Originally Posted by brasil
You don't have "freedom" to smoke in a public place. Why should you have "freedom" to spread Covid?
mask mandate unless ya got your papers
but vaccine will not stop you from getting & spreading
MAY reduce systems n death
so if the science say reduce systems of. then its the ones that may not know they even have it doing the spreading
SHAM on YOU Sir for going out and killing the unjabbed
the bad science says just a easily using same logic. ALL jabbed can not do anything unless tested daily.
but as ya did as ordered, ya get a pass ta kill the non jabbed. By spreading without a mask
the new C19 is like a cold as the flu numbers are up. And death by flu.
what will the bad science say when new flu deaths out number C19 deaths ????
add in its unknown C19 vaccines long term effects.
if its one effect males can not cum. Will the killed self be labeled death by C19???? adding to that known LIE