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Old 12-03-2021, 02:39 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
That is the exact problem.
It's been stated recently that Black women are the source of the majority of the abortions in this country at the "clinics," so apparently you are advocating the killing of Black people with GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM funding.

Interesting to say the least.

I believe Obamniable/Biden began that "movement"!

That makes it even more "interesting"!
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Old 12-03-2021, 02:55 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
It's been stated recently that Black women are the source of the majority of the abortions in this country at the "clinics,"
What's your source for this info? Got a link??
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Old 12-03-2021, 03:20 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
That is the exact problem. But why do you have to impose that belief on others that may have a different belief ? Let them live their own lives. It will never be proven when a fetus is a person.
... Sure it has... In the Court of Law.

Blokes out there have gotten TWO sentences for
killing a lady AND HER UNBORN CHILD.

Considoured TWO deaths.

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Old 12-03-2021, 03:31 PM   #19
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It will never be proven when a fetus is a person.
A fetus is defined as:

.... an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
I'm not going to press the issue on you any more than a definition, but I hate to break "bad news" to you, but ... you are not only out of your element, but have surpassed WTFdoesHeKnow in his ignorance of criminal jury trials....

... a long time friend of mine was (and is) a pediatric cardiologist who performed heart surgery on UNBORN HUMANS .... that is why he was FIXING their HEARTS so they could continue LIVING IN THE WOMB until they were able to feed themselves OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB.

You and WTFDoIKnow can share a Sports Illustrated Football mag.
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Old 12-03-2021, 03:46 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
A fetus is defined as:

I'm not going to press the issue on you any more than a definition, but I hate to break "bad news" to you, but ... you are not only out of your element, but have surpassed WTFdoesHeKnow in his ignorance of criminal jury trials....

... a long time friend of mine was (and is) a pediatric cardiologist who performed heart surgery on UNBORN HUMANS .... that is why he was FIXING their HEARTS so they could continue LIVING IN THE WOMB until they were able to feed themselves OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB.

You and WTFDoIKnow can share a Sports Illustrated Football mag.

And when surgery is done in utero, guess what, they get anesthesia for the pain! Gee, who knew babies can feel pain before 24 weeks .

And how in the world can anybody say that when you can heart the heart beat, that isn't a human? And guess when you can hear a heart beat?

Dopplers can't reliably detect a baby's heartbeat until
10-12 weeks

So at approximately 12 weeks, you are killing a human with a beating heart.
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Old 12-03-2021, 03:52 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by pfunkdenver View Post
What's your source for this info? Got a link??

Have you ever trying looking something up before you ask somebody to prove something? Just curious.


black women continue to have the highest abortion rate at 27.1 per 1,000 women compared with 10 per 1,000 for white women, according to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health.
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Old 12-03-2021, 04:00 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
Have you ever trying looking something up before .....
... he also voted for Kumola!

Speaking of "links"!
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Old 12-03-2021, 04:08 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
So at approximately 12 weeks, you are killing a human with a beating heart.
It's long, but I'll try to shorten it. I didn't keep track of the weeks, but it seemed pretty early to me. After so much development in the womb the "fetus" can hear the noise and activity outside of the womb ...

... pregnant women sit and watch/listen to TV while pregnant and then place their new born child in a QUIET ROOM IN THE BACK (the "nursery") and wonder why the little one cries ....

... after weeks/months of activity and noise to keep them COMPANY and the warmth and HEART BEAT of their mother before birth .... they are isolated away from all of that with which they gained COMPANIONSHIP and COMFORT.

A rock doesn't care about TV and conversation with warmth and the heart beat. Vitamanless wouldn't know about nonrocks I take it. He thinks a fetus is not alive. Just a rock. Dig it up and toss it aside.
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Old 12-03-2021, 04:56 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
It's been stated recently that Black women are the source of the majority of the abortions in this country . . .
Stated by whom?
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Old 12-03-2021, 05:03 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
Have you ever trying looking something up before you ask somebody to prove something? Just curious.


