Originally Posted by oeb11
As op put it - wtf /yr- 'unhinged'
are You totally uninformed of teh idocy of teh current POTUS managemnt of America and foreign pokicy?
Or - as many DPSTs - do you just 'Blame Trump '
Who lives in teh heads of racist, marxist DPSTs as a 'Buga boo' of Terror of those who desire a nanny state to take care of them from cradle to grave - 24/7/365!!!
Just as did mao and Stalin - who 'took care' of their Peoples with guns, terror, adn concentration camps. !
Or - is part of teh matter Teachers Union Education - which definitely results in a loss of ability to think for Oneself - and causes indoctrination commitment to teh marxit, racist DPSST idiotology.
So I’ve got a bunch of Yiddish words and phrases written on refrigerator magnets. Same words, just arrange them differently to change the meaning.
Maybe you should see about creating such a fanciful amusement. Might be helpful for you the next time you post your self-styled talking points. (In about 2 minutes). May even keep you from sitting in that bunker clutching your squirrel rifle in case the DPSTs come for your hands.
You could make hundreds! And have fun too! Seems like you could use both.
You’re welcome for teh suggestion.