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Old 10-17-2021, 11:47 AM   #1
Salty Again
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Default OBama/Trump Birther Controversy

G'day Politicoes,

So here I am - not forced - but lemme say almost
CHALLENGED to explain this. Though to be fair,
some o' the liberal lads here surely seem to
be maybe a bit brighter than those on Indys.

The crime here is the liberal-led "main stream media"
- that purposely LIES to America every single day!

How else can you surely explain the absolute bullshit
news narrative that "Trump Colluded with Russia"
that we heard from the time Trump won the Primary
and for ALL 4 years of his Presidency??

Look at ALL the investigations. What's the result?
That Trump DID NOT collude with Russia!

And futhermore, Hillary Clinton had a law firm
create the PHONEY "Steele Dossier"...

... And the liberal media kept PUSHING the
false narrative. -- Some of you lads STILL believe it.

... So the media LIES - but also works to change
the true narrative to surely make things false.

They did it with Trump's "very fine people on both sides"
comment. They REMOVED his next line - where he
denounced the KKK and other groups.

Some of you liberal lads MISSED that. Never heard it.
Because the media LIED to you.


The liberal main stream media surely did the
same thing with the Birther Controversy.

And they did it to protect OBama - as they always wanna do.

Here's the TRUTH: Barrack OBama WAS BORN in HAWAII...

Yep, no doubt about it. His birther papers (Certificate)

... How am I doing? ... You with me so far?

But here's the thing - the "OBama born in Kenya" thing
was "real" also. A great number of people BELIEVED THIS
because OBama told them that he was. It WAS that-way
that-way all thru school.

A young fellow who happened to be born in Kenya and
came to America as a young boy... A GREAT story.

You don't believe me? Ask around. Ask the people who
met him and knew him as a boy. Ask those who knew him
at university. They will tell you.

Hmmmm... But then - maybe don't wanna take me word
for it, and you want PROOF?
Ok, I'm a fair-minded fellow.

Some of you intelligent lads may be aware that OBama
attended Harvard University. And while he was there,
he was even the editor of Harvard Review magazine.

With me still?

And the interesting thing... Right there, in black & white
is OBama's Harvard biography. And right there it clearly
stated that he was BORN IN KENYA. (NO Bullshit)

... So we have a problem.

... Let me post this and I'll continue on.

### Salty
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Old 10-17-2021, 12:05 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... So we have a problem.

The guy got TWO terms and continued the two-term Clinton mission of dismantling this country. That was briefly interrupted by Bush's 2 + 1 terms of bringing us to the NWO.

What do you hope to have happen if he was an illegitimate candidate/citizen, an apology?
It isn't ONE Executive reigning from on high. It is an entire city on the beltway committed to self-serving corruption and short-sighted global grifts

You have to fight the surging idiocy tsunami from media every hour THEN you have to take action to get this country back on the right track. Good luck, but no matter what your political views are if you're reading this, THE WORLD WE WERE RAISED TO SURVIVE IN DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE
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Old 10-17-2021, 12:23 PM   #3
Salty Again
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... So there's the rub --

But NOT a problem yet. OBama's Harvard bio surely SHOULD
say that he was "born in Kenya" - since he told everybody
this and they believed him. No issue.

In fact - this Harvard Review bio REMAINED this way
for 14 YEARS - unchanged.

... So years later, this good-looking and articulate fellow
decides to run for public office. Problem is, what if
he reeeeaaallly WAS NOT "born in Kenya"??
What IF he decides to run for President someday?

Now the "Kenya thing" really wouldn't matter. Since his Mum
is a American citizen - OBama could have been born ON THE MOON
and it surely wouldn't matter. For example, I think John McCain
was born in Panama. So the "born in Kenya" isn't a problem,
even if he was.

Oooooh... The Problem is the TRUTH. OBama was NOT born in Kenya.
He was really BORN IN HAWAII. Even has birther papers that say so.

