This week’s Liberal Media Scream features a classic example of just how shocked the biased Left press is when the public doesn’t fall in line behind ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, as well as their view of the world.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Talking about a new poll on key national issues, the leader of the pack, NBC’s host of
Meet the Press Chuck Todd, appeared dumbfounded that the public is choosing Republicans over President Joe Biden. When a talk show host uses the phrase “believe it or not,” you know he doesn’t.
“Republicans, believe it or not, have double-digit leads in dealing with border security, inflation, crime, national security, the economy and, shockingly, on ‘getting things done,’” Todd said on his Sunday show discussing a new NBC News poll.
Todd led Sunday’s
Meet the Press on NBC:
“We have a brand new NBC News poll out this morning that’s filled with some scary news for the Democrats. The overarching message: Americans have lost their confidence in President Biden and their optimism for the country, at least, they have right now. Just 22% of adults say we’re headed in the right direction. A shocking 71% say we’re on the ‘wrong track’ and that includes a near majority of Democrats who are saying that.
“President Biden’s approval rating stands at a dismal 42% versus 54% who disapprove. Believe it or not, just two months ago, Mr. Biden was in positive territory — 49% approving and 48% disapproving. So, what’s pulling down the president’s numbers? Well look at his set of numbers: Just 37% say he has the ability right now to handle a crisis versus nearly a majority who say he does not. Thirty-seven percent also say he’s competent and effective as president. Fifty percent disagree with that description.
“What’s more, Republicans, believe it or not, have double-digit leads in dealing with border security, inflation, crime, national security, the economy and, shockingly, on ‘getting things done.’”
Brent Baker, vice president of
research and publications for the Media Research Center, explains our weekly pick: “How dare the public not match the views of the press corps. Todd seems genuinely surprised, maybe even appalled, that most people have more trust in Republicans than in President Biden and Democrats. Todd is a victim of his own media bubble where it’s a surprise Republicans lead in areas where Biden has clearly failed, such as border security and crime. It should lead Todd to question NBC’s journalism, but it won’t.”
Rating: THREE out of FIVE screams
potus fiden -

This just in - fiden's new platform agenda in support of Mcauliffe-

Guaranteed d to win teh Virginia Election!!!