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Old 10-13-2021, 03:09 PM   #1
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Default Heating Costs

Bend over America - Senile Biden is ready to fuck all of you up the ass

AP: U.S. government expects households to see heating bills jump as much as 54% compared to last winter

But hey keep shutting down pipelines and restricting drilling causing reliance on oil and gas from overseas.
This country’s ruling regime hates you and wants you to be jobless, broke, drugged, depressed, and alone.
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Old 10-13-2021, 03:47 PM   #2
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Alot of this is not a Biden policy issue though Berry. It's essentially the gas companies finally being allowed to send gas as an export vs an import. Other countries like japan or some remote locations have no natural sources for gas, and use it for plastic production as well as heat. Prices for gas in other places are as much as 20x higher for CNG than here. The demand is obviously out there and local drilling production companies have been waiting for this to finally arrive so they can line their pockets. Pipelines take years to complete, so despite all the bluster that Joe pudding fucked us, it's more like the gas companies did us dirty. That decision to export was not a JoeyB one, it was done back in 2011, and the peak export starting in 2020; more pipelines could be argued that they are providing the conduit to increasing prices as they are leading more production companies to market. Otherwise the gas stays locally and we all enjoy lower prices. Supply and Demand. Here's an interesting link. https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/...nd-exports.php
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Old 10-13-2021, 04:52 PM   #3
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While I do agree with you the demand for LNG has started to grow because some areas overseas have no ability to drill on their own, the amount of LNG exports is still quite low (around 10% of total US natural gas production). I would argue Senile Biden has made this much much worse than it would have been if he did not come in with an anti fossil fuel agenda.

Also the home heating oil market doesn't have the same level of exports as LNG

But don't just take my word for it - here is a story from Reuters today


Key excerpts:

It can take six months to drill and complete a new well and bring the oil and gas to market. Any call by the White House for an increase in U.S. production is likely to fall on deaf ears, according to one oil executive, who did not want to be identified criticizing the approach. The industry has also been unhappy with some of President Joe Biden’s earlier actions, including a temporary drilling halt on federal lands, that they see as an attack on the industry.

“By pursuing policies that restrict supply and make it harder to produce oil and natural gas here in America, Americans will have to pay more for their energy,” said Anne Bradbury, chief executive officer at the American Exploration and Production Council, which lobbies for independent oil-and-gas producers.

The United States has so far been insulated from natural gas fuel shortages seen in Asia and Europe, analysts said, because of the nation’s limited ability to export liquefied natural gas. U.S. benchmark natural gas prices are currently $5.68 per million British thermal units - but prices overseas have been in the $30s.
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Old 10-15-2021, 10:46 AM   #4
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It's interesting in that back only in 2017, EQT, the largest NG producer in the US was selling it at sub. < 1.00 per B. It is the current amount of pipelines that have helped exacerbate the problem since they can now sell it to the ANYWHERE in the world highest bidder. Oh yeah...and guess where those companies make most of their money; OFF the Midstream and Transmission lines where they charge other producers to put their gas on for transport. It's like the superhighway of gas and they are all PRIVATELY owned. Who didn't see that as causing a problem at some time.

So essentially, a gas well in good ol WPA or WVA is drilled and the gas cost is about .80 per B., and then it gets to a gathering line, and then compressed up to pressure to get into large transmission lines; surcharged at 2-3x that amount., and who gets that money? EQTM. EQT midstream is a total shell company that owns the larger lines for them, and surcharges the use of the lines they own, by simply compressing the gas to get into those lines. It's a total monopoly for those Equitrans or EQTM who own lines.

All the crying about gas lines, sounds initially like oooh poor companies and poor jobs, and poor working man. The reality is that it takes a bit of labor and lots of steel to dig and install them, but the losers in the scenario after they are in the ground, are 98% of us -The consumers. Also, the labor used to build these lines are done by contractors, mostly only worked on them for a few years, and then they move onto other projects. They are very specialized labor and not in 100% of demand for the full year & the lines don't really need much upkeep after actually.

The people who said it's ruining jobs are right that it maybe affecting a VERY small select group but, really don't realize it's ruining our paychecks because now we helped to create of void of supply, by increasing the demand by the availability to outside markets; and we applauded while it happened. I'm all for free markets, but we all need to stand back and ask if it's only good for the companies, the stock holders, or that state who gets revenue in the form of taxes; who is losing out? CONSUMERS are! That affects all of us. I realize we need to have the ability to move gas, but for those who think more drilling is good for all of us, you got another thing to learn. And drilling in areas where you can really cause destruction that you might not be able to fix due to climate or super-remote areas is just fucking stupid if the threat of environmental harm outweighs the benefits of production. Even in the gulf of mexico, there is temperate climate, but the incident with the Event Horizon shows just how shitty and greedy those gas companies are. Imagine if a catastrophe happened in the arctic or a place where you can't get to easily, how dissaterous it might be. The drillers and producers are NOT looking out for your and I, they are looking out for themselves and the greed of others including shareholders & employees. As far as Anne Bradbury goes, she represents the greedy gas companies. What the fuck wouldn't she say to get more drilling permits; and the ruse that it's detriment to consumers in high prices is fucking ridiculous. The only thing pushing prices up is demand, and access to free markets. Some solutions - they could enforce further regulations to how much is charged in surplus, or that portions of production from a state, must remain in the state as it's truly a natural resource of that state, despite the Permit or rights to purchase those commodities. Its the same with water or other commodities, where limits on export or transport were huge issues, especially out west,- but that genie is out of the bottle regarding the market place.

