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Old 09-13-2021, 10:03 PM   #31
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Man kids suck! I’m down for abortions up to 18 years old!
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Old 09-13-2021, 11:31 PM   #32
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Yes, the man needs to stick around and be a good father. A two parent household will fare better for things like child support, medical care, tax benefits, security and so on. I've been consistent on this as well.

Originally Posted by slap View Post
Man kids suck! I’m down for abortions up to 18 years old!

While I wouldn't abort (as in, murder) anyone. I am all for packing up every dumbass Biden voter and deporting them to Antarctica.
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Old 09-14-2021, 02:08 AM   #33
craze danz
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Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
...I am all for packing up every dumbass Biden voter and deporting them to Antarctica.
Those who vote for policy that differs from your political leanings should be thrown out of the country? Do you wish to place them in internment camps? How interesting..this is similar to when Trump said that 4 congress members, who expressed views he disagreed with, "should go back to their countries". The statement didn't make any sense(no surprise there), as they were all US citizens... they were already in their country...but the message from 45 was clear: My way or the highway. He wanted to be emperor.
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Old 09-14-2021, 10:23 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by craze danz View Post
Those who vote for policy that differs from your political leanings should be thrown out of the country? Do you wish to place them in internment camps? How interesting..this is similar to when Trump said that 4 congress members, who expressed views he disagreed with, "should go back to their countries". The statement didn't make any sense(no surprise there), as they were all US citizens... they were already in their country...but the message from 45 was clear: My way or the highway. He wanted to be emperor.
Yes. It’s thanks to Biden that inflation is through the roof, borders are out of control, we abandoned Americans and there is more division than ever before regarding Covid.

And there is a difference between suggesting someone leaves a country they hate VS kicking someone out for fucking up the country.

Biden is a fuck up. Everyone knows it
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Old 09-14-2021, 12:19 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Aoi View Post

Biden is a fuck up. Everyone knows it
Unless it's 2 scoops of butter pecan or an 11 year old girl, ole Joe isn't quite sure of much anymore.
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Old 09-14-2021, 01:16 PM   #36
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Or they can tell the difference between healthcare and propaganda. If you want to get to honesty and Fiorini...Roe v wade was all a lie that never happened...so there ya go.
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Old 09-14-2021, 10:44 PM   #37
craze danz
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Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
Yes. It’s thanks to Biden that inflation is through the roof, borders are out of control, we abandoned Americans and there is more division than ever before regarding Covid.

And there is a difference between suggesting someone leaves a country they hate VS kicking someone out for fucking up the country.

Biden is a fuck up. Everyone knows it
You don't understand what types of things can cause inflation, so you just default to blaming the guy who you didn't want to win in 2020. Biden wasn't on your team so it must be his fault... okay I see your insightful reasoning there.

Example of what can cause inflation: due to covid, during last year people didn't go out to restaurants, concerts, movies, trips to Australia, what have you, much, as compared with previous years. They put together a lot of saved up money as a result. As things opened back up this year and as most people felt it was pretty safe to go out and spend again(thanks to the 94% effective vaccines) there was a sudden explosion of spending. This kind of event causes inflation. Demand went up sharply. Add to that many businesses had in 2020 cut back on inventory, since economics were so uncertain. That made supply go down for this year - also inflationary. So the person in the White House should have super powers to stop these kinds of things happening? That's just naive.

A fan of 45 I know (cult member in other words)once told me that he believed 45 was responsible for oil prices being low. But early 2015 was the time period that oil prices first dropped way down from where they had been, then they stayed low for years. It happened because of OPEC nations making the decision to purposely flood the market. Supply of oil then became plentiful worldwide ... dropping prices..(supply and demand) and that continued for years as oil companies then were in a position where they had no choice but practically give the shit away. Whoever is in the White House cannot control the price per barrel.

So now you change your story on evicting citizens? Instead of forcibly throwing Democrat voters out, you're saying they will just leave of their own volition? And if they have different opinions than you then they must "hate" the country?

Trump is someone who predicted covid would magically disappear Easter 2020... how'd that work out? For facing a dangerous and very contagious virus we are far better off with a president who will actually face reality...go with science and reason(as the framers of the country would want) ..I don't know..that strikes me as better for some reason.

