... G'day politicoes,
... Take a look. Take a deeeep breath. Can you see it?
Can you smell it? ... Can you taste it?
... The difference between failure and success.
... And WHAT you are seeing is the COMPLETE failure of the
liberals and the Democrat party.
... Sleepy Joe

- the joke of a president.
FAILING at every level. Onley worse than him is Kamala
-and her-own shitty polling numbers.
And THIS is after the main-stream media props them up.
Already - BEFORE the mid-term year has started, EVERYONE
is predicting the Repubs to CRUSH Dems next year.
How Can This Be??
... It's the GREAT AWAKENING by people. They watch the
gas (petrol) prices surely climb higher and higher
along with food prices. ... While the whole time they
are told "inflation is good"...
People see the reports of "lootings" and "shootings"
and DON'T WANT IT! ... They're no longer listening
to the twisted-over tales of "peaceful protests" that
break windows set buildings and cars on fire!
... The liberal main-stream media can NO LONGER
sell their narrative... Around Pittsburgh - the major
newspaper "Post Gazette" can't even sell everyday. It's a
3 or 4 day a week item... Fox (on cable) has Tucker Carlson
the 8th MOST POPULAR show in the country! And Fox has
the HIGHEST cable ratings.
How can this be?
... Look at the recent Jury decisions - against pressure.
Rittenhouse found NOT Guilty -even after threats and
intimidation against the Judge and threats of doxxing
against the jurours there. ... And the Jussie Smolett case?
Guilty! ... People see the truth.
So this so-called "woke" liberal mob --- has surely give-way
to the new AWAKENED people - who see the liberals and
destruction mobs for what they truly are: WRONG.
### Salty