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Old 10-12-2021, 11:08 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
From what I see is that no one, NO ONE, is trying to debate the topic. There are personal attacks, non sequitur attacks, and deflections. I can only take it that I am right and nearly everyone with a couple of brain cells pretty much agrees. The problem is that they don't know what to do about it now. They got fooled, they voted for the ventriloquist's dummy, and now they can't admit their mistake.

Also, I was gone for three months. Why does it sound to me like 9500 is a completely different person?
I learned my lesson, sort of, when I was doing time like you. I choose my battles a little more carefully. Sir.
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Old 10-12-2021, 11:13 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
Grammar Terrorist! Terrorizing Barley one word at a time! lol!

It hurts me more than it hurts him. It's for his own good.

Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
From what I see is that no one, NO ONE, is trying to debate the topic. There are personal attacks, non sequitur attacks, and deflections. I can only take it that I am right and nearly everyone with a couple of brain cells pretty much agrees. The problem is that they don't know what to do about it now. They got fooled, they voted for the ventriloquist's dummy, and now they can't admit their mistake.

Also, I was gone for three months. Why does it sound to me like 9500 is a completely different person?

What's to debate? You made some good points. With references. I like reading what you have to say. When it's easier after I arrange it.

And, the dumpster fire is out of office. No more usual hating threads. It's our turn to hear the same shit from your side about Biden.
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Old 10-12-2021, 07:16 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
I learned my lesson, sort of, when I was doing time like you. I choose my battles a little more carefully. Sir.
Your Happy Mother Fuckers Day thread was totally worth it.

Did you notice I heartily agreed with you on the previous page? Although I did have to insert a tribute to Ronald Reagan.
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Old 10-12-2021, 08:20 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
...ONE step closer...
Under what delusion do you think this country hasn't been dead for some time?
Your problem is that you still haven't accepted that there is no future. The world you were raised to survive in doesn't exist. There is nothing stopping this runaway freight train hurtling towards the abyss. You're still naive enough to think that if people just vote harder tomorrow it will all turn around. HA!

If you're still "keeping the lights on" by dutifully paying your taxes, WHY?

The last bastion of individual freedom (America) died in the 50s and has been on life support. It has to end because its too difficult to manage globally. How do you intend to stop every single corporation advancing globohomo ideals that undermine the very essence of industrialism? We've done everything to remove standards, metrics, and truth. Nothing can be quantified because its all based on emotions

Why is every company doing this when it goes against the very tenets that made them successful?

follow the money
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Old 10-12-2021, 08:24 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I'm with eccieuser on this one.

All this is not an assault on the American way. It's not some kind of start of a totalitarian government. Eccieuser's arguments about Jim Crow laws and Trump's Big Lie are much stronger than the line of reasoning about the COVID vaccine mandate.

Still on vacation?

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Your Happy Mother Fuckers Day thread was totally worth it.

Did you notice I heartily agreed with you on the previous page? Although I did have to insert a tribute to Ronald Reagan.
Had a long and arduous day. I got home and checked this thread. Saw this, the above. Then checked out the top post. All of it on the previous page.

Although hyperbolic, it's not outrageous. The reasoning. It's an opinion. Based on scant information. I loved those famous last words though. Mandate versus the law.

When I was a teen, maybe started earlier, I knew my politics. I would watch the Sunday political roundups on the three major networks. I would read editorials and commentary of featured guests. Just to read them and know the whole piece the panel was discussing. I like George Will because he's a big baseball historian as well.

Hopefully I learn from Barley, and then eventually I just change his mind. By sheer force.

Does ‘Conservatism’ Actually Mean Anything Anymore?


Did the success of Donald Trump make you reconsider what you thought of as “conservatism”?

No. No, no, no. It made me realize that conservatism was a label that could be hijacked. But no: Conservatism, by golly, is what I say it is. [Laughs]

That’s conservatism. And along comes Mr. Trump, who says, “No, conservatism is beating up on the Mexicans” or whatever he says.

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Old 10-12-2021, 08:45 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by FatCity View Post

Why is every company doing this when it goes against the very tenets that made them successful?

Because it's the right thing to do. And it will make them even more successful in the long run. Sir.


follow the money

I didn't know if this was going left or right. Then, just "follow the money." I hate corporate Democrats too.

BlackRock to Push Companies on Racial Diversity in 2021

BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest asset manager, plans to next year push companies for greater ethnic and gender diversity for their boards and workforces, and says it will vote against directors who fail to act.

The money manager, which oversees more than $7.8 trillion of assets, is asking U.S. companies to disclose the racial, ethnic and gender makeup of their employees -- data known as EEO-1 -- as well as measures they’re taking to advance diversity and inclusion, according to a stewardship report released Thursday.

