Originally Posted by greenbook
Trump has to run. First, he is, and always has been, an attention whore. Not a particularly uncommon personality defect but the depth of his psychic schism is epic. Secondly, and as I write this maybe this should have been first, his crumpling house of cards craves a cash infusion like a coke junkie ( read Don Jr) and, sadly he has been a poor steward of the billion dollars he inherited 40 years ago, and nothing like a tax exempt PAC and a fund raising tour in COVID country. He did not really ever want to win, only just siphon money from uneducated morons that think that giving him 20 dollars makes them potential billionaires.
He will not win re-election: that is not is goal. Not living like you is his goal..And staying out of prison.
My - my - my- another minion - who can only spout LSM propaganda
Only concerned with Trump's persona - not what he did for the country
Now You DPST sheeples have an idiot senile and one of teh two most unlikeable, incompetent females alive in office.
Not to mention two authoritarian idiots in nazi pelosi and crying chuckie schumer.
IMHO - Trump should not run again
Republicans have a number of intelligent, competent, experienced individuals who would makes excellent chief Executive officers of America.
Keep up the Good works - DPSTs
keep the silly pics of dead white guys and filthy, psychotic murderers such as Che' as your mantra .
It shows teh intellectual bankruptcy of teh DPST welfare queen politicians - and DPST welfare queens who see a chance to live off other people's efforts and suck at the govrnment tit for a living.
Nov 2022 and 2024 arrive sooner than you can comprehend.