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Old 09-03-2021, 07:10 PM   #1
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Default Remember Your First Time?

Well, I just had mine today. Was a LOT of fun... so nice to be treated so good (spoiled really..).

Is it normal to be a bit concerned afterwards about STI's and shit? I engaged in BBBJ and all other activities were covered, but still.

What do you guys all think? Personally, I wonder if providers are cleaner than bar / club / Tinder chicks. The majority seem to take precautions because by not doing so, it affects their business.
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Old 09-03-2021, 08:44 PM   #2
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Moved to the correct forum
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Old 09-04-2021, 03:53 AM   #3
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mostly std's are a married mans worst friend.. if your not married usually bbbj is a no brainer lol and nothing to worry about..
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Old 09-04-2021, 06:34 AM   #4
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Certainly no disrespect to guys here (and btw I do agree with fun times above). but while they do have decent sense of risks involved, dont know if any have medical degrees. Do some research on subject on respected medical sites like webmd, mayo clinic, etc and educate yourself. Some std are easily diagnosed n treated with pills or shots and if treated relatively harmless. Others like HIV n Hepatitis can seriously impact your health or even kill you. More of the ladies and mongers than you might think do get involved in unprotected activities such as bbfs. In general want to avoid anything on you or her with anything involving exchange of bodily fluids, open sores, blood contact, needle marks, etc. Any thing potentially involving these or similar should involve protection plus an extra layer of plastic wrap imo. Have these risks even dating Susie from your Sunday School class; risks in hobby likely far greater from sheer number of encounters and lifestyles. Assume you already know a lot of this, but best to get yourself educated properly from good sources n not what you heard in gym lockeroom years ago. We all more at risk because much easier to think with little head rather than big head while lying naked with hot woman.
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Old 09-10-2021, 05:05 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by CuriousOne111 View Post
Well, I just had mine today. Was a LOT of fun... so nice to be treated so good (spoiled really..).

Is it normal to be a bit concerned afterwards about STI's and shit? I engaged in BBBJ and all other activities were covered, but still.

What do you guys all think? Personally, I wonder if providers are cleaner than bar / club / Tinder chicks. The majority seem to take precautions because by not doing so, it affects their business.
Simply put… There are really clean providers, and there are really dirty and diseased girls at clubs. There are also really clean mongers/hobbyists, and there are really dirty and diseased guys are clubs. There are exceptions to every rule…. but in general to answer your question, hobbyists and providers are more likely to carry an std than those not in the hobby.
But worry not, as long as there were not open sores on her lips and she wasn’t bleeding from the mouth, you should be fine. Bbbj is a relatively low risk activity in out hobby.
Now, if you were to plunge it in her back door without cover, lubricated with the last guy’s creampie (looking right at you, bugleboy), now you might want to worry.
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Old 09-28-2021, 09:05 PM   #6
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@CuriousOne, I'm not sure if I should congratulate you, or offer my condolences.

I do remember those days of worry when I was young. (Un)Fortunately, I was bitten by the zombies in my 20's with normal civilian girls, well before I ever found the hobby. I've never been zombified by any paid girl - only free sluts I was dating, back when I was young and dumb(er).

The good news, if you've been zombified enough times, you start to feel like you're one of those "immune" people in World War Z - the ones the Zombies run right by and ignore. You can maneuver in and around the zombie-pussies and barely worry.

That being said, despite "immunity" I (almost) never do BBFS with a provider... and I also keep antivirals on hand, just in case.

There are many risks to this hobby. Those who abstain from this shit are the real winners in life. Pussy is just a drug. That's all. We're no better than any other addict.

But, to answer the question: my first time paying for sex was in Montreal. Mediocre experience with an overweight fake-pic trashbag.

My first time locally though, was what did me in. She was this beautiful Turkish girl, Sinem. The exact type of encounter to hook you for life.
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Old 10-07-2021, 04:26 PM   #7
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Like hobby said; "Pussy is just a drug"........and most of us on this site are addicted to it. Don't forget guys.....WARS have been started over pussy.......look it up.

My first two times..........two weekends back to back with the same girl who was mid 20's slightly older then me and was beautiful .........she was from the yellow pages for a "massage" to my hotel room.........she was fantastic and wanted to know why I was paying for pussy......... (I was a big geek back then) .......third time was not so great with an over weight, smell, ingrown hairs around her pussy fat chick........I still got my nut but not as enjoyable as the first two times.
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