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Old 11-27-2021, 10:21 AM   #1
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Default QAnon's 'Queen of Canada' Calls for Followers to 'Kill' People Vaccinating Children

This psychopath has 70,000 followers on bambino’s favorite social media outlet, telegram.

The same propaganda source we get treated to here in this forum almost daily and often all day long.

Free speech? Absolutely. But this is a “fire” in the movie theater example.

70,000 people can’t be that fucking stupid. Even in Canada.


QAnon's 'Queen of Canada' Calls for Followers to 'Kill' People Vaccinating Children

QAnon influencer Romana Didulo told her 70,000 followers that "duck-hunting season is open” and by ducks she means healthcare workers, politicians, and journalists.

By Mack Lamoureux
November 25, 2021, 11:08am

Earlier this week, the so-called QAnon Queen of Canada opened up “duck-hunting” season in the Great White North.

Now, to be clear, we aren’t talking about hunters in hip waders going after our fine-feathered friends with a loyal hound by their side. These “duck hunters” are “soldiers” of Roman Didulo—a Canadian woman who has convinced thousands of QAnon adherents that she’s the secret ruler of Canada—targeting health care workers administering COVID-19 vaccines to children, politicians, journalists, and others who make up the cabal at the heart of the QAnon conspiracy.

In a post on Sunday to her over 70,000 followers on Telegram, Didulo issued an order to the soldiers of her “Kingdom of Canada’s Military.” She demanded the mass arrests of those they consider opposition, and wanted her soldiers to take control of newspapers and seize the border.

“Shoot to kill anyone who tries to inject Children under the age of 19 years old with Coronavirus19 vaccines/ bioweapons or any other Vaccines,” she wrote. “This order is effective immediately.”

A follow-up post on Tuesday changed the wording from “shoot to kill” to “arrest.”

“Please, use airports, hospitals, schools, stadiums, and other public venues to hold and detain all traitors,” the post said. “They will stay there until Military Tribunal is held for each one of them until the day they are executed via firing squad or hanging.”

Didulo doesn’t have a passive audience; over the summer, the British Columbian woman mobilized her audience into sending out thousands of cease-and- desist letters across North America (some have recently popped up in Europe) demanding businesses, governments, and police forces stop all activities related to combating the pandemic.

Didulo implies that her duck hunters are secretive military veterans she’s bringing in from the U.S. But on Telegram (a chat app known for their lax rules), over 6,000 of her online supporters have signed up to be a part of “Canada Military 2.0”—a separate, but inactive, Telegram page where followers pledge to be part of Didulo’s fighting force. “I have offered my life for humanity and joined our Canadian duck hunters,” one of her followers wrote.

Didulo has made separate pages to vet prospective members of her Canadian and U.S. duck-hunting teams to help with her mission. The Canadian group currently has just over 100 members, including the man who posted the images of the firearms. Inside the chatroom one of the duck hunters shared information about a specific vaccine popup in an Ontario mall “specifically targeting young children.”

“It’s time to react now,” replied one person. “Hurry up and wait is no longer the thing to say.”

Her followers are pledging their support to their Queen’s initiative. “A few duck hunters coming in can stay with me… I’m ready… all my hunting gear is ready… let’s roll,” wrote one in the public chat and posted a picture of firearms strewn across a table.

“I myself can’t contribute much, other than myself and my Duck hunting gear,” wrote another. “I am ready and willing to help our Allies in cleaning up the Bad Actors in my small town of Lamont Alberta.”

Threats and violence against health care workers have been constant since COVID-19 vaccinations started rolling out earlier this year, and have ramped up after jurisdictions greenlit the vaccine for children (Canada just approved the Pfizer vaccine for 5-11-year-olds last week). For many of Didulo’s followers, the vaccine is a death sentence so vaccinating children is akin to murder.

It’s unknown how many followers take Didulo and her tactics seriously, or just consider them a part of the LARP (live action role-playing) and gamification that makes the QAnon conspiracy community so appealing, but experts say there’s cause for concern. Many QAnon adherents have been involved in violent acts like murders or kidnappings and the FBI has warned the violence may only increase with time.

