so who cares?

I go weeks without logging into that site. But thanks for promoting my hot ass picture and my currents rates here. My email has been blowing up with guys wanting to book me since this thread went up. Maybe I’ll stay a few days longer and make some extra play money for my upcoming trip to Hawaii
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Old 12-29-2021, 04:20 PM   #40
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Old 12-29-2021, 04:36 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post

No wonder he opened his own site. There is no doubt there are guys with personal info, pics and all other kinds of outing info posted on guys in the companion forum on OH2, and 9 times out of 10, for agenda/vendetta reasons, which in all honesty, there in NO reason a guy's personal info should be posted on a whore board.

I hope someone does the same to him and not only does he get arrested at a social he is throwing, but has an additional charge for owning and running a SHMB.

In addition to JJ screwing over the OP among others for deposits in the past, I am sure there are many other providers who have done the same to other guys. I also have no doubt that any guy who posts intel on a provider that he received the short end of the stick dealing with a provider, gets outed in the provider area there as well as that is the best way a jaded provider who because of negative or even perceived negative, but 100% honest intel (she gave shitty service, NCNSed him, ect.), is losing business and has to one up the guy and try to ruin him.

Good luck OP!

Hmmmm I reported on EDIT - Staff trying to skirt past my screening after declining to meet but I’ve never had any communication with this handle. Are you saying you are the same Edit - Staffthat have been banned several times for being a danger to ladies in the community and have outted several members?

That’s what it sounds like to me.
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Old 12-29-2021, 04:38 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post
As far as access to the provider forums on OH2, I know my pictures are posted in there, and what is laughable is the fact that the pics they posted are years and years old because I know who originally saved and posted those pics those many years ago, and those pics went viral as they were spread to my haters as providers, many of whom I have seen for sessions and received p411 OKs from who showed them to me in their email for an "anonymous source".

Getting back to the JJ, whom this thread is about, she has posted shit about me for years, how I am a danger to the community, ect. I believe one of the many things she accused me of is trying to see her for a session, but I would not see her if she paid me double her rate as I know she is a scammer with her stealing donations and with her service (or lack thereof). The fact is, those who accuse are usually the ones guilty of the offense themselves, and in the end, the truth eventually comes out. This thread is a perfect example of what goes around comes around. Too bad no one had the balls to report it sooner as I am sure she has done it in the past many times. However, I do understand why it was not reported, she is a popular provider with many WKs who was also a frequent poster. The fear of being labeled, and others buying into the bullshit giving you that label after every just about post you make from then on, on a SHMB is a scary thing!
Let me quote this too just for reference. So are you admitting to having a new handle after being banned under several previous ones for dangerous behavior?

Ijs I never communicated with or reported anything on this handle before on here.
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Old 12-29-2021, 05:36 PM   #43
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Of course she never did such a thing as keep a deposit, if only private communications could be published, lots of back and forth would be eliminated, but Eccie likes its drama!

Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar View Post

Ijs I never communicated with or reported anything on this handle before on here.

Nope, not on here, but you did on OH2 in the ladies only area. A thread that was not started by you, but you have to throw in your negative opinion about me, along with a few other providers who I have not had the displeasure of seeing or even talking to, yet as you said, we have not had any communications. Yes, I do have access to that forum, just like a few guys in here do, the difference is, I am the one that received 15 points for admitting it, by an over zealous mod on Eccie who has been following my posts for years, who is a few states to the West of Texas, as I refused to take him off ignore and respond to his persistent PMs.

So, when are we going to see that flattering review from one of your WKs to offset this thread? Oh that is is right, you have a no review policy (maybe the multiple necro reviews kinda pushed you to make that policy, eh?).

Hold on, you are retired, wait, your account still says verified provider status, your signature has "back from hiatus" and you are continually posting on this thread. You see, when liars cannot keep their story straight, it has to get really confusing to remember what was said in your past lies to keep your story straight (I have a nephew just like that, but he is 12 years old). So, what status of your provider self are you lying about?
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Old 12-29-2021, 05:50 PM   #44
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Just admit you just snitched on yourself and that you are the one that’s been banned under multiple handles over the years for being a danger to this community.

Say what you will about me but I’ve never had to change my name or hide under separate handles in all of my years of being around.
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Old 12-29-2021, 05:57 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Buckwiser View Post
As a P411 member, I'd like to know why you still have an ***active*** ad on P411? ... if "retired"

Since you are being deceptive, I'll credit the OP, since we only have your word, and you are fibbing about being retired.

Jules Jaguar current P411 ad, logged in today. https://www.preferred411.com/P44861

Respectfully-- I still have a P411 that I do occasionally log onto-- and I haven't seen ANYONE.. here or there or elsewhere... since 2019. Not exactly a smoking gun....
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