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Old 09-20-2021, 08:38 PM   #1
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Default Remember when I told you

I never get tired of saying that!


Amid high security, small pro-Trump crowd rallies at U.S. Capitol

After all the hand ringing over at CNN and NBC, "the fear of violence" never happened just like I told you it wouldn't. Just like anybody with an ounce of common sense would know but is it the role of CNN and MSNBC to convey common sense or fear? We all know the answer to that.

I told you back then that there was nothing to worry about, Jan. 6th was a "one off", an aberration you will never see again and we didn't but it was in the interest of CNN and MSNBC that they stoke those fires, that they organize their day, send every reporter on the payroll to the capital to get all the violence on tape to justify this nonsense about White Supremacy being the biggest threat to our democracy! 200 people, a threat to our democracy?

But then as irony often has it, we look at the traitor Gen. Milley, as White as a White man can get, to see the real threat to our democracy, a group of people like royamcr as example, who are willing to literally over look anything, you know, like "trumptards" are accused of doing, to further their narrative". Constitution? So what people! It's getting Trump we are talking about and suspending the Constitution is absolutely OK for that, they will tell you.

I mentioned a conversation I had with my Democrat friend who said and I quote "Milley is a 31 year decorated soldier who did what he thought was best for the country". And I said, "that is what gave him the authority to seize foreign policy from his boss the President and to make phone calls to our adversaries that the President is unaware of?

I asked him, "where is that written in the Constitution that a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, gets to decide that the President is unfit and implement "his" foreign policy for that of the President?

My friend says, "well, what should he have done"? Resign, leave the military and hold a press conference and tell the world what you see going on and why it frighted him so much. Present the evidence of a justifiable fear that Trump might be getting ready to nuke China.

But he couldn't prove any of that now, could he.

I have been trying to explain this concept to my Democrat friend for quite along time now.

He says, "well, there are two sides to every story". True and one of those sides is usually a lie, that's why we have courts of law. So instead of going out on a climb with the whole "two sides to every story" bullshit, simply ask yourself where Milley found the authority in the Constitution to do what he did. If you can prove it, fine, you win but if you can't find any such authority, you lose.

It's not rocket science but as we have seen, on both sides of the political aisle, there are sycophants, who express loyalty to a man or a party and literally nothing else, not the law, not common sense, makes any difference to these people. We saw it all summer long in the riots from the left and we saw it on Jan 6th from the right. A handful of people who do not look to the law for solutions but who look to lies to sustain their narrative.

I look to the law and the Constitution for my answers and I don't give a whit about party or man. When you look at it like that, it becomes so much more simple but that would require you put truth and country over party.

I was all for Trump expressing his Constitutional right to challenge the voting results in various courts of law. It was his right to do so and it was my prerogative to wait to see what the courts would say. Some took that to mean that I wanted Trump to prevail no matter what. Not true, not even close to true and when the SC finally got around to making a decision, as flawded as I thought it was, I said "that's it, it's over, the fat lady has sung and the history will record that the SC saw no massive fraud, enough to reverse an election".

And I accept that. Don't like it because I thought the decision was flawed but it is what it is and if I'm going to come here and preach adherence to the law, I have no choice.

Just look to the law for your answer people. You may not like the result but without it, we are nothing but a mob who only wants the answer "we" want and the law simply doesn't matter.

Did Trump collude with Russia in interfere in the 2016 election? The evidence says no, he did not. Did Trump collude with those rioters on Jan. 6th? The FBI says "no, he did not

And now FINALLY, it looks like we might be getting somewhere with the Durham probe and right now, it looks like a co-ordinated Hillary Clinton campaign of dirty tricks that started the whole Trump investigation from literally nothing. The Clinton people make shit up, get their buddies in the media to continue to lie and all these people say "just look at the evidence, which of course they manufactured" and the media who did the bidding of Clinton and the Democrat party.

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Old 09-21-2021, 05:14 AM   #2
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I also remember when you stated that I posted lies and misinformation. I’m still awaiting you to point with some specificity to these lies. Still waiting.
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Old 09-21-2021, 05:16 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
I also remember when you stated that I posted lies and misinformation. I’m still awaiting you to point with some specificity to these lies. Still waiting.
How about your phony booster shot???

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Old 09-21-2021, 06:51 AM   #4
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HF - thank you - well written and reasoned!
1b1- the usual whataboutism,

your fiden and psucki Lie every day on your LSM that you deify - along with kow-tow to comrade Xi
Credibility, Facts, Reason, and Truth are not part of teh LSM or DPST lexicon - they much prefer their Xinn Lies/!
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Old 09-21-2021, 07:19 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
How about your phony booster shot???

Once again your ignorance is astounding. I got a third shot. Which is . . . guess what . . . a booster. Same ahot same dosage around six months after my second shot. Guess what that’s called - A Booster. Just because you lack the ability to comprehend doesn’t make it any less true.

Now back to HF, WHERE ARE THOSE LiES? Surely you wouldn’t just make baseless accusations.
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Old 09-21-2021, 07:23 AM   #6
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1b1 - go to Xinn - and watch teh lies they spout - and that you adopt as 'Gospel'
MLK Jr and malcolm X would be horrified by teh racism and Plantation mentality of teh marxist DPST party!
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Old 09-21-2021, 08:05 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Once again your ignorance is astounding. I got a third shot. Which is . . . guess what . . . a booster. Same ahot same dosage around six months after my second shot. Guess what that’s called - A Booster. Just because you lack the ability to comprehend doesn’t make it any less true.

Now back to HF, WHERE ARE THOSE LiES? Surely you wouldn’t just make baseless accusations.
5 Pinocchio’s !!!!!!
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Old 09-21-2021, 08:58 AM   #8
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Some are just blind to facts logic common sense , The only think they are capable of understanding is the gov LSM lies
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