Blaming Biden is a false conclusion; he or any decisions that have been made are hardly causing these spikes. Gas Demand is what is driving all this. Happy to add any info you'd like; I spent decade in the oil and gas business, and also on the economics side of it. You've no idea the corruption involved in MOST of the decisions that are made in those companies and decisions on taking resources to market- it's always about greed.
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Old 10-15-2021, 11:16 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
It's interesting in that back only in 2017, EQT, the largest NG producer in the US was selling it at sub. < 1.00 per B. It is the current amount of pipelines that have helped exacerbate the problem since they can now sell it to the ANYWHERE in the world highest bidder. Oh yeah...and guess where those companies make most of their money; OFF the Transmission lines where they charge other producers to put their gas on for transport. It's like the superhighway of gas and they are all PRIVATELY owned. Who didn't see that as causing a problem at some time. So essentially, a gas well in good ol WPA or WVA is drilled and the gas cost is about .80 per B., and then it gets to a gathering line, and then compressed up to pressure to get into large transmission lines; surcharged at 2-3x that amount., and who gets that money? EQTM. EQT midstream is a total shell company that owns the larger lines for them, and surcharges the use of the lines they own, by simply compressing the gas to get into those lines. It's a total monopoly for those Equitrans or EQTM who own lines. All the crying about gas lines, sounds initially like oooh poor companies and poor jobs, and poor working man. Reality is that it takes a bit of labor and lots of steel to dig and install them, but the losers in that stake after they are in the ground are all of us. The consumers, the labor ppl cause they only worked on them for a few years, and then they don't really need much upkeep actually. and the people who said it's ruining jobs, really don't realize it's ruining our paychecks because now we helped to create of void of supply, but increasing the demand; and we applauded while it happened. I'm all for free markets, but we all need to stand back and ask if it's only good for the companies, the stock holders, or that state who gets revenue in the form of taxes; who is losing out. CONSUMERS are! That affects all of us. I realize we need to have the ability to move gas, but for those who think more drilling is good for all of us, you got another thing to learn. And drilling in areas where you can really cause destruction that you might not be able to fix due to climate or remoteness is just fucking stupid. Even in the gulf of mexico, there is temperate climate, but the event horizon shows just how shitty and greedy those gas companies are. They are looking out for your and I, they are looking out for themselves and the greed of others. As far as Anne Bradbury goes, she represents the greedy gas companies. What the fuck wouldn't she say to get more drilling permits; and the ruse that it's detriment to consumers in high prices is fucking ridiculous. The only thing pushing prices up is demand, and access to free markets. They could enforce further regulations to how much is charged in surplus, but that genie is out of the bottle regarding the market place. Blaming Biden is a false conclusion; he or any decisions that have been made are hardly causing these spikes. Gas Demand is what is driving all this. Happy to add any info you'd like; I spent 10 yrs in the oil and gas business, and also on the economics side of it. You've no idea the corruption involved in MOST of the decisions that are made in those companies.
I have a question......

You seem like a reasonable and somewhat knowledgeable person.
I dont pretend to have all the facts and alot of what you posted seems reasonable, but....... speakinging in terms of common logic

1. Under trump we were as close to self energy efficient than at any other time, cant be said now. I think we can agree on that

Gas prices soaring
Home heating soaring
Food prices soaring
Inflation is not transitory as they are trying to say its moving up and up
Record numbers of illegals easily passing into the country and not being tested or vaxd [ but they demand we do)
Hundreds of Americans left in afganistan even though joe promised not to leave before they were out and not to forget 13 dead serviceman because joe planned this fuckup

And now we are told there will be vast shortages of everything, why? Well joe says it's our fault because of demand. Wow did the american public overnight grow to the point of greater demand?
Joe says he doesnt want to try to explain because he doesnt want to confuse us dumb fucking people

All these things in less than a year of having joe in power but yet everything is blamed on something other than his policies and ideas...

Why is that? When does a liberal or democrat which I assume you are finally says, this guy and his policies are the real problem?
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Old 10-15-2021, 11:41 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
I have a question......