“We are raising our expectations,” New York-based BlackRock said in the report. “An inclusive, diverse and engaged workforce contributes to business continuity, innovation, and long-term value creation.”

Companies are under increasing pressure from investors and advocates to address diversity. State Street Global Advisors, which manages about $3 trillion for clients, has said it will ask companies about their metrics and goals to boost racial diversity within their ranks, while Nasdaq Inc. announced that most companies listed on its U.S. exchange will have to include at least one director who identifies as female and one who identifies as an underrepresented minority or LGBTQ. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has said the firm will no longer take a company public in the U.S. and Europe if it lacks a director who is either female or diverse.

BlackRock Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink committed this January to putting sustainability at the center of the firm’s investing. Since then, the money manager has been criticized by environmental groups for its failure to support enough climate-related resolutions. BlackRock vowed in its report that it will target more corporations and back more investor proposals in 2021 that hold directors accountable when their business practices or disclosures fall short.

BlackRock said it plans to ask companies about their plans for the transition to a low-carbon economy, information about their political lobbying, and the impacts their businesses have on key stakeholders. The firm also said it’s raising its expectations for director independence and tenure, and that boards and management will be scrutinized at next year’s annual meetings over their responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.

On diversity, BlackRock said it expects U.K. companies to adopt the recommendations of the Parker and Hampton-Alexander Reviews, which call for increased female representation on boards.

Even as BlackRock pushes other corporations on diversity, it’s own metrics fall short. The company has said 58% of its global workforce was male last year. In the U.S., 58% of employees were White, about a quarter were Asian, 6% were Latinx and 5% were Black. White people held almost 70% of the executive positions, followed by Asians at 22%, Blacks at 4% and Latinx people at 3%.

On climate change, BlackRock said it will press more than 1,000 carbon-intensive corporations to spell out their climate-related risks. It focused on 440 companies this year, of which it put 191 “on watch.” The money manager said it may vote against their directors in 2021 unless they show progress on the environmental front.

BlackRock said it will ask companies to acknowledge their political activities and memberships with trade associations in the U.S. to determine whether they’re consistent with their public statements. Last week, the Principles for Responsible Investment, the world’s largest sustainable-investing group, said it will next year require its money manager affiliates to disclose their engagements with policymakers to ensure their lobbying efforts are in line with appropriate environmental and societal goals.

And regarding stakeholders, BlackRock said it will engage with 150 companies whose practices may have had an adverse impact on customers, communities and other groups. The companies weren’t identified.
BlackRock also said it will next year publish information about its strategy on deforestation and biodiversity protection.

Wall Street finally coming around.

Feel the Bern.
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Old 10-12-2021, 08:51 PM   #37
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I hate to break it to some of you (you sound so hopeful) but this country is made up of people. It is more than a document, a government, or a bureaucracy. The people make the country and if you haven't been paying attention the people are starting to fight back. Little things everywhere like people at a school board meeting in Loudon County, VA. Service people refusing to bow down and facing disciplinary actions. First responders across the country giving back to the totalitarians in service to their communities. We have not yet become violent like the left went to some years ago but if we are forced there, we are better trained, better armed, and we are right. We serve this country and the Constitution, not some mysterious person or paperback book of philosophy. The left is going to have to start asking themselves; how much can they take without breaking?
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Old 10-12-2021, 08:53 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
I didn't know if this was going left or right..
as long as you're playing tribal politics, you'll always be the sucker
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Old 10-12-2021, 08:57 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
starting to fight back.
a democratic republic works if you have like-minded population with the same purpose for society.

What happens when you flood that populace with all kinds of conflicting groups, all having a completely different ideal for what society, thereby government fulfills?
You get the destruction of that society.

so, by all means, fight back....but against who and when and what?

What society are you paying into and to do what?
To burn money in public school indoctrinating generations with self-loathing?
To throw money away subsidizing non-contributors of society?

You're completely deluded on what this country actually is.

You believe that you can have this comfy suburb like your family reunion of your childhood. This country is full of degenerates, lazy deadbeats, grifters and outright corrupt scum intent on robbing you blind.
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Old 10-12-2021, 09:13 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by FatCity View Post
as long as you're playing tribal politics, you'll always be the sucker
I was trying to figure you out. Your tirade sounds more whacked out than Barley or Hedonist. Better written though.
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Old 10-12-2021, 09:25 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
I hate to break it to some of you (you sound so hopeful) but this country is made up of people. It is more than a document, a government, or a bureaucracy. The people make the country and if you haven't been paying attention the people are starting to fight back. Little things everywhere like people at a school board meeting in Loudon County, VA. Service people refusing to bow down and facing disciplinary actions. First responders across the country giving back to the totalitarians in service to their communities. We have not yet become violent like the left went to some years ago but if we are forced there, we are better trained, better armed, and we are right. We serve this country and the Constitution, not some mysterious person or paperback book of philosophy. The left is going to have to start asking themselves; how much can they take without breaking?
The left has had a long time to tolerate the totalitarian right. Over 200 years. And still nothing has broken yet. Nothing serious anyway.