In an already confounding ecosystem where people will make their way en masse to Texas in anticipation of JFK coming back from the dead, Didulo and her followers somehow manage to be more bizarre than their contemporaries. To her followers, Queen Romana is the true leader of Canada who, alongside Donald Trump, is waging a war against a pedophilic cabal that runs the world. In a few short weeks this spring, Didulo went from a relatively unknown online conspiracy theorist to having a large following after she was “confirmed” by some large QAnon accounts. In some sense, she fills the void left by the titular Q, who has not posted in almost a year.

Didulo administers her decrees on her large Telegram page, a confusing collection of militarist statements, modern-day spirituality, and postings about intergalactic beings. She typically addresses her followers through either simple messages (littered with emojis) or videos featuring her sitting on a brown couch in front of a nondescript wall.

“I call her the ‘hardest LARP in the movement.’ Probably even greater than Q themself,” Alex Mendela, a researcher who works on The Q Origins Project, told VICE World News. “She’s unique in the sense that she’s sort of filled the role of an absent Q, but has taken on an independently authoritative role all her own.”

Mandela added that while Didulo has yet to order her audience to violence directly, and mostly skirts around it, he’s concerned about “one of her followers actually taking it seriously, getting riled-up by all the urgent rhetoric and frustrated that he/she/they are not receiving clear directives, and taking matters into their own hands with self-directed violence.”

Peter Smith, a journalist with the Canadian Anti-Hate Network who recently penned a story on Didulo, told VICE World News that her “real power has always been the ability to mobilize (her) following into types of real-world action.”

“In the time we have spent monitoring her numerous channels, that following has more than tripled and the rhetoric from Didulo has only grown more severe, culminating in calls for armed action to be taken by people from both the U.S. and Canada,” said Smith. “We do not know how many, if any, of her audience have decided to heed the call to go ‘duck hunting’ in Canada, but with such a large and engaged base of supporters, it is extremely worrying.”

The duck hunters are a massive hit with her audience. Some of her fans have requested the duck hunters attend specific events such as local school board meetings, or target specific people like Sarnia city councillors, environmentalist David Suzuki, or even one follower’s ex-girlfriend. Other fans, upon Didulo’s request, are offering their homes to the “duck hunters” as lodging.

“I am more than happy to be able to house a couple of duck hunters!” wrote one. “I only have a one-bedroom apartment but would happily give up my bedroom.”

If they can’t find lodging with her followers, Didulo instructs her duck hunters to stay at a motel and “file the invoice to the Department of Finance/Treasury Department of Canada.”

Not all her followers are celebrating the future deaths of health care workers and members of the cabal. One follower, seemingly convinced these extrajudicial killings were taking place, begged Didulo to spare the life of her son, a teacher.

“Please don’t hurt the innocent in this,” they pleaded. “People here are brainwashed. It’s not their fault. My whole family took the shot believing it was the right thing to do but were falsely led. They are good people. Please.”
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Old 11-27-2021, 10:48 AM   #2
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If it came to it, I’d shoot someone without hesitation if they tried forcing that garbage into one of my kids.
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Old 11-27-2021, 11:32 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
If it came to it, I’d shoot someone without hesitation if they tried forcing that garbage into one of my kids.
Yeah...Telegram is crap...would not my kinds read that shit
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Old 11-27-2021, 11:35 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
If it came to it, I’d shoot someone without hesitation if they tried forcing that garbage into one of my kids.
But would you go “duck hunting,” like this QAnon Quacker reQuests?

I don’t think so, or else you’d be with her and not with us.

I’d love to hear from some of our resident telegram worshippers.
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Old 11-27-2021, 02:58 PM   #5
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The OP has a "thing from that group"...he can't post anything of substance because
he's just a worthless childish post hound with an overinflated opinion of himself...giving himself five stars and likes to every one of his posts.
The only thing he spew is FIVE STAR NONSENSE
You can't debate so you play dumb.
Now waiting on your...childish response.
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Old 11-27-2021, 03:51 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
If it came to it, I’d shoot someone without hesitation if they tried forcing that garbage into one of my kids.
I think you and this Dildo Q Queen are making up shit that isn't happening. Nobody is being held down and forced to take the jab
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Old 11-27-2021, 03:53 PM   #7
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�� Anthony Fauci is the second coming of Joseph Mengele. I said back in 2020 that this dude is probably the most prolific serial killer in history. I was not, at all, joking with that statement.