You seem like a reasonable and somewhat knowledgeable person.
I dont pretend to have all the facts and alot of what you posted seems reasonable, but....... speakinging in terms of common logic

1. Under trump we were as close to self energy efficient than at any other time, cant be said now. I think we can agree on that

I would not agree that it was because of UNDER trump this was true. The cogs of the whole exporting went up solidly since 2011, and peaked at 2020. It could be argued that we didn't use as much energy internally in the USA as we were in a covid post shutdown. I'm not sure production and use of raw materials was so affected in other countries.

Gas prices soaring - because of demand. more ppl driving. less supply
Home heating soaring [I]greed of the gas companies; they are at all time highes of production, and can export at prevailing rates overseas. We are not in a supply side loss, we are in a demand high side which we cannot control. [/I]
Food prices soaring due to transport issues and supply issues. Drivers are not available for trucking. Demand for truck drivers at all time high. Is that a political policy issue? I don't belive so.
Inflation is not transitory as they are trying to say its moving up and up- [I]Time will tell, and likely will last longer than expected, but my thoughts are this will ebb in the spring of the coming year or summer next year. But remember the gas companies said they always shut down things like gas refining to make summer and winter gas, * what a fucking ruse and JOKE, but they spike prices every year for that same dumbass reason.[/I]
Record numbers of illegals easily passing into the country and not being tested or vaxd [ but they demand we do) totally agree that this is a fucking drop on this administration. Just enforce the laws, and if you want to enter here, you have to be tested and vaxed.
Hundreds of Americans left in afganistan even though joe promised not to leave before they were out and not to forget 13 dead serviceman because joe planned this fuckup Total fucking stupid choice and an embarrassment;

And now we are told there will be vast shortages of everything, why? Well joe says it's our fault because of demand. Wow did the american public overnight grow to the point of greater demand?
Joe says he doesnt want to try to explain because he doesnt want to confuse us dumb fucking people

All these things in less than a year of having joe in power but yet everything is blamed on something other than his policies and ideas...

Why is that? When does a liberal or democrat which I assume you are finally says, this guy and his policies are the real problem?

I honestly dont think that policies specifically outside of the border, or immigration is the real issue. But that is hardly only suited to JoeB Pudding brain. Every president since the cuban refugee crisis has shown how our system is just not being enforced. If the damned congress would simply address the current laws and agree to either enforce it or make changes- thing should be better. I would say that foreign policy needs addressed and replaced the asshole Blinken. He's the DeJoy of forign policy. When you conservatives or republicans hear the term america first- what do you think that really means. I saw a few posts where there were complaints about spending on infrastructure was a waste, etc., but I've noticed that driving around here and other states, roads suck, bridges suck, internet sucks and there is still lead in the water in many places. I think that is AMERICA being last. We need to get those assholes in DC to either vote for a portion of a infrastructure bill, or get out of the fucking place. Honestly they spend more time visiting other countries in some cases, and they are to be REPRESENTATIVES of the states, not the the entire country. The whole group thinks they are so fucking important, that nobody can or will do their job. I'm all for some term limits and some of the states are total fucking disasters. Sorry that this will bother some Red state folks, but most of them are adding to the problem, vs getting to solutions. Even the state of AZ has sensible people in the state, but the REPS / senators from that state, TX, FL, TN, MS,NC & AR are examples of how some cow kicker assholes find themselves in politics due to corruption, namesakes or just dumb identity politics. They rarely represent the states vs. a political party. In fact, all the partisan politics needs to get the fuck out of DC.
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Old 10-15-2021, 04:39 PM   #7
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... Nope. Chizzy was wrong.

You DON'T know what you're talking about.

just sayin'

A valiant try there, Chiz - and understandable,
'cause eyecu was surely swinging the bat
rather well there for half-a-mo.

However, sadly it is... With most liberals, once
the thinking questions come - they strike out!

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Old 10-15-2021, 04:54 PM   #8
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... However, Eyecu then surely hits a Home Run
over in the "supply chain thread" ... Funny shit!

... Maybe I spoke too soon... but I do that sometimes.

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Old 10-16-2021, 07:08 AM   #9
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Not only is the fuel an issue, so is the equipment and parts to repair them. I am semi-retired and am seeing problems with furnace(and air conditioning) supplies.
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Old 10-20-2021, 06:42 PM   #10
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That’s the Deepwater Horizon, event horizon is where you’re at right before getting sucked into a black hole.
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Old 10-20-2021, 06:48 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Looker151 View Post
Not only is the fuel an issue, so is the equipment and parts to repair them. I am semi-retired and am seeing problems with furnace(and air conditioning) supplies.
Try getting a TCAS processor these days. The avionics industry is in dire straits. Pilots will be dead reckoning, or on the ground, if it gets any worse.
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