You do realize there are more white women than black so even if instances per 100 are high for black women there are still more white women having abortions. In fact that’s stated in the link in your second quotation.

Simply put
39%% of 100 is 39
10% of 1000 is 100.

But I’m sure you’re well aware of the falsehood you promoted.

“ White women accounted for the largest share of abortions among the 4 racial and ethnic groups examined (38.7%), although they had the lowest abortion rate: 10.0 per 1000. Black women were overrepresented among abortion patients and had the highest abortion rate: 27.1 per 1000. The decline in the abortion rate among non-Hispanic Black women (32%) was greater than that for that non-Hispanic White women (14%); declines were also substantial for Hispanic women (36%) and non-Hispanic women who identified with a race other than Black or White (39%).”
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Old 12-03-2021, 06:00 PM   #26
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It's been stated recently that White men over forty are the source for democratic backsliding in America. (Democratic backsliding, also known as autocratization, democratic decay and de-democratization, is a gradual decline in the quality of democracy and the opposite of democratization.)
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Old 12-03-2021, 06:35 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by NoirMan View Post
You do realize there are more white women than black so even if instances per 100 are high for black women there are still more white women having abortions. In fact that’s stated in the link in your second quotation.

Simply put
39%% of 100 is 39
10% of 1000 is 100.

But I’m sure you’re well aware of the falsehood you promoted.

I'm aware of what I said. I'm just not sure whether you can't comprehend it or your narrative is more important to you than actual facts. That's what I'm painfully aware of.

How about "proportionately" speaking, Black women have a greater number of abortions. A statement I have ALWAYS suggested. Am I wrong? Just like proportionately speaking, Black males commit more violent crimes than White men although in actual numbers because we have what, 7 times the number than Black males

“ White women accounted for the largest share of abortions among the 4 racial and ethnic groups examined (38.7%), although they had the lowest abortion rate: 10.0 per 1000. Black women were over represented

Ah, they were over represented huh? It's a bitch when your own words come back to bite you in the ass, isn't it?

among abortion patients and had the highest abortion rate: 27.1 per 1000. The decline in the abortion rate among non-Hispanic Black women (32%) was greater than that for that non-Hispanic White women (14%); declines were also substantial for Hispanic women (36%) and non-Hispanic women who identified with a race other than Black or White (39%).”

My second quotation? You mean the New York Times quotation?


Women of lower socioeconomic status and women of color in the United States have higher rates of abortion than women of higher socioeconomic status and White women.

But hey, you go ahead and argue with the New York Times and NIH and I'll sit back and watch.
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Old 12-03-2021, 07:05 PM   #28
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You can get scientists to testify on the issue of when life begins, and they will be all over the map with their opinions. There will be never be a scientific fact for this. It is not like physics that have fundamental facts.

The question remains: Why do legislators and others feel the need to "force" their beliefs on others, that do not share the same beliefs ? This is not a contagious disease. It is only for the individual to bear this.
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Old 12-03-2021, 08:28 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
You can get scientists to testify on the issue of when life begins, and they will be all over the map with their opinions. There will be never be a scientific fact for this. It is not like physics that have fundamental facts.

You are playing with words with "when life begins". What scientist doesn't believe that a heart beat doesn't indicate a living human being? Oh, they can argue about viability, when the baby probably can't live outside the womb on it's own but that isn't the question you are asking. Some believe that life begins at conception. Can it live outside the womb? No it can't. Does that make it not human "yet"? Truth is, we don't need scientific proof to make these decisions, we only need to take 50 votes and live with the consequences that can surely change by the next vote if that majority changes their mind. There is nothing in the Constitution that says you must base your vote on scientific evidence which you admit can't be found here. Then what do you base your decision on?

The question remains: Why do legislators and others feel the need to "force" their beliefs on others, that do not share the same beliefs ? This is not a contagious disease. It is only for the individual to bear this.

You really don't understand politics do you. Legislators vote what ever way keeps them in office. If they didn't, they wouldn't have a job long. Will there ALWAYS be people that think they are being "forced" to do what the majority has obviously voted for? Yes. This is America, you can live where you please and there will be multiple states where both outcomes can be found.