Wait until Kamala Harris is president. Then you can show off your G.I. Joe skills.

The left if finally gaining ground without so much force. And then the lie came. It created voter suppression laws because the left is steady picking up yards. How Un-American! And childish of the losers on the right.

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Old 10-12-2021, 09:34 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by FatCity View Post
a democratic republic works if you have like-minded population with the same purpose for society.

What happens when you flood that populace with all kinds of conflicting groups, all having a completely different ideal for what society, thereby government fulfills?
You get the destruction of that society.

Unless "we" decide to change it.

so, by all means, fight back....but against who and when and what?

Who? The people who believe differently than you. When? Now. What? Those policies destructive to society with CRT and actual Socialism, at the top of the list.

What society are you paying into and to do what?
To burn money in public school indoctrinating generations with self-loathing?
To throw money away subsidizing non-contributors of society?

You're completely deluded on what this country actually is.

You believe that you can have this comfy suburb like your family reunion of your childhood. This country is full of degenerates, lazy deadbeats, grifters and outright corrupt scum intent on robbing you blind.

All true, doesn't mean you throw in the towel and hide in a corner. Sometimes, the fight is what keeps you a live.

Having said that, I am very pessimistic as to where this country is heading and I see a continuing decline in our power and our status as the number one economy and military in the world. That is about to end and that time line is accelerating everyday in my opinion.

Still going to enjoy the little pleasures in life while bitching about the big stuff.

Life is so full of irony. For years now the Democrats and MSM have warned us that with Trump and Republicans in power, we were headed for authoritarian/ totalitarianism. Now, it couldn't be more clear that while that could be true to some degree, the Democrats upped the ante considerably and have now shown us what authoritarian really looks like.

I think we can save this country from the Joe Biden/ Progressives of the world but we have little or no chance as a 50/50 country competing with China. That's just a fact unless China implodes and I don't see that happening.

Being single with literally no obligations to anyone, never looked more attractive. I feel sorry for all those spread so thin they can't see the surface.

FYI. I lived in Fat city for a number of years in the late 70's. Lived in Metairie on Edenborn, latter moving just a hop skip and a jump over to Aurora Ave. Fat City blew my mind! So glad I had the unique experience.
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Old 10-12-2021, 09:59 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
From what I see is that no one, NO ONE, is trying to debate the topic. There are personal attacks, non sequitur attacks, and deflections. I can only take it that I am right and nearly everyone with a couple of brain cells pretty much agrees. The problem is that they don't know what to do about it now. They got fooled, they voted for the ventriloquist's dummy, and now they can't admit their mistake.

Also, I was gone for three months. Why does it sound to me like 9500 is a completely different person?
e9500 was on bancation too.
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Old 10-13-2021, 07:44 AM   #44
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FC - I understand yur POV - but HF has a good point

Nihilism in teh face of catastrophe crafted by racist, marxist idiots is not an answer.

America and its Freedoms are worth fighting for, shedding blood for, and dying for.

If nihilism if the answer for you - consider moving to Switzerland.

i considered it - but choose to remain in my country and fight, and if necessary die -for Freedom

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
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Old 10-13-2021, 07:50 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
The left has had a long time to tolerate the totalitarian right. Over 200 years. And still nothing has broken yet. Nothing serious anyway.

Wait until Kamala Harris is president. Then you can show off your G.I. Joe skills.

The left if finally gaining ground without so much force. And then the lie came. It created voter suppression laws because the left is steady picking up yards. How Un-American! And childish of the losers on the right.

As 95 writes - the racist, marxist DPST party has no tolerance for any opinion other than their own idiotology and narrative.

They clearly show with cancel culture, fiden and party corruption and crime and authoritarian proposed laws - that they will dominate America with marxist criminality - and destroy our Constitution adn Freedoms.

The DPST party is the party of Intolerance, racism, and imposition of marxist horror on America.

Fight for Our freedoms against teh racist, marxist idiots and teh catastrophe they plan.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!

it is 95 and the racist marxist DPST communists - who are russian/chinese dictator wanna-bes - who Are Un - American!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a frequent photo from 95 - so - why is 95 playing in this 'sandbox"???
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