Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Yes this business can be very hard at times and definitely give us all headache . But there’s a lot of great things that come from it to . Hope you had a wonderful trip to Arkansas and will come back . There’s lots of amazing providers and clients here  welcome to the Arkansas family , Happy Holidays Victoria
Lauren don’t post this for the facade to make you look like an amazing positive person you sure don’t wish me an amazing trip and holidays… we both know what you have been up to who whisper in you ears & what extra mesure been taken to assure a popularity contest
I said I wasn’t crafted in
Hypocrisy .. I value my clients they are wonderful men in Arkansas reason I continue to visit despite some discouragements behind the scene & hobbiysts been traumatized by extra mesures
My headache doesn’t come from boys
Lauren I don’t know you do wish you the best (really not sarcastic)don’t do the dirty work of an other
My best advice as well establish provider organizer is having people liking you for you not in fear of you it has been my best recipe
If someone is a friend I wouldnt come back from a vacation and stir it
Again to subject of headaches this is what give me headaches
I wish you best holidays