The blood of millions of lives over the decades lies on his hands. His track record would make Genghis Khan green with envy.

In so far as his touting of a “100% effective vaccine”; ������������

New VAERS numbers have been published.

��818,042 Adverse Events
��127,641 Doctor Visits
��83,412 Hospitalizations
��92,017 Urgent Care
��26,199 Disabled
��10,179 Bell's Palsy
��10,304 Myocarditis
��8,408 Heart Attacks
��2,631 Miscarriages
��17,128 Deaths

Meanwhile, the fully vaccinated continue to dominate infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.

….Nuremberg 2.0 awaits, SS Officer Fauci.

❗️Follow His real Telegram channel ����


Share so everyone can join and hear the truth! ����
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Old 11-27-2021, 04:02 PM   #8
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If the goal of vaccination is to slow the spread, as Bill Gates stated in 2020, and as has always been the goal of vaccination, then these vaccinations are completely failing all around the world.

Now, big pharma controlled public health officials continue to claim that leaky vaccines are superior to no vaccines, but independent vaccine makers and scientists like Professor Luc Montagnier, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche continue to warn that mass vaccinating with leaky vaccines are an incredibly dangerous experiment that can promote the evolution of more virulent pathogens.

As documented by this 2015 NIH-funded study, “imperfect vaccination can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens."

Additionally, it is completely non-sensical and a violation of the Nuremberg Code to coerce or force populations to take these experimental mRNA vaccines.

This argument is further strengthened by the fact that these shots do not prevent infection or transmission.

Therefore, vaccine passports do not serve any public health purpose, but they are an ideal tool of authoritarian tyrants looking for increased top-down control over human rights, freedoms, and liberties.

Full Article:

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Old 11-27-2021, 04:05 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I think you and this Dildo Q Queen are making up shit that isn't happening. Nobody is being held down and forced to take the jab
Nobody said they were, although I have no idea who this Q Queen person is or what she advocates. My ~hypothetical~ point is, that if it came down to someone pumping the clot shot into a kid of mine or someone getting shot, someone would get shot.
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Old 11-27-2021, 04:07 PM   #10
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mandates in which a persons's JOB is at risk - are a form of being held down and forced to be vaccinated
mandates - irrespective of One's medical history and patient physician choice - are 'Coercion"!

WTF - as usual makes me shake my head and muttter to myself "WTF"!!!!
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Old 11-27-2021, 04:08 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
�� Anthony Fauci is the second coming of Joseph Mengele. I said back in 2020 that this dude is probably the most prolific serial killer in history. I was not, at all, joking with that statement.

The blood of millions of lives over the decades lies on his hands. His track record would make Genghis Khan green with envy.

In so far as his touting of a “100% effective vaccine”; ������������

New VAERS numbers have been published.

��818,042 Adverse Events
��127,641 Doctor Visits
��83,412 Hospitalizations
��92,017 Urgent Care
��26,199 Disabled
��10,179 Bell's Palsy
��10,304 Myocarditis
��8,408 Heart Attacks
��2,631 Miscarriages
��17,128 Deaths

Meanwhile, the fully vaccinated continue to dominate infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.

….Nuremberg 2.0 awaits, SS Officer Fauci.

❗️Follow His real Telegram channel ����


Share so everyone can join and hear the truth! ����

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Old 11-27-2021, 04:09 PM   #12
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the primary nonsense meme poster of teh forum rises to the level of irrelevancy again.
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Old 11-27-2021, 05:43 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
mandates in which a persons's JOB is at risk - are a form of being held down and forced to be vaccinated
mandates - irrespective of One's medical history and patient physician choice - are 'Coercion"!

WTF - as usual makes me shake my head and muttter to myself "WTF"!!!!
bb1961 was talking about his kids....since when did 10 year olds have a fucking JOB
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Old 11-27-2021, 05:44 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
bb1961 was talking about his kids....since when did 10 year olds have a fucking JOB
Millions in China. They make shoes for Lebron.
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Old 11-27-2021, 06:27 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
�� Anthony Fauci is the second coming of Joseph Mengele. I said back in 2020 that this dude is probably the most prolific serial killer in history. I was not, at all, joking with that statement.
Nobody's laughing at it either.

Your statement indicates your total indoctrination into the Trump/Q cult.

Bait and snitch good buddy!

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