Division over vaccines and masks, etc have to do with anti-vaxers and those who believe Alex Jones, other nuts, and also can't accept the fact that Trump was so wrong about so many things.
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Old 09-17-2021, 07:45 AM   #38
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"blaming the guy who you didn't want to win in 2020"

By "winning" you mean "cheating his way in"...?
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Old 09-18-2021, 01:45 AM   #39
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By "winning" you mean "cheating his way in"...?
Something like cheating needs to be backed up with a little thing we call evidence. Hearing Trump declare that it happened, even 5 minutes after he realized he would not win during election night, does not present anything useful by itself. Allegations. Not going to get you far in court.

Collecting and counting ballots in 50 different states and all counties within - that's a whole lot of moving parts, wouldn't you agree? Trump basically claimed DURING election night that he was instantaneously able to see all of that and see solid evidence of widespread fraud(a cult leader never need show proof to his devoted followers). Rudy Looneyani also claimed to have this super power.
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Old 09-18-2021, 03:44 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by craze danz View Post
Something like cheating needs to be backed up with a little thing we call evidence. Hearing Trump declare that it happened, even 5 minutes after he realized he would not win during election night, does not present anything useful by itself. Allegations. Not going to get you far in court.

Collecting and counting ballots in 50 different states and all counties within - that's a whole lot of moving parts, wouldn't you agree? Trump basically claimed DURING election night that he was instantaneously able to see all of that and see solid evidence of widespread fraud(a cult leader never need show proof to his devoted followers). Rudy Looneyani also claimed to have this super power.
It amazes me how clueless his followers are lol, if he claims the sky is pink tomorrow they'll believe him and argue about it 😂, it's not about politics but incredible how stupid people are , dummies will fall for anything
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Old 09-20-2021, 06:31 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by The Queen Sophie View Post
"blaming the guy who you didn't want to win in 2020"

By "winning" you mean "cheating his way in"...?
Cheating 🤣🤣🤣
This page and the amount of conservative jokers and hookers just make me laugh every time …
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Old 09-21-2021, 06:39 PM   #42
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Remember our Gov in Texas also said he was going to eliminate Rapist in Texas. Yea,
then He woke up & the bed was wet!!!
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Old 09-22-2021, 06:27 AM   #43
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Looney tunes Liberals - or more accurately - marxist DPST minion/sheeples.

It amazes me how clueless fiden/nazi peolosi, /commmie schumer,/ Comrade Xi followers are lol, if they claims the sky is pink tomorrow they'll believe him and argue about it ��, it's not about politics but incredible how stupid people are , dummies will fall for anything

Those who wish to post Politics - are welcome in teh Politics forum!
Thank U!
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Old 09-23-2021, 06:12 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Financeman22 View Post
Remember our Gov in Texas also said he was going to eliminate Rapist in Texas. Yea,
then He woke up & the bed was wet!!!

Eff that cripple ... he needs to go away back to 1930 and stop trying to be the next trump trash .
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Old 09-23-2021, 11:41 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by craze danz View Post
You don't understand what types of things can cause inflation, so you just default to blaming the guy who you didn't want to win in 2020. Biden wasn't on your team so it must be his fault... okay I see your insightful reasoning there.

Example of what can cause inflation: due to covid, during last year people didn't go out to restaurants, concerts, movies, trips to Australia, what have you, much, as compared with previous years.
Know what else causes inflation? Regulations, shutting down the keystone, pork-filled bills (which, admittedly Trump shouldn't have signed on at all) in the guise of "covid relief" and unnecessary spending, such as entitlements. But even as this was going on, inflation hadn't hit for almost 15 months in.

And you're actually right. It isn't Biden's fault. Not entirely, even. Maybe if the Democrats and the media weren't injecting fear porn into everyone about covid and actually let the economy run, things wouldn't be so fucked up, per your scenario.

They put together a lot of saved up money as a result. As things opened back up this year and as most people felt it was pretty safe to go out and spend again(thanks to the 94% effective vaccines) there was a sudden explosion of spending. This kind of event causes inflation. Demand went up sharply. Add to that many businesses had in 2020 cut back on inventory, since economics were so uncertain. That made supply go down for this year - also inflationary. So the person in the White House should have super powers to stop these kinds of things happening? That's just naive.
You know what the person in the white house should be doing? Telling everyone to get back to work and stop passing relief bills that give chickenshits free unemployment benefits. So, yeah, he actually does have quite the hand to play in how fucked up things are.

