Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Too sensitive. Thin skin. Weak intestinal fortitude.
I was raised to have a thick skin. When your family picks at the scab, you learn to take a lot of shit.
Until you can return the serve. And the beat goes on with my nieces and nephews. It teaches them, and taught me, the world is not always nice.

So - this is teh Excuse?
I was 'abused' by scab-pickers. ????
none so blind !
Get some professional Help - 95
Understand that marxism is a dictator's excuse to imprison and subjugate freedoms from the Free
marxism is Not 'Groucho' - it is exemplified by your dearly beloved mass murderer Che/Castro and all teh horrors they committed to Cuba
Not to mention Lenin, Stalin, mo, Venezuela, Kim family,
If Iran was not a theocratic dictatorship based on islam - they would perfectly fit the mold of marxism dominating a country
Unfortunately - thee is not yet a vaccine for the indoctrinated foolish about their fixation and obsession with Marxism and having nomenklatura control their Lives so they do not have to make
So SAD!!
Life can be much better than genuflecting at the altar of a mass murderer and his long, hot , hard cigars.