Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Please, define "the LSM".
ABC? CBS? Rush Limbaugh? Wall Street Journal? Fox? NPR? CNET? NY Post?
Media that without question back the Democrat Party and everything it does regardless of whether it is a lie or not.
Let's take the most recent. The 3 highest ranking officers from the Secy. of Defense to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, to the General in charge of evacuating Kabul, all testified that President Biden lied to the country when he said nobody advised him to keep 2500 troops in Afghanistan when in fact EVERYBODY, all 3 of those men and our allies told Biden not to do it that way.
So what would you call the media ( not including Fox ) who will not hold Biden accountable for this lie? I mean, wasn't it the lying of Trump that upset you most but now you want to give Biden a pass on what is perhaps our biggest foreign policy defeat in recent memory?
How about the New York Post being punished for the Hunter Biden story to the point that Big Tech not only refused to let anybody post this "Russian propaganda", as they put it, you could not even discuss this matter with a freiend without being suspended by Facebook.
That's merely to point out how Big Tech and the Democrat party have conspired to misinform the American people.
Remember that list of "50 prominent" former Intelligence officials that all signed a letter that said the Hunter story sure looked like Russian propaganda to them? Not that they had any evidence I'll remind you but their "yeah, I guess it could be Russian propaganda" was turned into fact by the Lame Stream Media ( which of course it wasn't factual and the NYT admitted as much but then Biden had already been elected so...........".
That's you Lame Stream Media, anything that would hurt Trump, lie or not, would be supported by the LSM and now, any story that would hurt Biden is crushed whether true or not.
Do you support your President lying about the information he got from the 3 Amigo's? Is it OK with you that he either lied or really did forget that literally everybody in his military and every ally warned his not to do what he did but did it anyway?