Originally Posted by brasil
This is the problem the country is facing. Resisters frame this as afraid versus not afraid and freedom versus oppression.
Public health sees this as a community effort to arrest the spread of a serious disease. There is no community effort without individual effort.
As long as the narrative is "fuck you, I'm going to do what I want, regardless of the impact on other people, we are going to have more spread. As a result, responsible authorities will need to take appropriate action.
So, rather than Rooster's father staying at home, maybe it is the vaccine/mask resisters who might should be restricted from harming others. Fuck your "freedom" to harm others.
I went to Wegman's today, I could not believe how many cars driving with mask on. one guy gave me the bird for driving without mask. Then then then he did the road rage thingy on another guy. for no mask

ops undercover cop car

So I say if driving with mask on alone in car. put em in jail

In Wegam's was a mix mask n no mask, Mask on was up. LOL why is it so many not covering nose. then when go to talk to someone. the dumb fucks prove they be to fucking dumb to wear a mask, ya took off to talk. Better yet,

one was a mask Nazi.

ya right take mask off to yell at someone for no mask

oh well another one gets the cuffs

it should be a song.
Wegman's must have good training, All mask on right and used right by employees. If out in the outside smoking area. all 6 or more ft apart.
They where short on handicap carts. I ask mmmm a mask Nazi got pissed that some would take mask off in parking lot with no one other than who pushing within 12 ft.... So new ones on back order.
It was not easy shopping me pushing a cart. Other in electric cart. them things will not hold 2 weeks of food. and almost full after cane or walker in it. And 2 shopping together is a pain in the ass with a cart and electric thingy.
So I would like n asking, all ya left wing MASK Nazis please shop at Topps thank you kindly
to the one I know that works at Topps, mmmm sorry about that