You have a group of people. They all live in one state. When it comes time to vote, the man or woman or "it" votes what the most amount of people want. Apparently in Texas, that is the toughest laws on abortion that can get through the SC.

Why? because that's the way it works in a Representative Democracy. You are forced to pay taxes. You don't want to pay taxes. The government forces you to pay taxes. That's equity BTW and the only way a functioning Democracy can work.

50 possible different outcomes and you get to chose where you want to live. What a great country. Nobody can force you to live where you don't want to live but they can pass laws supported by the majority that don't unduly infringe on only the minority. The laws are for everybody regardless of anything.

There isn't a country on this planet where everybody gets to do what they want when they want to do it so stop dreaming of a Utopia that common sense should tell you can't exist.
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Old 12-03-2021, 08:42 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
Have you ever trying looking something up before you ask somebody to prove something? Just curious.


courtesy... NYT paywall.

When ‘Black Lives Matter’ Is Invoked in the Abortion Debate

By John Eligon
July 6, 2019

ST. LOUIS — As a pastor, Clinton Stancil counsels his black congregants that abortion is akin to the taking of innocent life. But as a civil rights activist, Mr. Stancil urges them to understand the social forces that prompt black women to have abortions at disproportionately high rates.

The national debate over abortion has focused of late on when a heartbeat is discernible in the fetus, on the rights of women to make choices over their bodies and on the vast schism between the opposing views on ending pregnancies.

But to many African-Americans like Mr. Stancil, who is the pastor of Wayman A.M.E. Church in St. Louis, abortion cannot be debated without considering the quality of urban schools. Or the disproportionately high unemployment rate in black communities. Or the significant racial disparities in health care.

“As much as I believe with all my heart about the killing, the taking of innocent lives, I also believe that I will never support giving white legislators who have no interest in our community the ability to tell our women what they can do with their bodies,” Mr. Stancil said of sweeping abortion restrictions recently approved in Missouri.

In many black communities, the abortion debate is inextricably tied to race in ways that white communities seldom confront. Social and economic disparities that are particularly challenging to African-Americans, from mass incarceration to maternal and infant mortality, are crucial parts of that discussion.

The best way to reduce abortions, many black people both for and against the practice argue, is to address the difficult circumstances that lead so many black women to end their pregnancies. Abortions have dropped over the last 15 years among all racial groups. But black women continue to have the highest abortion rate at 27.1 per 1,000 women compared with 10 per 1,000 for white women, according to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health.

Those seeking to outlaw abortion lament what they see as an undoing of the fabric of black families. They liken the high abortion rates among black women to a cultural genocide, and sometimes raise the specter of eugenics and population control when discussing abortion rights, as Justice Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court did in a recent concurring opinion.

Those intent on protecting women’s constitutional right to make their own decision on terminating a pregnancy — and even some black abortion skeptics — see a contradiction in the great concern some lawmakers and activists show toward the fetus versus the limited focus on policies that uplift black communities.

Underlying the debate is the rich heritage of the black church, at once a liberal center of civil rights activism and an institution that preaches religious conservatism.

In discussions with African-American congregants, the abortion debate can often feel like wading through a series of contradictions. Mr. Stancil, for instance, opposes abortions but is also against far-reaching restrictions that would eliminate all access to them. Most black voters support legal access to abortion but are also split on whether abortion is morally acceptable.

The racial intolerance that exists in the country is an intrinsic part of the discussion. “Black Lives Matter,” a motto born of the abuse black people suffer at the hands of police officers, can be heard on both sides of the abortion debate among black people, with one side emphasizing the life of the mother and the other the fetus.

“Those who are most vocal about abortion and abortion laws are my white brothers and sisters, and yet many of them don’t care about the plight of the poor, the plight of the immigrant, the plight of African-Americans,” said the Rev. Dr. Luke Bobo, a minister from Kansas City, Mo., who is vehemently opposed to abortion. “My argument here is, let’s think about the entire life span of the person.”

