How’s your Saturday going dolls? I would like to share something with you and would love your input as well. So many things turn us on in so many different ways, I always enjoy satisfying your appetite and mine. I will say my fetish is a nice smooth boxer brief not too long,I like them up high a little and a little tight where I can nibble with my teeth on your magic stick over your undies. Boy does that get me going

Gentlemen, what tickles your pickle when it comes to seeing a female provider in her undergarments? Do you prefer g string, thong, boy shorts, bikini underwear,good ole regular brief panties, or plain and simple bare(zero underwear)? It may seem like an easy given with an obvious answer to some but remember we all have different tastes and fetishes.

Ladies, what opens those flood gates for you when having the pleasure of entertaining our fellow gents? Boxers? Boxer briefs? Regular briefs? Bikini?
FYI : In case your wondering The only time I wear any is when I’m seeing you other than that if you see me out in the street at a restaurant a bar or a store shopping, I’m totally commando