Hmmmm... So what can he do? ... Hmmmm... maybe he can "be born"
in BOTH places... Kenya? Hawaii? Who cares? Just don't say either way.
No problem. No controversy.

But some people may start to surely make noise... IF the fellow was
born in Kenya --- even though THAT wouldn't matter.
But some people KNOW that OBama was really born in Hawaii.


So, Trump, a clever fellow (when there's money $$$ to be made) surely decides to throw a monkey's wrench into issue:

"HOW Can YOU Be Born in BOTH Places?!!"



"uh... What is?"

"That you were born in Hawaii. We thought you were born in Kenya!"



"Well, I was really born in Hawaii. Just saying."

"Oh Yeah? Prove it!" .... "HUGELY Prove it!"

"I got a Birth Certificate... And newspaper clippings."

"Yeah? Let's see it!"

"uh.. It'll take me some time to show it."


... Some time passes.

"Here it is. Hope it's HUGE enough for you."

"Hmmmm... Hmmmm... ok."

... And there's your proof... And the Harvard Review thing?
Changed. BEFORE the President run.

... But some people noticed the change to the bio... And we are
NOW told that it was changed to "correct the error" that mentioned
OBama being born in Kenya.

Funny thing... "born in Kenya" was there for 14 YEARS.
And the whole time OBama was there. Reckon he could've
changed it sooner, but why bother?

So the PROOF was GRAND! It shows that OBama
lied about his birthplace. And Trump forced him to show us.

... There's MORE to this story - and I'll add it
after I get some responces: Have at it.

### Salty
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Old 10-17-2021, 12:31 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... And the liberal media kept PUSHING the
false narrative. -- Some of you lads STILL believe it.

Yep. Have a liberal friend who to this day believes that if there wasn't a pee tape ( he still isn't convinced there isn't ) Russia absolutely had black mail material that for some reason after Trump supplied tank/ soldier killing missiles to Ukraine, never bothered to use any such evidence. Hmm, could it be that no such "evidence" ever existed except in the mind of Adam Schiff and Democrats? My friend says "doesn't matter what Mueller found or didn't find, I believe Trump was Putin's puppet and was more interested in pleasing him ( for what ever reason ) than working for the interest of the United States". This is where I shake my head and move on.

... So the media LIES - but also works to change
the true narrative to surely make things false.

Did it for 4 years to destroy Trump and still doing it to protect Biden. My friend doesn't believe the MSM is in bed with Democrats.

They did it with Trump's "very fine people on both sides"
comment. They REMOVED his next line - where he
denounced the KKK and other groups.

Some of you liberal lads MISSED that. Never heard it.
Because the media LIED to you.

Naw, they heard it alright but decided to keep using the lie because they believe it was effective like calling anybody that disagrees with them on ANYTHING, a racist. It's right there in the playbook.
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Old 10-17-2021, 12:49 PM   #5
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Long sigh. The man was born in Hawaii to an American woman. Just because a bunch of idiots believe otherwise because Trump set about to “prove” otherwise doesn’t make any difference whatsoever. Just like there’s a bunch of idiots that continue to believe Trump won or there’s massive fraud in the election. Just because people believe a lie doesn’t somehow convert it to being true.

A couple of simple facts.

Trump lost by 7 million votes.
Trump lost the electoral college handily, in his own words a landslide.
Obama was born to a white American female making his a citizen of the USA
Obama was born in Hawaii, a state in the USA making him a citizen.

The rest of the “argument” is just silliness. Why any of this is an issue, because the republicans believe it motivates certain sectors of their voter base. Power to em. Doesn’t change what’s true and what’s false. Just shows us the gullibility of people on both sides when it confirms their beliefs. At that point they care less about facts.
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Old 10-17-2021, 01:02 PM   #6
Salty Again
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... No, it was a good issue because it showed that OBama
LIED about being born in Kenya. THAT is a FACT.