In Missouri, the Republican-controlled Legislature recently banned abortion at around eight weeks of pregnancy — though that law has yet to go into effect — and state officials have said they will not renew the license of the state’s only abortion provider. Without the renewal, Missouri would become the first state in the country without access to abortion services since 1974, the year after Roe v. Wade made abortion a constitutional right.

A state commission gave the clinic, Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region, a temporary reprieve last month, allowing the clinic to provide abortions.

About half the women who received abortions at the clinic last year were black. The clinic also provides other health care services, and supporters worry that patients from marginalized communities will face the biggest consequences if abortion access in the state is eliminated, including turning to risky, illegal means to terminate pregnancies.

Black women already have enough challenges, said Kawanna Shannon, who is black and the director of surgical services at the clinic. “And now I have to still deal with the state and the governor now passing laws and telling me what I can and can’t do with my own body,” she said. “It’s just burdensome.”

Polls show that most African-Americans support at least some form of legal access to abortion. More than 33 percent of African-Americans said they believed that abortion should be legal under any circumstance, and 47 percent said they favored allowing it under certain conditions, according to Gallup polls.

Still, those who believe abortion should be legal, the polls suggest, want limits. More than a third of both black and white respondents said abortion should be legal “in only a few” circumstances. Black and white Americans opposed abortion at similar rates: Around 16 percent of African-Americans said it should be illegal in all circumstances, compared with 17 percent of white respondents.

Religious teachings may have convinced some African-Americans that life begins in the womb. But having seen firsthand how their communities have been hurt by high incarceration rates, economic disinvestment and a lack of educational opportunities, some have a hard time embracing what they see as one-size-fits-all abortion bans.

Dr. Bobo, the minister from Kansas City, said he counseled women not to have abortions, but at the end of the day, “It’s her choice.”

“I cannot manipulate her into agreeing; I cannot guilt her,” he said.

Mr. Stancil of the Wayman A.M.E. Church said his view that abortion amounted to ending a life was compatible with his belief in a woman’s choice because God was the ultimate judge.

“That’s something they’re going to have to reconcile with their God,” he said of women who chose to have abortions.

Promoting policies that address some of the root causes of abortions by black women has become a favored approach for many black voters on both sides of the issue, and especially for those against abortion. From womb to tomb, they say, describing their concern for the full life span of black people.

“We can save a child in the womb, but we also have an environment that could kill that child,” said Cessilye Smith, a black abortion opponent in Dallas working to open a free clinic that provides pre- and postnatal care and other services for women. “They both have to be worked on equally.”

The Church of God in Christ, a predominantly black Pentecostal denomination with more than six million members nationwide, is in the process of building a $20 million pregnancy center in Memphis. Four years ago, the church, which opposes abortion, began a campaign to educate its members on the impact of abortion on black communities and to encourage preventive actions like fostering or adopting children.

The Seymour Institute for Black Church and Policy Studies, a Boston-based think tank, is planning to start a campaign this summer with billboards and advertisements in black media outlets and on social media that speak out against abortion — and against capital punishment and mass incarceration.

The Rev. Michael Jones, the pastor at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, said that he believed in preserving life, but that he did not “have the power to take away that choice” a woman makes on an abortion. Regardless of what happens with the Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Louis, Mr. Jones said his focus was on the church’s efforts to help and empower black lives.

“We’re really concentrating on meeting the needs beyond the birth of a child,” Mr. Jones said, adding that if a woman decided to have an abortion, “we provide counseling and support for them.”

That position is comforting to Briana Bobo, 30, a staunch supporter of abortion rights who is a member of Friendly Temple and Dr. Bobo’s daughter.

“Black folks,” she said, “are just a little bit softer and more able to understand, perhaps, different views on abortion and on life.”

Follow John Eligon on Twitter: @jeligon
A version of this article appears in print on July 7, 2019, Section A, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: When Debate Pits Abortions Vs. Black Lives.
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