MSNBC’s Joy Reid is certifiable.

© Provided by Washington Examiner She’s not just a little unhinged. She’s not just a little inflammatory. She’s outright bonkers — and proudly so. Reid says and promotes some of the wildest and craziest conspiracy theories this side of Alex Jones.
Yet, for whatever reason, the journalists who cover disinformation and misinformation in popular media have nothing to say regarding the fountain of nonsense that is Reid’s prime-time cable news show.
The MSNBC host said this week Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s recent push to recruit out-of-state police officers, including those who’ve lost their jobs over their opposition to coronavirus vaccine mandates, shows he’s willing to kill everyone in the state so long as it serves his goal of becoming a "wannabe cult leader." That’s it. That’s the conspiracy theory. There’s obviously nothing to back this, and it doesn’t even make any sense why DeSantis would want to murder his own constituents, but this is Reid’s theory, and she’s sticking to it.
“Since the beginning of this pandemic,” she said this week, “many Republicans have walked a very fine line of kind of, sort of encouraging safety, while also fueling vaccine skepticism.”
Reid added, “Well, one of those Republicans has jumped off that line entirely and is offering COVID a one-way first-class ticket to his state. And that, of course, is Gov. Ron DeSantis. I mean, who else would it be?"
She then addressed DeSantis’s pitch to out-of-state first responders, including those who are unvaccinated against the coronavirus.
“Are you big on ordering people to comply,” she said, “but you hate complying with health mandates yourself? Do you dream of arresting people’s ability to breathe while you arrest them? Well, pack up your potentially infectious self, your badge, and your gun, and come on down to Florida. Take this taxpayer bonus money and enjoy constant interactions with vulnerable senior citizens you can breathe on.”
She added, “Every breakthrough case and ICU admission is the virus of freedom spreading. And don’t forget your sunscreen.”
For the record,
Florida has the fewest daily COVID-19 cases per capita right now.
Reid didn’t leave it at that. She continued her tirade against the Republican governor, who, for reasons, she appears to hate more than all the other 49 governors put together.
“He’s a pandemic denier,” Reid said.
She added: “Baby Don Death-Santis … Killer Ron has gone all in. He isn’t even pretending to care about Floridians staying alive anymore, making the jump from anti-mandate to anti-vax, even as almost 60,000 Floridians have died. DeSantis, who’s sacrificing citizens’ lives for a career as a wannabe death cult leader and who’s throwing down the COVID welcome mat to lock in the anti-vax vote — can dead people vote? Asking for a friend.”
There’s a lot in there that strays into outright lunacy, but I’m stuck on “Baby Don Death-Santis.”
Again, turn on any news show or read any newspaper, and I guarantee you’ll read an article about the dangers of disinformation and inflammatory rhetoric. These articles usually focus exclusively on Republican legislators, Fox News hosts, and obscure nobodies who post memes on message boards. The reports rarely, if ever, mention people such as Reid and bizarre tirades like the one in the above. Indeed, for whatever reason, the people who write for a living about the dangers of disinformation and misinformation are completely disinterested in correcting, or even tracking, Reid's brand of crazy.
I can understand why NBC News’s resident 4chan experts have no interest in covering an out-of-control NBC employee. But what’s the rest of the news media's excuse?
Nothing to say at all?
Joy reid is n odifferent than any of the Xinn/msnbc LSM nut jobs
they are all pathologic Liars and buffoons.
Let her continue to lose market share and make a fool of herself- just as stelter, lemon, anderson, and teh rest of teh nut jobs spouting Lies adn dis-information.
Joy reid is a certifiable Racist and hater of all things White and conservative.
she would happily consign every single jewish person in teh world to a Holocaust
of her personal making.
Let her rant - she shows the miserable excuse for a human being that she is.