What you may not know is that Trump didn't let this go.

Since OBama had "No comment" on the Harvard Review flap,
Trump offoured to help clear the whole thing up and
apologize IF OBama would release his university admission
records. Why? Because THAT would show IF he was
"born in Kenya" on his records - which would make him
a liar.

OBama's people declined - and actually THE RECORDS ARE SEALED.
Which is rather odd... 'Cause you could go and see Trump's
from Pennsylvania university.

So Trump, being a fair-minded fellow, thru some money $$$$
into the mix. He offoured 5 Millon donated to charity
IF OBama would release them. Then, 10 MILLION.
But NO responce.

.... Surely reckon we KNOW who the liar was, eh?

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Old 10-17-2021, 01:17 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by NoirMan View Post
Trump lost by 7 million votes. .

What are "Bell Weather Counties" and how is it relevant to Joe Biden?
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Old 10-17-2021, 01:20 PM   #8
Salty Again
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... Lads, the point of me thread was to show the TRUTH
of the birther controversy.

You won't get the truth from the liberal media.

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Old 10-17-2021, 01:21 PM   #9
Jackie S
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Obama has bullshitted his way through life.

Who gives a shit now. His white mother would fuck anything with a dick and his supposedly father was a whoremonger.

You have to admire Obama. He played the system well. When convenient, he was a foreign born “minority, when he needed to play his “racial status”, he was the master.

He was President, we survived him, he won’t be again.

I am more concerned about the blithering idiot we have in the Whitehouse now. I’m not sure we can survive this type of idiocy.
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Old 10-17-2021, 04:50 PM   #10
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Is this a thread trying to prove politicians lie?

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Old 10-17-2021, 04:51 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Lads, the point of me thread was to show the TRUTH
of the birther controversy.

You won't get the truth from the liberal media.

### Salty
So you think only right wing media tell unbiased truth(s).
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Old 10-17-2021, 04:57 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Lads, the point of me thread was to show the TRUTH
of the birther controversy.

You won't get the truth from the liberal media.

### Salty
Nor the right wing media.
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Old 10-17-2021, 05:20 PM   #13
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nm - so sad to be so indoctrianted - that cannot even acknowledge the most glaring Lies of Obama and H...

Obama was born in hawaii - he Lied about his birthplace to facilitate his harvard career. And continued to Lie about the issue - because Lying is what DPST nomenklatura Do for a living

H... - bought and paid for the false Steele dossier - and the DPST LSM ran with the Lie for four years - - and continue to this day.

sad - the indoctrination of gullible liberal cultists marxist Racists! Who are unable to break free from teh Lies the LSM feeds them Daily!

Sad - hatred - per teh LSM liberal cultist indoctrination - is self-destructive =- a picture the fiden crime cabal administration paints daily to the world.
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Old 10-17-2021, 05:27 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by NoirMan View Post
Long sigh. The man was born in Hawaii to an American woman. Just because a bunch of idiots believe otherwise because Trump set about to “prove” otherwise doesn’t make any difference whatsoever. Just like there’s a bunch of idiots that continue to believe Trump won or there’s massive fraud in the election. Just because people believe a lie doesn’t somehow convert it to being true.

A couple of simple facts.

Trump lost by 7 million votes.
Trump lost the electoral college handily, in his own words a landslide.
Obama was born to a white American female making his a citizen of the USA
Obama was born in Hawaii, a state in the USA making him a citizen.

The rest of the “argument” is just silliness. Why any of this is an issue, because the republicans believe it motivates certain sectors of their voter base. Power to em. Doesn’t change what’s true and what’s false. Just shows us the gullibility of people on both sides when it confirms their beliefs. At that point they care less about facts.
Hillary Clinton was the first to advance the Kenya idea in 2008.
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Old 10-17-2021, 05:28 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Hillary Clinton was the first to advance the Kenya idea in 2008.
Advance? Or hint at? Sur.
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