A fan of 45 I know (cult member in other words)once told me that he believed 45 was responsible for oil prices being low. But early 2015 was the time period that oil prices first dropped way down from where they had been, then they stayed low for years. It happened because of OPEC nations making the decision to purposely flood the market. Supply of oil then became plentiful worldwide ... dropping prices..(supply and demand) and that continued for years as oil companies then were in a position where they had no choice but practically give the shit away. Whoever is in the White House cannot control the price per barrel.
I am also a Trump supporter, but he wasn't without his faults. He should have fired Fauci the moment that weasel started taking every possible position on every possible situation. He also should have forced states to stop with the outrageous mandates massively fucked the economy. Regarding oil prices, I have never mentioned that. Even during Obama's time, oil prices were precipitously dropping.

Speaking of OPEC, funny how Biden shut down the pipeline which allowed us to produce our own energy out of concern for the environment, but then turns around and begs OPEC for more oil. Or OK's Russia's pipeline. Hrm.

So now you change your story on evicting citizens? Instead of forcibly throwing Democrat voters out, you're saying they will just leave of their own volition?
No, I'm saying if Democrats hate America so much, they can just leave. Seriously, how many of these liberal shitheads are calling America the most racist nation in the world, how America is the root of all evil, how awful the capitalist economy is and so on? Why are they still here? When Trump won in 16, why did all of those ass holes like the women on the View, Hollywood, athletes, music artists and such who claimed they would leave the country not fucking leave? Seriously, if America is damn awful, get the fuck out. This point has absolutely nothing to do with eviction, which is also something Biden overplayed his hand on.

And if they have different opinions than you then they must "hate" the country?
I mean ,when I see signs that says "FUCK AMERICA" and so on, I don't know. Maybe, just maybe, they hate America.

Trump is someone who predicted covid would magically disappear Easter 2020... how'd that work out?
No, he didn't say that. He said it would be nice if it ended by Easter, as sort of a religious symbol of sorts. If you're going to quote someone, do it right. thanks.

For facing a dangerous and very contagious virus we are far better off with a president who will actually face reality...go with science and reason(as the framers of the country would want) ..I don't know..that strikes me as better for some reason.
Really? Because it was Trump who removed the red tape that allowed these scientists and people of reason to develop the vaccine. It was also Trump who got the cavalry ready for ingrate states like New York in the form of a literal battleship armed with beds and ventilators. It was Trump that shut down travel from China (you know, where the vaccine originated) but was called racist by Biden and the Democrats. It was Trump that told Americans things are going to be okay VS Biden who got somehow got an erection after dropping fear porn on everyone.

What has Biden done? Go on, tell me. The vaccine wasn't developed under his administration. In fact, it was him and Kamala that were doubtful of the vaccine in the first place and playing politics with the science!! That's the guy you want to say is "following the science" Fuck off!

Division over vaccines and masks, etc have to do with anti-vaxers and those who believe Alex Jones, other nuts, and also can't accept the fact that Trump was so wrong about so many things.
Alex Jones hasn't been a part of the conversation since he got deplatformed. Quit using such a pathetic denominator. You wanna know who is divisive over masking and vaccines? Fauci, the CDC, the Biden administration, literally everyone who says "You have to do this, but I don't."

When Fauci says take the vaccine, but wear a mask. Then never mind on the mask. Then, maybe mask twice. Meanwhile, he's seen not wearing a mask when the cameras aren't rolling. Oh, and maybe the schools should shut down. Oh wait. Keep it open. Trump rallies are super spreaders but suspiciously quiet on liberal protests like the Black thugs matter protests. How the CDC marching at the whims of the Teacher's Union regarding school openings.

If you're going to try playing the science card on me, you'd better fucking do better than Biden.

So far, your post hasn't shown me any reason why the Democrats aren't to blame for how shitty things are. I suggest you try again. Only, this time, maybe you should be less wrong.
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